7,942 research outputs found

    Circuits And Methods For Artifact Elimination

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    Disclosed are apparatus and methods that provide the ability to electrical stimulate a physical system, and actively eliminate interference with signal acquisition (artifacts) that arises from the stimulation. The technique implemented in the circuits and methods for eliminating interference connects a discharge path to a physical interface to the system to remove charge that is built-up during stimulation. By placing the discharge path in a feedback loop that includes a recording preamplifier and AC-coupling circuitry, the physical interface is brought back to its pre-stimulation offset voltage. The disclosed apparatus and methods may be used with piezoelectric transducers, ultrasound devices, optical diodes, and polarizable and non-polarizable electrodes. The disclosed apparatus can be employed in implantable devices, in vitro or in vivo setups with vertebrate and invertebrate neural tissue, muscle fibers, pancreatic islet cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, bacteria, algae, fungi, protists, and plants.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Deep convolutional neural networks for segmenting 3D in vivo multiphoton images of vasculature in Alzheimer disease mouse models

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    The health and function of tissue rely on its vasculature network to provide reliable blood perfusion. Volumetric imaging approaches, such as multiphoton microscopy, are able to generate detailed 3D images of blood vessels that could contribute to our understanding of the role of vascular structure in normal physiology and in disease mechanisms. The segmentation of vessels, a core image analysis problem, is a bottleneck that has prevented the systematic comparison of 3D vascular architecture across experimental populations. We explored the use of convolutional neural networks to segment 3D vessels within volumetric in vivo images acquired by multiphoton microscopy. We evaluated different network architectures and machine learning techniques in the context of this segmentation problem. We show that our optimized convolutional neural network architecture, which we call DeepVess, yielded a segmentation accuracy that was better than both the current state-of-the-art and a trained human annotator, while also being orders of magnitude faster. To explore the effects of aging and Alzheimer's disease on capillaries, we applied DeepVess to 3D images of cortical blood vessels in young and old mouse models of Alzheimer's disease and wild type littermates. We found little difference in the distribution of capillary diameter or tortuosity between these groups, but did note a decrease in the number of longer capillary segments (>75ÎŒm>75\mu m) in aged animals as compared to young, in both wild type and Alzheimer's disease mouse models.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Improving utility of brain tumor confocal laser endomicroscopy: objective value assessment and diagnostic frame detection with convolutional neural networks

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    Confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE), although capable of obtaining images at cellular resolution during surgery of brain tumors in real time, creates as many non-diagnostic as diagnostic images. Non-useful images are often distorted due to relative motion between probe and brain or blood artifacts. Many images, however, simply lack diagnostic features immediately informative to the physician. Examining all the hundreds or thousands of images from a single case to discriminate diagnostic images from nondiagnostic ones can be tedious. Providing a real-time diagnostic value assessment of images (fast enough to be used during the surgical acquisition process and accurate enough for the pathologist to rely on) to automatically detect diagnostic frames would streamline the analysis of images and filter useful images for the pathologist/surgeon. We sought to automatically classify images as diagnostic or non-diagnostic. AlexNet, a deep-learning architecture, was used in a 4-fold cross validation manner. Our dataset includes 16,795 images (8572 nondiagnostic and 8223 diagnostic) from 74 CLE-aided brain tumor surgery patients. The ground truth for all the images is provided by the pathologist. Average model accuracy on test data was 91% overall (90.79 % accuracy, 90.94 % sensitivity and 90.87 % specificity). To evaluate the model reliability we also performed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis yielding 0.958 average for the area under ROC curve (AUC). These results demonstrate that a deeply trained AlexNet network can achieve a model that reliably and quickly recognizes diagnostic CLE images.Comment: SPIE Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 201

    Temporal structure in spiking patterns of ganglion cells defines perceptual thresholds in rodents with subretinal prosthesis.

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    Subretinal prostheses are designed to restore sight in patients blinded by retinal degeneration using electrical stimulation of the inner retinal neurons. To relate retinal output to perception, we studied behavioral thresholds in blind rats with photovoltaic subretinal prostheses stimulated by full-field pulsed illumination at 20 Hz, and measured retinal ganglion cell (RGC) responses to similar stimuli ex-vivo. Behaviorally, rats exhibited startling response to changes in brightness, with an average contrast threshold of 12%, which could not be explained by changes in the average RGC spiking rate. However, RGCs exhibited millisecond-scale variations in spike timing, even when the average rate did not change significantly. At 12% temporal contrast, changes in firing patterns of prosthetic response were as significant as with 2.3% contrast steps in visible light stimulation of healthy retinas. This suggests that millisecond-scale changes in spiking patterns define perceptual thresholds of prosthetic vision. Response to the last pulse in the stimulation burst lasted longer than the steady-state response during the burst. This may be interpreted as an excitatory OFF response to prosthetic stimulation, and can explain behavioral response to decrease in illumination. Contrast enhancement of images prior to delivery to subretinal prosthesis can partially compensate for reduced contrast sensitivity of prosthetic vision

    Bidirectional Neural Interface Circuits with On-Chip Stimulation Artifact Reduction Schemes

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    Bidirectional neural interfaces are tools designed to “communicate” with the brain via recording and modulation of neuronal activity. The bidirectional interface systems have been adopted for many applications. Neuroscientists employ them to map neuronal circuits through precise stimulation and recording. Medical doctors deploy them as adaptable medical devices which control therapeutic stimulation parameters based on monitoring real-time neural activity. Brain-machine-interface (BMI) researchers use neural interfaces to bypass the nervous system and directly control neuroprosthetics or brain-computer-interface (BCI) spellers. In bidirectional interfaces, the implantable transducers as well as the corresponding electronic circuits and systems face several challenges. A high channel count, low power consumption, and reduced system size are desirable for potential chronic deployment and wider applicability. Moreover, a neural interface designed for robust closed-loop operation requires the mitigation of stimulation artifacts which corrupt the recorded signals. This dissertation introduces several techniques targeting low power consumption, small size, and reduction of stimulation artifacts. These techniques are implemented for extracellular electrophysiological recording and two stimulation modalities: direct current stimulation for closed-loop control of seizure detection/quench and optical stimulation for optogenetic studies. While the two modalities differ in their mechanisms, hardware implementation, and applications, they share many crucial system-level challenges. The first method aims at solving the critical issue of stimulation artifacts saturating the preamplifier in the recording front-end. To prevent saturation, a novel mixed-signal stimulation artifact cancellation circuit is devised to subtract the artifact before amplification and maintain the standard input range of a power-hungry preamplifier. Additional novel techniques have been also implemented to lower the noise and power consumption. A common average referencing (CAR) front-end circuit eliminates the cross-channel common mode noise by averaging and subtracting it in analog domain. A range-adapting SAR ADC saves additional power by eliminating unnecessary conversion cycles when the input signal is small. Measurements of an integrated circuit (IC) prototype demonstrate the attenuation of stimulation artifacts by up to 42 dB and cross-channel noise suppression by up to 39.8 dB. The power consumption per channel is maintained at 330 nW, while the area per channel is only 0.17 mm2. The second system implements a compact headstage for closed-loop optogenetic stimulation and electrophysiological recording. This design targets a miniaturized form factor, high channel count, and high-precision stimulation control suitable for rodent in-vivo optogenetic studies. Monolithically integrated optoelectrodes (which include 12 ”LEDs for optical stimulation and 12 electrical recording sites) are combined with an off-the-shelf recording IC and a custom-designed high-precision LED driver. 32 recording and 12 stimulation channels can be individually accessed and controlled on a small headstage with dimensions of 2.16 x 2.38 x 0.35 cm and mass of 1.9 g. A third system prototype improves the optogenetic headstage prototype by furthering system integration and improving power efficiency facilitating wireless operation. The custom application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) combines recording and stimulation channels with a power management unit, allowing the system to be powered by an ultra-light Li-ion battery. Additionally, the ”LED drivers include a high-resolution arbitrary waveform generation mode for shaping of ”LED current pulses to preemptively reduce artifacts. A prototype IC occupies 7.66 mm2, consumes 3.04 mW under typical operating conditions, and the optical pulse shaping scheme can attenuate stimulation artifacts by up to 3x with a Gaussian-rise pulse rise time under 1 ms.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147674/1/mendrela_1.pd
