7 research outputs found

    Is a Pretrained Model the Answer to Situational Awareness Detection on Social Media?

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    Social media can be valuable for extracting information about an event or incident on the ground. However, the vast amount of content shared, and the linguistic variants of languages used on social media make it challenging to identify important situational awareness content to aid in decision-making for first responders. In this study, we assess whether pretrained models can be used to address the aforementioned challenges on social media. Various pretrained models, including static word embedding (such as Word2Vec and GloVe) and contextualized word embedding (such as DistilBERT) are studied in detail. According to our findings, a vanilla DistilBERT pretrained language model is insufficient to identify situation awareness information. Fine-tuning by using datasets of various event types and vocabulary extension is essential to adapt a DistilBERT model for real-world situational awareness detection

    Large-scale, Language-agnostic Discourse Classification of Tweets During COVID-19

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    Quantifying the characteristics of public attention is an essential prerequisite for appropriate crisis management during severe events such as pandemics. For this purpose, we propose language-agnostic tweet representations to perform large-scale Twitter discourse classification with machine learning. Our analysis on more than 26 million COVID-19 tweets shows that large-scale surveillance of public discourse is feasible with computationally lightweight classifiers by out-of-the-box utilization of these representations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Identification of Two-shaft Gas Turbine Variables Using a Decoupled Multi-model Approach With Genetic Algorithm

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    In industrial practice, the representation of the dynamics of nonlinear systems by models linking their different operating variables requires an identification procedure to characterize their behavior from experimental data. This article proposes the identification of the variables of a two-shafts gas turbine based on a decoupled multi-model approach with genetic algorithm. Hence the multi-model is determined in the form of a weighted combination of the decoupled linear local state space sub-models, with optimization of an objective cost function in different modes of operation of this machine. This makes it possible to have robust and reliable models using input / output data collected on the examined system, limiting the influence of errors and identification noises

    Online content clustering using variant K-Means Algorithms

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    Thesis (MTech)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019We live at a time when so much information is created. Unfortunately, much of the information is redundant. There is a huge amount of online information in the form of news articles that discuss similar stories. The number of articles is projected to grow. The growth makes it difficult for a person to process all that information in order to update themselves on a subject matter. There is an overwhelming amount of similar information on the internet. There is need for a solution that can organize this similar information into specific themes. The solution is a branch of Artificial intelligence (AI) called machine learning (ML) using clustering algorithms. This refers to clustering groups of information that is similar into containers. When the information is clustered people can be presented with information on their subject of interest, grouped together. The information in a group can be further processed into a summary. This research focuses on unsupervised learning. Literature has it that K-Means is one of the most widely used unsupervised clustering algorithm. K-Means is easy to learn, easy to implement and is also efficient. However, there is a horde of variations of K-Means. The research seeks to find a variant of K-Means that can be used with an acceptable performance, to cluster duplicate or similar news articles into correct semantic groups. The research is an experiment. News articles were collected from the internet using gocrawler. gocrawler is a program that takes Universal Resource Locators (URLs) as an argument and collects a story from a website pointed to by the URL. The URLs are read from a repository. The stories come riddled with adverts and images from the web page. This is referred to as a dirty text. The dirty text is sanitized. Sanitization is basically cleaning the collected news articles. This includes removing adverts and images from the web page. The clean text is stored in a repository, it is the input for the algorithm. The other input is the K value. All K-Means based variants take K value that defines the number of clusters to be produced. The stories are manually classified and labelled. The labelling is done to check the accuracy of machine clustering. Each story is labelled with a class to which it belongs. The data collection process itself was not unsupervised but the algorithms used to cluster are totally unsupervised. A total of 45 stories were collected and 9 manual clusters were identified. Under each manual cluster there are sub clusters of stories talking about one specific event. The performance of all the variants is compared to see the one with the best clustering results. Performance was checked by comparing the manual classification and the clustering results from the algorithm. Each K-Means variant is run on the same set of settings and same data set, that is 45 stories. The settings used are, • Dimensionality of the feature vectors, • Window size, • Maximum distance between the current and predicted word in a sentence, • Minimum word frequency, • Specified range of words to ignore, • Number of threads to train the model. • The training algorithm either distributed memory (PV-DM) or distributed bag of words (PV-DBOW), • The initial learning rate. The learning rate decreases to minimum alpha as training progresses, • Number of iterations per cycle, • Final learning rate, • Number of clusters to form, • The number of times the algorithm will be run, • The method used for initialization. The results obtained show that K-Means can perform better than K-Modes. The results are tabulated and presented in graphs in chapter six. Clustering can be improved by incorporating Named Entity (NER) recognition into the K-Means algorithms. Results can also be improved by implementing multi-stage clustering technique. Where initial clustering is done then you take the cluster group and further cluster it to achieve finer clustering results

    An unsupervised multilingual approach for online social media topic identification

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    Social media data can be valuable in many ways. However, the vast amount of content shared and the linguistic variants of languages used on social media are making it very challenging for high-value topics to be identified. In this paper, we present an unsupervised multilingual approach for identifying highly relevant terms and topics from the mass of social media data. This approach combines term ranking, localised language analysis, unsupervised topic clustering and multilingual sentiment analysis to extract prominent topics through analysis of Twitter's tweets from a period of time. It is observed that each of the ranking methods tested has their strengths and weaknesses, and that our proposed ‘Joint’ ranking method is able to take advantage of the strengths of the ranking methods. This ‘Joint’ ranking method coupled with an unsupervised topic clustering model is shown to have the potential to discover topics of interest or concern to a local community. Practically, being able to do so may help decision makers to gauge the true opinions or concerns on the ground. Theoretically, the research is significant as it shows how an unsupervised online topic identification approach can be designed without much manual annotation effort, which may have great implications for future development of expert and intelligent systems