6 research outputs found

    Analysis and approximation of some Shape-from-Shading models for non-Lambertian surfaces

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    The reconstruction of a 3D object or a scene is a classical inverse problem in Computer Vision. In the case of a single image this is called the Shape-from-Shading (SfS) problem and it is known to be ill-posed even in a simplified version like the vertical light source case. A huge number of works deals with the orthographic SfS problem based on the Lambertian reflectance model, the most common and simplest model which leads to an eikonal type equation when the light source is on the vertical axis. In this paper we want to study non-Lambertian models since they are more realistic and suitable whenever one has to deal with different kind of surfaces, rough or specular. We will present a unified mathematical formulation of some popular orthographic non-Lambertian models, considering vertical and oblique light directions as well as different viewer positions. These models lead to more complex stationary nonlinear partial differential equations of Hamilton-Jacobi type which can be regarded as the generalization of the classical eikonal equation corresponding to the Lambertian case. However, all the equations corresponding to the models considered here (Oren-Nayar and Phong) have a similar structure so we can look for weak solutions to this class in the viscosity solution framework. Via this unified approach, we are able to develop a semi-Lagrangian approximation scheme for the Oren-Nayar and the Phong model and to prove a general convergence result. Numerical simulations on synthetic and real images will illustrate the effectiveness of this approach and the main features of the scheme, also comparing the results with previous results in the literature.Comment: Accepted version to Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 57 page

    A unified approach to the well-posedness of some non-Lambertian models in Shape-from-Shading theory

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    In this paper we show that the introduction of an attenuation factor in the %image irradiance brightness equations relative to various perspective Shape from Shading models allows to make the corresponding differential problems well-posed. We propose a unified approach based on the theory of viscosity solution and we show that the brightness equations with the attenuation term admit a unique viscosity solution. We also discuss in detail the possible boundary conditions that we can use for the Hamilton-Jacobi equations associated to these models

    On the well-posedness of uncalibrated photometric stereo under general lighting

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    Uncalibrated photometric stereo aims at estimating the 3D-shape of a surface, given a set of images captured from the same viewing angle, but under unknown, varying illumination. While the theoretical foundations of this inverse problem under directional lighting are well-established, there is a lack of mathematical evidence for the uniqueness of a solution under general lighting. On the other hand, stable and accurate heuristical solutions of uncalibrated photometric stereo under such general lighting have recently been proposed. The quality of the results demonstrated therein tends to indicate that the problem may actually be well-posed, but this still has to be established. The present paper addresses this theoretical issue, considering first-order spherical harmonics approximation of general lighting. Two important theoretical results are established. First, the orthographic integrability constraint ensures uniqueness of a solution up to a global concave-convex ambiguity , which had already been conjectured, yet not proven. Second, the perspective integrability constraint makes the problem well-posed, which generalizes a previous result limited to directional lighting. Eventually, a closed-form expression for the unique least-squares solution of the problem under perspective projection is provided , allowing numerical simulations on synthetic data to empirically validate our findings

    Adaptive filtered schemes for first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations and applications

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    The accurate numerical solution of Hamilton-Jacobi equations is a challenging topic of growing importance in many fields of application but due to the lack of regularity of viscosity solutions the construction of high-order methods can be rather difficult. We consider a class of “filtered” schemes for first order time-dependent Hamilton-Jacobi equations. These schemes, already proposed in the literature, are based on a mixture of a high-order (possibly unstable) scheme and a monotone scheme, according to a filter function F and a coupling parameter epsilon. This construction allows to have a scheme which is high-order accurate where the solution is smooth and is monotone otherwise. This feature is crucial to prove that the scheme converges to the unique viscosity solutions. In this thesis we present an improvement of the classical filtered scheme, introducing an adaptive and automatic choice of the parameter epsilon at every iteration. To this end, we use a smoothness indicator in order to select the regions where we can compute the regularity threshold epsilon. Our smoothness indicator is based on some ideas developed for the construction of the WENO schemes, but other indicators with similar properties can be used. We present a convergence result and error estimates for the new scheme, the proofs are based on the properties of the scheme and of the indicators. All the constructions are extended to the multidimensional case, with main focus on the definition of new 2D-smoothness indicators, devised for functions with discontinuous gradient. A large number of numerical example are presented and critically discussed, confirming the reliability of the proposed smoothness indicators and the efficiency of the adaptive filtered scheme in many situations, improving previous results in the literature. Finally, we applied the constructed scheme to the problem of image segmentation via the level-set method, proposing also a simple and efficient modification of the classical model in order to improve the stability of the results. A series of numerical tests on synthetic and real images are presented and deeply commented

    PDE-based vs. variational methods for perspective shape from shading

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