194 research outputs found

    Analog Network Coding for Multi-User Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems

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    This work presents another look at an analog network coding scheme for multi-user spread-spectrum communication systems. Our proposed system combines coding and cooperation between a relay and users to boost the throughput and to exploit interference. To this end, each pair of users, A\mathcal{A} and B\mathcal{B}, that communicate with each other via a relay R\mathcal{R} shares the same spreading code. The relay has two roles, it synchronizes network transmissions and it broadcasts the combined signals received from users. From user B\mathcal{B}'s point of view, the signal is decoded, and then, the data transmitted by user A\mathcal{A} is recovered by subtracting user B\mathcal{B}'s own data. We derive the analytical performance of this system for an additive white Gaussian noise channel with the presence of multi-user interference, and we confirm its accuracy by simulation.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear at IEEE WCNC'1

    Physical Layer Security using Time-Reversal Pre-Coding based OFDM-DCSK Communication System with Artificial Noise Injection

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    In this paper, Time-Reversal (TR) pre-coding with Artificial Noise (AN) injection is proposed to enhance the physical layer security (PLS) performance in orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing-Differential Chaos Shift Keying (OFDM-DCSK) system, which is named the TRAN-OFDM-DCSK system. This approach is provided to achieve high data rates, high PL data security, and high reliability performance. The AN signal does not spoil the transmitted data to the genuine receiver, but it reduces the ungenuine detection performance. This system ensures the secrecy of communication to the genuine receiver when the sender knows the Channel State Information (CSI) of the genuine communication link. Still, the information about the instantaneous CSI of a possible eavesdropper does not know the transmitter. The performance of the proposed TRAN-OFDM-DCSK system is investigated and tested under a Flat Rayleigh Fading Channel (FRFC). An approach is provided for calculating the performance of Bit Error Rate (BER), and the expression of BER analytical is derived and compared with the simulation version. Furthermore, the ergodic Secrecy Rate (SR) is derived and analyzed at the genuine and ungenuine receivers over the FRFC. Our result shows the best performance for the genuine receiver compared with ungenuine receiver regarding secrecy performance for BER and SR

    Design and Performance Analysis of a Novel Trellis-Coded Differential Chaotic Modulation System

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    本文提出了一种新型的编码调制技术——网格编码差分混沌调制技术(TC-DCM:Trellis-CodedDifferentialChaoticModulation),其主要的思想是将网格编码调制技术(TCM:Trellis-CodedModulation)和以混沌信号为载波的多元差分混沌移位键控调制技术(M-DCSK:M-aryDifferentialChaoticShiftKeying)相结合。由于混沌信号具有类噪声的内在的扩频特性,在调制的同时直接对信号进行扩频,利用其良好的相关特性和连续带宽的功率谱特性,该系统具有较好的抗多径干扰的能力,弥补了传统的网格编码调制系统在这方面的不足。此外,由...In this paper, a novel coded modulation scheme named Trellis-Coded Differential Chaotic Modulation (TC-DCM) is proposed, which combines trellis codes with M-ary Differential Chaotic Shift Keying (M-DCSK). The new scheme not only reduces the multipath interference efficiently due to its inherent spreading property, but also avoids the use of Channel State Information (CSI), making the corresponding...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_通信与信息系统学号:2332014115322


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    Recently, LDPC code have become very important research area in wireless communication due to its ability to increase the capacity in a wireless fading environment, with low implementation complexity. In this paper, LDPC are combined with Multi User OFDM Orthogonal Chaotic Vector Shift Keying (MU-OFDM-OCVSK) communication system to improve the BER performance over multi-path Rayleigh fading channels. Two types of LDPC decoder are introduced that are Log-Domain and Min-Sum decoder. The system is simulated using MATLAB program version 2019a for different scenarios which include different number of iterations, different block lengths, different number of users and different number of spreading factor. The results show that a coding gain in a range of (4.5 – 7) dB is achieved between the coded and uncoded MU-OFDM-OCVSK system. The results also show that the Min-Sum decoder outperform the Log-Domain decoder in all scenarios.

    Techniques in secure chaos communication

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    In today's climate of increased criminal attacks on the privacy of personal or confidential data over digital communication systems, a more secure physical communication link is required. Chaotic signals which have bifurcation behavior (depending on some initial condition) can readily be exploited to enhance the security of communication systems. A chaotic generator produces disordered sequences that provide very good auto- and cross- correlation properties similar to those of random white noise. This would be an important feature in multiple access environments. These sequences are used to scramble data in spread spectrum systems as they can produce low co-channel interference, hence improve the system capacity and performance. The chaotic signal can be created from only a single mathematical relationship and is neither restricted in length nor is repetitive/ cyclic. On the other hand, with the progress in digital signal processing and digital hardware, there has been an increased interest in using adaptive algorithms to improve the performance of digital systems. Adaptive algorithms provide the system with the ability to self-adjust its coefficients according to the signal condition, and can be used with linear or non-linear systems; hence, they might find application in chaos communication. There has been a lot of literature that proposed the use of LMS adaptive algorithm in the communication arena for a variety of applications such as (but not limited to): channel estimation, channel equalization, demodulation, de-noising, and beamforming. In this thesis, we conducted a study on the application of chaos theory in communication systems as well as the application of adaptive algorithms in chaos communication. The First Part of the thesis tackled the application of chaos theory in com- munication. We examined different types of communication techniques utilizing chaos theory. In particular, we considered chaos shift keying (CSK) and mod- ified kind of logistic map. Then, we applied space-time processing and eigen- beamforming technique to enhance the performance of chaos communication. Following on, we conducted a study on CSK and Chaos-CDMA in conjunction with multi-carrier modulation (MCM) techniques such as OFDM (FFT/ IFFT) and wavelet-OFDM. In the Second Part of the thesis, we tried to apply adaptivity to chaos com- munication. Initially, we presented a study of multi-user detection utilizing an adaptive algorithm in a chaotic CDMA multi-user environment, followed by a study of adaptive beamforming and modified weight-vector adaptive beam- forming over CSK communication. At last, a study of modified time-varying adaptive filtering is presented and a conventional adaptive filtering technique is applied in chaotic signal environment. Twelve papers have been published during the PhD candidature, include two journal papers and ten refereed conference papers

    Security performance and protocol consideration in optical communication system with optical layer security enabled by optical coding techniques

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    With the fast development of communication systems, network security issues have more and more impact on daily life. It is essential to construct a high degree of optical layer security to resolve the security problem once and for all. Three different techniques which can provide optical layer security are introduced and compared. Optical chaos can be used for fast random number generation. Quantum cryptography is the most promising technique for key distribution. And the optical coding techniques can be deployed to encrypt the modulated signal in the optical layer. A mathematical equation has been derived from information theory to evaluate the information-theoretic security level of the wiretap channel in optical coding schemes. And the merits and limitation of two coherent optical coding schemes, temporal phase coding and spectral phase coding, have been analysed. The security scheme based on a reconfigurable optical coding device has been introduced, and the corresponding security protocol has been developed. By moving the encryption operation from the electronic layer to the optical layer, the modulated signals become opaque to the unauthorised users. Optical code distribution and authentication is the one of the major challenges for our proposed scheme. In our proposed protocol, both of the operations are covered and defined in detail. As a preliminary draft of the optical code security protocol, it could be a useful guidance for further research

    Chaos-Based Spectral Keying Technique for Secure Communication and Covert Data Transmission between Radar Receivers over an Open Network Channel

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    Application of chaotic signals in modern telecommunication facilities and radars is an actual task that can significantly extend functionality of these systems and improve their performance. In this chapter, we propose a concept of chaos-based technique for secure communication and hidden data transmission over an open network channel which is based on a novel method for spectral keying of chaotic signal generated by nonlinear dynamical system with delayed feedback. In the technique developed, the modulating information sequence controls the parameter of nonlinear element, so that it switches the chaotic modes and changes the spectral structure of the signal, transmitted to the communication channel. A noncoherent reception is used for demodulation the information message from received waveform. We start from theoretical justification of the proposed scheme, and show then the numerical simulations and imitation modeling results, as well as demonstrate experimental validation of suggested technique. Also, the communication system reliability and its covert operation efficiency under impact of AWGN in the environment with high-level interferences have been shown by means of evaluation the system anti-jamming capabilities and unauthorized access immunity