3,019 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Analog Joint Source-Channel Coding Systems for Multiple Access Channels

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    © 2015 IEEE. This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2427164[Abstract]: We address the evaluation of low-complexity analog Joint Source Channel Coding (JSCC) methods for the transmission of discrete-time analog symbols over Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Multiple Access Channels (MAC). Analog JSCC is employed to encode the source information at each transmitter prior to be directly input to the MAC access scheme. Three channel access methods are considered to ensure the receiver is able to recover the user information: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), linear MMSE access codes and opportunistic access. CDMA allows the orthogonal transmission of the user data requiring only Channel State Information (CSI) at reception. On the other hand, linear MMSE access codes exploit CSI knowledge at transmission and exhibit better performance. Finally, opportunistic access also exploits CSI at transmission and allocates all MAC resources to the user with the strongest channel. This latter access scheme exhibits the best performance in terms of sum distortion although it may lead to unfair rate distributions among users.This work has been funded by Xunta de Galicia, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain, and FEDER funds of the European Union under grants 2012/287, TEC2010-19545-C04-01, CSD2008-00010 and TEC2013-47141-C4-1-R. This work has also been supported in part by NSF Award CIF- 0915800 and by the Air Force Research Laboratory under agreement number FA9550-12-1-0086.Xunta de Galicia; CN 2012/287United States. National Science Foundation; CIF- 0915800United States. Air Force Research Laboratory; FA9550-12-1-008

    Signal-Aligned Network Coding in K-User MIMO Interference Channels with Limited Receiver Cooperation

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    In this paper, we propose a signal-aligned network coding (SNC) scheme for K-user time-varying multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interference channels with limited receiver cooperation. We assume that the receivers are connected to a central processor via wired cooperation links with individual limited capacities. Our SNC scheme determines the precoding matrices of the transmitters so that the transmitted signals are aligned at each receiver. The aligned signals are then decoded into noiseless integer combinations of messages, also known as network-coded messages, by physical-layer network coding. The key idea of our scheme is to ensure that independent integer combinations of messages can be decoded at the receivers. Hence the central processor can recover the original messages of the transmitters by solving the linearly independent equations. We prove that our SNC scheme achieves full degrees of freedom (DoF) by utilizing signal alignment and physical-layer network coding. Simulation results show that our SNC scheme outperforms the compute-and-forward scheme in the finite SNR regime of the two-user and the three-user cases. The performance improvement of our SNC scheme mainly comes from efficient utilization of the signal subspaces for conveying independent linear equations of messages to the central processor.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Integer-Forcing Source Coding

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    Integer-Forcing (IF) is a new framework, based on compute-and-forward, for decoding multiple integer linear combinations from the output of a Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output channel. This work applies the IF approach to arrive at a new low-complexity scheme, IF source coding, for distributed lossy compression of correlated Gaussian sources under a minimum mean squared error distortion measure. All encoders use the same nested lattice codebook. Each encoder quantizes its observation using the fine lattice as a quantizer and reduces the result modulo the coarse lattice, which plays the role of binning. Rather than directly recovering the individual quantized signals, the decoder first recovers a full-rank set of judiciously chosen integer linear combinations of the quantized signals, and then inverts it. In general, the linear combinations have smaller average powers than the original signals. This allows to increase the density of the coarse lattice, which in turn translates to smaller compression rates. We also propose and analyze a one-shot version of IF source coding, that is simple enough to potentially lead to a new design principle for analog-to-digital converters that can exploit spatial correlations between the sampled signals.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Distortion Exponent in MIMO Fading Channels with Time-Varying Source Side Information

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    Transmission of a Gaussian source over a time-varying multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel is studied under strict delay constraints. Availability of a correlated side information at the receiver is assumed, whose quality, i.e., correlation with the source signal, also varies over time. A block-fading model is considered for the states of the time-varying channel and the time-varying side information; and perfect state information at the receiver is assumed, while the transmitter knows only the statistics. The high SNR performance, characterized by the \textit{distortion exponent}, is studied for this joint source-channel coding problem. An upper bound is derived and compared with lowers based on list decoding, hybrid digital-analog transmission, as well as multi-layer schemes which transmit successive refinements of the source, relying on progressive and superposed transmission with list decoding. The optimal distortion exponent is characterized for the single-input multiple-output (SIMO) and multiple-input single-output (MISO) scenarios by showing that the distortion exponent achieved by multi-layer superpositon encoding with joint decoding meets the proposed upper bound. In the MIMO scenario, the optimal distortion exponent is characterized in the low bandwidth ratio regime, and it is shown that the multi-layer superposition encoding performs very close to the upper bound in the high bandwidth expansion regime.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Piggybacking Codes for Network Coding: The High/Low SNR Regime

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    We propose a piggybacking scheme for network coding where strong source inputs piggyback the weaker ones, a scheme necessary and sufficient to achieve the cut-set upper bound at high/low-snr regime, a new asymptotically optimal operational regime for the multihop Amplify and Forward (AF) networks

    Principles of Physical Layer Security in Multiuser Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical-layer security is to enable the exchange of confidential messages over a wireless medium in the presence of unauthorized eavesdroppers without relying on higher-layer encryption. This can be achieved primarily in two ways: without the need for a secret key by intelligently designing transmit coding strategies, or by exploiting the wireless communication medium to develop secret keys over public channels. The survey begins with an overview of the foundations dating back to the pioneering work of Shannon and Wyner on information-theoretic security. We then describe the evolution of secure transmission strategies from point-to-point channels to multiple-antenna systems, followed by generalizations to multiuser broadcast, multiple-access, interference, and relay networks. Secret-key generation and establishment protocols based on physical layer mechanisms are subsequently covered. Approaches for secrecy based on channel coding design are then examined, along with a description of inter-disciplinary approaches based on game theory and stochastic geometry. The associated problem of physical-layer message authentication is also introduced briefly. The survey concludes with observations on potential research directions in this area.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, 303 refs. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1303.1609 by other authors. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 201

    Physical Layer Service Integration in 5G: Potentials and Challenges

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    High transmission rate and secure communication have been identified as the key targets that need to be effectively addressed by fifth generation (5G) wireless systems. In this context, the concept of physical-layer security becomes attractive, as it can establish perfect security using only the characteristics of wireless medium. Nonetheless, to further increase the spectral efficiency, an emerging concept, termed physical-layer service integration (PHY-SI), has been recognized as an effective means. Its basic idea is to combine multiple coexisting services, i.e., multicast/broadcast service and confidential service, into one integral service for one-time transmission at the transmitter side. This article first provides a tutorial on typical PHY-SI models. Furthermore, we propose some state-of-the-art solutions to improve the overall performance of PHY-SI in certain important communication scenarios. In particular, we highlight the extension of several concepts borrowed from conventional single-service communications, such as artificial noise (AN), eigenmode transmission etc., to the scenario of PHY-SI. These techniques are shown to be effective in the design of reliable and robust PHY-SI schemes. Finally, several potential research directions are identified for future work.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure