3 research outputs found

    An urn model to construct an efficient test procedure for response adaptive designs

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    We study the statistical performance of different tests for comparing the mean effect of two treatments. Given a reference classical test T0, we determine which sample size and proportion allocation guarantee to a test T, based on response-adaptive design, to be better than T0, in terms of (a) higher power and (b) fewer subjects assigned to the inferior treatment. The adoption of a response-adaptive design to implement the random allocation procedure is necessary to ensure that both (a) and (b) are satisfied. In particular, we propose to use a Modified Randomly Reinforced Urn design and we show how to perform the model parameters selection for the purpose of this paper. Then, the opportunity of relaxing some assumptions on treatment response distributions is presented. Results of simulation studies on the test performance are reported and a real case study is analyzed

    Central limit theorem for an adaptive randomly reinforced urn model

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    The generalized P\uf2lya urn (GPU) models and their variants have been investigated in several disciplines. However, typical assumptions made with respect to the GPU do not include urn models with diagonal replacement matrix, which arise in several applications, specifically in clinical trials. To facilitate mathematical analyses of models in these applications, we introduce an adaptive randomly reinforced urn model that uses accruing statistical information to adaptively skew the urn proportion toward specific targets. We study several probabilistic aspects that are important in implementing the urn model in practice. Specifically, we establish the law of large numbers and a central limit theorem for the number of sampled balls. To establish these results, we develop new techniques involving last exit times and crossing time analyses of the proportion of balls in the urn. To obtain precise estimates in these techniques, we establish results on the harmonic moments of the total number of balls in the urn. Finally, we describe our main results in the context of an application to response-adaptive randomization in clinical trials. Our simulation experiments in this context demonstrate the ease and scope of our model

    Dynamics of an adaptive randomly reinforced urn

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    Adaptive randomly reinforced urn (ARRU) is a two-color urn model where the updating process is defined by a sequence of non-negative random vectors {(D1,n, D2,n); n 65 1} and randomly evolving thresholds which utilize accruing statistical information for the updates. Let m1 = E[D1,n] and m2 = E[D2,n]. In this paper we undertake a detailed study of the dynamics of the ARRU model. First, for the case m1 6= m2, we establish L1 bounds on the increments of the urn proportion, i.e. the proportion of ball colors in the urn, at fixed and increasing times under very weak assumptions on the random threshold sequences. As a consequence, we deduce weak consistency of the evolving urn proportions. Second, under slightly stronger conditions, we establish the strong consistency of the urn proportions for all finite values of m1 and m2. Specifically we show that when m1 = m2, the proportion converges to a non-degenerate random variable. Third, we establish the asymptotic distribution, after appropriate centering and scaling, for the proportion of sampled ball colors and urn proportions for the case m1 = m2. In the process, we resolve the issue concerning the asymptotic distribution of the proportion of sampled ball colors for a randomly reinforced urn (RRU). To address the technical issues, we establish results on the harmonic moments of the total number of balls in the urn at different times under very weak conditions, which is of independent interest