4,273 research outputs found

    Analysis and Simulation of Theme Park Queuing System

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    [[abstract]]It has been an important issue to improve customers’ satisfaction in theme parks for which become a major role of recreation in our daily life. Waiting for rides has been identified as a factor decreasing satisfaction. A previous study indicated that a virtual queuing system can reduce the total waiting time so the customer’s satisfaction is improved. The results from a simulation tool Arena show that an index Satisfaction Value (SV) increases when the queuing system is introduced. In this study, a more complex scenario of theme park queuing system (TPQS) is first designed, followed by comparison of a number of combinations of the rides with various waiting time and distribution factors. Analysis is also carried out.[[sponsorship]]早稻田大學; 高雄應用科技大學[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20140827[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]北九州市, 日

    Appointments for Care Pathway Patients

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    Prediction of queue waiting times

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    La teoria de cues és una branca de les matemàtiques que estudia, analitza i prediu el comportament de les cues mitjançant models de cues. Tot i que els models de cues es van originar a principis dels anys 1900, no s'utilitzen àmpliament en els temps moderns. Aquest projecte utilitza distribucions de Poisson i exponencials juntament amb altres tècniques de probabilitat per implementar un model de cues que pugui predir el comportament de les cues i estimar els temps d'espera i la seva longitud. El projecte també inclou la generació de gràfiques per representar i analitzar les dades. Les dades de sortida s'exporten i es pengen a un panell interactiu per proporcionar visualitzacions i obtenir informació crucial. A més, s'integra una alarma al panell perquè s'activi quan les cues superin un límit prèviament definit. Finalment, es proposa a l'administració del parc diferents alternatives a l'actual estratègia de cues per tal de reduir els temps d'espera o trobar altres maneres de millorar la satisfacció dels visitants.La teoría de colas es una rama de las matemáticas que estudia, analiza y predice el comportamiento de las colas mediante modelos de colas. Aunque los modelos de colas se originaron a principios de los años 1900, no se utilizan ampliamente en tiempos modernos. Este proyecto utiliza distribuciones de Poisson y exponenciales junto con otras técnicas de probabilidad para implementar un modelo de colas que pueda predecir el comportamiento de las colas y estimar los tiempos de espera y su longitud. El proyecto incluye también la generación de gráficas para representar y analizar los datos. Los datos de salida se exportan y cuelgan a un panel interactivo para proporcionar visualizaciones y obtener información crucial. Además, se integra una alarma en el panel para que se active cuando las colas superen un límite previamente definido. Por último, se propone a la administración del parque diferentes alternativas a la actual estrategia de colas para reducir los tiempos de espera o encontrar otras formas de mejorar la satisfacción de los visitantes.Queuing theory is a branch of mathematics that studies, analyzes, and predicts the behavior of queues using queuing models. Even though queuing models originated in the early 1900s, they are not widely used in modern times. This project uses Poisson and exponential distributions together with other probability techniques to implement a queuing model that can predict the behavior of queues and estimate the expected customer waiting times and their lengths. The project also involves the generation of plots for representing and analyzing the data. The output data is then exported and uploaded to a dashboard in order to provide visualizations and get crucial insights. Furthermore, an alarm is integrated into the dashboard so it sets off when the queues exceed a previously defined limit. Finally, different alternatives to the current queuing strategy are proposed to the park's management in order to reduce the waiting times or find other ways to enhance visitor satisfaction

    Disneys Virtual Queues: A Strategic Opportunity To Co-Brand Services?

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    Almost all service experiences require customers to wait in a queue at some point during the service encounter. Although waiting is a natural part of many services, for most customers, waiting is an annoyance. One of the most recent and innovative ways of making the wait invisible is through the application of virtual queues. Disney is a leader in this queuing advancement which allows customers to participate in other activities while they wait for an appointed time at their desired activity. In the past, queuing systems were modeled and studied as a means to minimize the negative aspects of service waits. However, in today’s service environment, technology has provided businesses with the ability to create captured audiences through virtual queues. In fact, a powerful opportunity now exists for service firms to strategically co-brand products. In our work, we first explore queuing in the services industry. We then investigate Disney’s queuing advancement – FASTPASSTM. Strategies for co-branding services are discussed as opportunities to increase sales volumes and profit margins.

    Industry 4.0 in the Theme Park Sector: Design of a RealTime Monitoring System for Queue Management

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    The theme park industry is a consolidated sector where different industrial technologies and management procedures are present. However, the Industry 4.0 paradigm aims at disrupting how industrial processes are conceived. In this thesis, we perform a thorough investigation of key relevant features of theme parks and how industry 4.0 could be applied within the theme park sector. Our methodology is as follows. First, we analyse the technology used in the most innovative attractions. Afterwards, we focus on the most recurrent problem within the sector: queue management at attractions. As part of the solution, a system is designed to allow real-time monitoring of waiting times through an IoT infrastructure. Radio Fre- quency Identification and Bluetooth Low Energy are the chosen technologies for people counting. They allow users to be located in the park in addition to counting. This system gives precise waiting times estimates, and park managers can obtain precious data about user behaviour and preferences. Finally, we develop a proof of concept to test the designed solution and detail the benefits of applying industry 4.0 to the theme park sector.Máster en Industria Conectada 4.

    Factors influencing experience in crowds – the participant perspective

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    Humans encounter crowd situations on a daily basis, resulting in both negative and positive experiences. Understanding how to optimise the participant experience of crowds is important. In the study presented in this paper, 5 focus groups were conducted (35 participants, age range: 21–71 years) and 55 crowd situations observed (e.g. transport hubs, sport events, retail situations). Influences on participant experience in crowds identified by the focus groups and observations included: physical design of crowd space and facilities (layout, queuing strategies), crowd movement (monitoring capacity, pedestrian flow), communication and information (signage, wayfinding), comfort and welfare (provision of facilities, environmental comfort), and public order. It was found that important aspects affecting participant experience are often not considered systematically in the planning of events or crowd situations. The findings point to human factors aspects of crowds being overlooked, with the experiences of participants often poor

    Theme park experience: Factors explaining amount of pleasure from a theme park visit, time allocation for theme park activities, perceived value, queuing quality, satisfaction, and loyalty

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    A considerable amount of literature describes concepts that predict theme park visitor behavior. Although previous studies made an effort to measure the impact of several variables on theme park visitors’ loyalty, there is a lack of empirical attention on the impact of some consumption variables such as previous experience, perceived queuing quality, waiting time, using of virtual queuing, and the role of anticipating and remembering the visit. The current study introduces several new experience concepts that were not previously discussed in the literature: the amount of pleasure from anticipation, visiting, and remembering the experience, and time allocation for waiting in lines, amusement activities, and food consumption. Factors that explain these variables, as well as factors that explain perceived value, queuing quality, satisfaction, and loyalty were investigated through survey data from a cross-sectional study. The results demonstrate that previous theme park experience has significant influence on customer loyalty, and explains the amount of pleasure visitors receive from anticipation, remembering, and the actual visiting experience. Another important finding is related to the role of virtual queuing, which has relationships with perceived value, perceived waiting time, perceived queuing quality, satisfaction, loyalty, as well as the amount of pleasure from anticipation, visiting, and remembering the theme park visit. Theoretical and managerial implications and future research directions are discussed

    Choose Your Own Adventure: A Comparative Analysis of Storytelling Elements in Selected Immersive Experience Attractions

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    Stories are powerful tools used to both connect and communicate through a multitude of mediums. Movies, marketing campaigns, and experience design in theme parks are modern examples of storytelling, using various practices to bring the narrative to life. The purpose of this study was to analyze the manipulation of storytelling elements to create and build an immersive adventure experience in selected theme park attractions. A comparative analysis was conducted on theIndiana Jones Adventure and the Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance rides at Disneyland using an instrument that analyzed both experience design and storytelling practices. Findings concluded that the practices used were effective and were also customized to better fit the narrative of each ride. Recommendations include using a combination of experience design techniques and storytelling elements to involve guests in the adventure. Further implications are analyzed based on the prevalence and implementation of this story structure throughout history