5 research outputs found

    The Broadband Penetration in Europe

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    In this article we estimate the determinants of broadband penetration in Europe. We use data from the European Innovation Scoreboard of the European Commission for 37 countries in the period 2010-2019. We apply Panel Data with Fixed Effects, Panel Data with Random Effects, WLS, OLS and Dynamic Panel. We found that the level of “Broadband Penetration” in Europe is positively associated to “Enterprises Providing ICT Training”, “Innovative Sales Share”, “Intellectual Assets”, “Knowledge-Intensive Service Exports”, “Turnover Share SMEs”, “Innovation Friendly Environment” and negatively associated with “Government procurement of advanced technology products”, “Sales Impact”, “Firm Investments”, “Opportunity-Driven Entrepreneurship”, “Most Cited Publications”, “Rule of Law”. In adjunct we perform a clusterization with k-Means algorithm optimized with the Silhouette Coefficient and we find the presence of three different clusters. Finally, we apply eight machine learning algorithms to predict the level of “Broadband Penetration” in Europe and we find that the Polynomial Regression algorithm is the best predictor and that the level of the variable is expected to increase of 10,4%

    A Study of Telecommunication Policies and Broadband Penetration for Sweden and South Korea

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    Internet broadband technology is the next phase in internet evolution. The emergence of broadband brought many options to internet users. It is evident that in the future, broadband Internet may introduce a big difference in the lives of the public, industry, and the government. However, the diffusion of Broadband is clogged at the regulation crossroads between market, government, and consumer, especially with regard to allow third parties to be involved in building the broadband infrastructure. Controlling access to the development of broadband infrastructure may produce a monopolizing market and limiting the variety and quality of available services. The current study investigates the development of broadband and its penetration in South Korea (the highest country with the access to broadband services), and Sweden (the second highest rate of internet penetration among the OECD countries). The paper overviews the broadband markets in both countries, focusing on their government policies in promoting the technology used and the growth of the market. The paper argues about the challenges facing the market for developing broadband technology, such as increase in the demand and supply for higher speed broadband, increase in the traffic congestion as users spend more time using internet and more data are transferred between individual, software, and applications, etc. the paper finally derives a number of ICT policy objectives and classifies the two countries based on their market approach into: laissez faire (free markets) and markets led by the government’s national plan, with quantified objectives and the regulators instruments strategies to meet the mentioned objectives

    Exploring language contact and use among globally mobile populations: a qualitative study of English-speaking short-stay academic sojourners in the Republic of Korea

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    This study explores the language contact and use of English speaking sojourners in the Republic of Korea who had no prior knowledge of Korean language or culture prior to arriving in the country. The study focuses on the use of mobile technology assisted l anguage use. Study participants responded to an online survey about their experiences using the Korean language when interacting with Korean speakers, their free time activities, and the types of digital and mobile technologies they used. The survey respon ses informed questions for later discussion groups, in which participants discussed challenges and solutions when encountering new linguistic and social scenarios with Korean speakers. Semi structured interviews were employed to examine the linguistic, soc ial and technological dimensions of the study participants’ brief sojourn in Korea in more depth. The interviews revealed a link between language contact, language use and a mobile instant messaging application. In the second phase of the study, online surveys focused on the language and technology link discovered in the first phase. Throughout Phase Two , the researcher observed the study participants in a series of social contexts, such as informal English practice and university events. Phase Two concluded with semi structured interviews that demonstrated language contact and use within mobile instant messaging chat rooms on participants’ handheld smart devices. The two phases revealed three key factors influencing the language contact and use between the study participants and Korean speakers. Firstly, a mutual perspicacity for mobile technologies and digital communication supported their mediated, screen to screen and blended direct and mediated face to screen interactions. Secondly, Korea’s advanced digital environment comprised handheld smart devices, smart device applications and ubiquitous, high speed Wi Fi their Korean speaking hosts to self reliance. Thirdly, language use between the study participants and Korean speakers incorporated a range of sociolinguistic resources including the exchange of symbols, small expressive images, photographs, video and audio recordings along with or in place of typed text. Using these resources also helped the study participants learn and take part in social and cultural practices, such as gifting digitally, within mobile instant messaging chat rooms. The findings of the study are drawn together in a new conceptual model which h as been called sociolinguistic digital acuity , highlighting the optimal conditions for language contact and use during a brief sojourn in a country with an unfamiliar language and culture

    Developing Cloud Computing Infrastructures in Developing Countries in Asia

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    Developing Cloud Computing Infrastructures in Developing Countries in Asia by Daryoush Charmsaz Moghaddam MS, Sharif University, 2005 BS, Civil Aviation Higher Education Complex, 1985 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Information Technology Walden University March 202