27 research outputs found

    Provably safe cruise control of vehicular platoons

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    We synthesize performance-aware safe cruise control policies for longitudinal motion of platoons of autonomous vehicles. Using set-invariance theories, we guarantee infinite-time collision avoidance in the presence of bounded additive disturbances, while ensuring that the length and the cruise speed of the platoon are bounded within specified ranges. We propose: 1) a centralized control policy and 2) a distributed control policy, where each vehicle's control decision depends solely on its relative kinematics with respect to the platoon leader. Numerical examples are included.NSF; CPS-1446151; CMMI-1400167; FA 9550-15-1-0186 - AFOSR; Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowship; FA 9550-15-1-0186 - AFOSR; NSF; ECCS-1550016; CNS 123922

    Battery Electric Vehicles Platooning: Assessing Capability of Energy Saving and Passenger Comfort Improvement

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    Techniques exploiting the communication between vehicles, infrastructure or anything capable of, are being developed in the recent years due to their effectiveness in improving energy efficiency, comfort and safety. The scenario analyzed in this paper is of four vehicles platooning, in which the leader (i.e. the first in the platoon) is set to travel through different drive cycles and is followed by three other vehicles. An optimization-based algorithm based on Dynamic Programming (DP) is implemented to find the benchmark optimal control solution for the speed trajectory of the three following Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). Optimal control targets for planning the three automated vehicle velocity profiles involve both reducing aggressive changes in velocity, thus enhancing passenger comfort, and decreasing energy consumption. Results show a potential range of 1.8 – 7.6 % energy reduction when comparing the energy consumptions of the lead and first follower vehicle, whereas the implemented optimization-based velocity planner predicts enhanced energy economy for the second and third follower BEVs. In general, the highest advantages both in energy consumption and comfort are predicted in the urban scenarios due to the high number of acceleration/deceleration phases

    Aerodynamic disturbance on vehicle’s dynamic parameters

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    This research paper analysed the influence of aerodynamic disturbance on vehicle’s dynamic parameters. The vehicle dynamics were formulated from the Newton’s Second Law for modelling the vehicle. The vehicle was built using rigid body frames, mass and multi-body signal blocks of MapleSim2015 platform. Several vehicle masses were used to produce different vehicle dynamics with respect to the same aerodynamic drag and input force. Our analyses have shown that the mass of each vehicle is inversely proportional to the aerodynamic drag applied to it. At a given set-point of 25 ms-1, the vehicle tracked the given speed exactly in the absence of the drag. However, for the lag in displacement, speed and acceleration were found as 25 m, 17 ms-1 and 0.3 ms-2, respectively in the presence of drag with an average jerk of 45 ms-3. This has provided an interesting insight on the effects of drag on the moving vehicle. The proposed vehicle was subjected to the same control strategy to form a two-vehicle, look-ahead convoy as in conventional type. Improvements in the inter-vehicular spacing of 1.7 m, proper speed track, low acceleration(1.05 ms-2) and a suitable jerk of 0.04 ms-3 were achieved over the entire period (160 s) as compared to conventional vehicle. The proposed vehicle model scores higher accuracy than conventional vehicle on two-vehicle, look-ahead model and it has shown that the proposed model is more comfortable than the conventional one

    An Observer-based Longitudinal Control of Car-like Vehicles Platoon Navigating in an Urban Environment

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study longitudinal motion controlof car-like vehicles platoon navigating in an urban environmentwith minimum communication links. To achieve a higher trafficflow, a constant-spacing policy between successive vehicles iscommonly used but this is at a cost of an increased number ofcommunication links as any vehicle information must broadcastto all its followers. Therefore, we propose a distributed observer-based control law that depends both on communicated andmeasured information. Our formulation allows designing thecontrol law directly in the curvilinear coordinates. Internal andstring stability analysis are conducted. We provide simulationresults, through dynamic vehicular mobility simulator, to illus-trate the feasibility of the proposed approach and corroborate our theoretical findings

    Improved information flow topology for vehicle convoy control

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    A vehicle convoy is a string of inter-connected vehicles moving together for mutual support, minimizing traffic congestion, facilitating people safety, ensuring string stability and maximizing ride comfort. There exists a trade-off among the convoy's performance indices, which is inherent in any existing vehicle convoy. The use of unrealistic information flow topology (IFT) in vehicle convoy control, generally affects the overall performance of the convoy, due to the undesired changes in dynamic parameters (relative position, speed, acceleration and jerk) experienced by the following vehicle. This thesis proposes an improved information flow topology for vehicle convoy control. The improved topology is of the two-vehicle look-ahead and rear-vehicle control that aimed to cut-off the trade-off with a more robust control structure, which can handle constraints, wider range of control regions and provide acceptable performance simultaneously. The proposed improved topology has been designed in three sections. The first section explores the single vehicle's dynamic equations describing the derived internal and external disturbances modeled together as a unit. In the second section, the vehicle model is then integrated into the control strategy of the improved topology in order to improve the performance of the convoy to two look-ahead and rear. The changes in parameters of the improved convoy topology are compared through simulation with the most widely used conventional convoy topologies of one-vehicle look-ahead and that of the most human-driver like (the two-vehicle look-ahead) convoy topology. The results showed that the proposed convoy control topology has an improved performance with an increase in the intervehicular spacing by 19.45% and 18.20% reduction in acceleration by 20.28% and 15.17% reduction in jerk by 25.09% and 6.25% as against the one-look-ahead and twolook- ahead respectively. Finally, a model predictive control (MPC) system was designed and combined with the improved convoy topology to strictly control the following vehicle. The MPC serves the purpose of handling constraints, providing smoother and satisfactory responses and providing ride comfort with no trade-off in terms of performance or stability. The performance of the proposed MPC based improved convoy topology was then investigated via simulation and the results were compared with the previously improved convoy topology without MPC. The improved convoy topology with MPC provides safer inter-vehicular spacing by 13.86% refined the steady speed to maneuvering speed, provided reduction in acceleration by 32.11% and a huge achievement was recorded in reduction in jerk by 55.12% as against that without MPC. This shows that the MPC based improved convoy control topology gave enough spacing for any uncertain application of brake by the two look-ahead or further acceleration from the rear-vehicle. Similarly, manoeuvering speed was seen to ensure safety ahead and rear, ride comfort was achieved due to the low acceleration and jerk of the following vehicle. The controlling vehicle responded to changes, hence good handling was achieved

    Distributed Model Reference Adaptive Control for Vehicle Platoons with Uncertain Dynamics

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    This paper proposes a distributed model reference adaptive controller (DMRAC) for vehicle platoons with constant spacing policy, subjected to uncertainty in control effectiveness and inertial time lag. It formulates the uncertain vehicle dynamics as a matched uncertainty, and is applicable for both directed and undirected topologies. The directed topology must contain at least one spanning tree with the leader as a root node, while the undirected topology must be static and connected with at least one follower receiving information from the leader. The proposed control structure consists of a reference model and a main control system. The reference model is a closed-loop system constructed from the nominal model of each follower vehicle and a reference control signal. The main control system consists of a nominal control signal based on cooperative state feedback and an adaptive term. The nominal control signal allows the followers cooperatively track the leader, while the adaptive term suppresses the effects of uncertainties. Stability analysis shows that global tracking errors with respect to the reference model and with respect to the leader are asymptotically stable. The states of all followers synchronize to both the reference and leader states. Moreover, with the existence of unknown external disturbances, the global tracking errors remain uniformly ultimately bounded. The performance of the controlled system is verified through the simulations and validates the efficacy of the proposed controller