50 research outputs found

    Thermal imaging and vibration-based multisensor fault detection for rotating machinery

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    In order to minimize operation and maintenance costs and extend the lifetime of rotating machinery, damaging conditions and faults should be detected early and automatically. To enable this, sensor streams should continuously be monitored, processed, and interpreted. In recent years, infrared thermal imaging has gained attention for the said purpose. However, the detection capabilities of a system that uses infrared thermal imaging is limited by the modality captured by this single sensor, as is any single sensor-based system. Hence, within this paper a multisensor system is proposed that not only uses infrared thermal imaging data, but also vibration measurements for automatic condition and fault detection in rotating machinery. It is shown that by combining these two types of sensor data, several conditions/faults and combinations can be detected more accurately than when considering the sensor streams individually

    Random and Synthetic Over-Sampling Approach to Resolve Data Imbalance in Classification

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    High accuracy value is one of the parameters of the success of classification in predicting classes. The higher the value, the more correct the class prediction.  One way to improve accuracy is dataset has a balanced class composition. It is complicated to ensure the dataset has a stable class, especially in rare cases. This study used a blood donor dataset; the classification process predicts donors are feasible and not feasible; in this case, the reward ratio is quite high. This work aims to increase the number of minority class data randomly and synthetically so that the amount of data in both classes is balanced. The application of SOS and ROS succeeded in increasing the accuracy of inappropriate class recognition from 12% to 100% in the KNN algorithm. In contrast, the naïve Bayes algorithm did not experience an increase before and after the balancing process, which was 89%.

    A hybrid constructive algorithm incorporating teaching-learning based optimization for neural network training

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    In neural networks, simultaneous determination of the optimum structure and weights is a challenge. This paper proposes a combination of teaching-learning based optimization (TLBO) algorithm and a constructive algorithm (CA) to cope with the challenge. In literature, TLBO is used to choose proper weights, while CA is adopted to construct different structures in order to select the proper one. In this study, the basic TLBO algorithm along with an improved version of this algorithm for network weights selection are utilized. Meanwhile, as a constructive algorithm, a novel modification to multiple operations, using statistical tests (MOST), is applied and tested to choose the proper structure. The proposed combinatorial algorithms are applied to ten classification problems and two-time-series prediction problems, as the benchmark. The results are evaluated based on training and testing error, network complexity and mean-square error. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed hybrid method of the modified MOST constructive algorithm and the improved TLBO (MCO-ITLBO) algorithm outperform the others; moreover, they have been proven by Wilcoxon statistical tests as well. The proposed method demonstrates less average error with less complexity in the network structure

    Predicting postoperative complications for gastric cancer patients using data mining

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    Gastric cancer refers to the development of malign cells that can grow in any part of the stomach. With the vast amount of data being collected daily in healthcare environments, it is possible to develop new algorithms which can support the decision-making processes in gastric cancer patients treatment. This paper aims to predict, using the CRISP-DM methodology, the outcome from the hospitalization of gastric cancer patients who have undergone surgery, as well as the occurrence of postoperative complications during surgery. The study showed that, on one hand, the RF and NB algorithms are the best in the detection of an outcome of hospitalization, taking into account patients’ clinical data. On the other hand, the algorithms J48, RF, and NB offer better results in predicting postoperative complications.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Using the modified k-mean algorithm with an improved teaching-learning-based optimization algorithm for feedforward neural network training

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    In this paper we proposed a novel procedure for training a feedforward neural network. The accuracy of artificial neural network outputs after determining the proper structure for each problem depends on choosing the appropriate method for determining the best weights, which is the appropriate training algorithm. If the training algorithm starts from a good starting point, it is several steps closer to achieving global optimization. In this paper, we present an optimization strategy for selecting the initial population and determining the optimal weights with the aim of minimizing neural network error. Teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) is a less parametric algorithm rather than other evolutionary algorithms, so it is easier to implement. We have improved this algorithm to increase efficiency and balance between global and local search. The improved teaching-learning-based optimization (ITLBO) algorithm has added the concept of neighborhood to the basic algorithm, which improves the ability of global search. Using an initial population that includes the best cluster centers after clustering with the modified k-mean algorithm also helps the algorithm to achieve global optimum. The results are promising, close to optimal, and better than other approach which we compared our proposed algorithm with them