32 research outputs found

    A Study of the Composition and Energy Spectra of Anomalous Cosmic Rays Using the Geomagnetic Field

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    We use instrumentation on SAMPEX and the Earth's field as a magnetic rigidity filter in a “double spectrometer” approach to measure the composition and energy spectra of anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) with Z≥6. A “pure” sample of anomalous cosmic ray C, N, O, and Ne is obtained, with no significant evidence for other species. The bulk of ACRs are now known to be singly-charged, and the geomagnetic filter allows their energy spectra to be measured to higher energies than before. The anomalous oxygen spectrum is found to extend to at least ∼100 MeV/nuc, which has implications for models of the acceleration of these ions

    Relativistic Electron Acceleration and Decay Time Scales in the Inner and Outer Radiation Belts: SAMPEX

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    High-energy electrons have been measured systematically in a low-altitude (520 × 675 km), nearly polar (inclination = 82°) orbit by sensitive instruments onboard the Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX). Count rate channels with electron energy thresholds ranging from 0.4 MeV to 3.5 MeV in three different instruments have been used to examine relativistic electron variations as a function of L-shell parameter and time. A long run of essentially continuous data (July 1992–July 1993) shows substantial acceleration of energetic electrons throughout much of the magnetosphere on rapid time scales. This acceleration appears to be due to solar wind velocity enhancements and is surprisingly large in that the radiation belt “slot” region often is filled temporarily and electron fluxes are strongly enhanced even at very low L-values (L ∼ 2). A superposed epoch analysis shows that electron fluxes rise rapidly for 2.5 ≲ L ≲ 5. These increases occur on a time scale of order 1–2 days and are most abrupt for L-values near 3. The temporal decay rate of the fluxes is dependent on energy and L-value and may be described by J = Ke-t/to with to ≈ 5–10 days. Thus, these results suggest that the Earth's magnetosphere is a cosmic electron accelerator of substantial strength and efficiency

    SAMPEX Measurements of Heavy Ions Trapped in the Magnetosphere

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    New observations of >15 MeV/nuc trapped heavy ions with Z 2 2 have been made by the SAMPEX spacecraft in low polar orbit. The composition of these ions, which are located primarily around L = 2, is dominated by He, N, O, and Ne. The N, O, and Ne ions are apparently trapped "anomalous cosmic rays," while the origin of the trapped He flux is presently uncertain. These ions can affect the rate of single-event upsets (SEUs) in spacecraft hardware

    Characteristics of low energy ions in the Heavy Ions In Space (HIIS) experiment

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    We present preliminary data on heavy ions (Z greater than or equal to 10) detected in the topmost Lexan sheets of the track detector stacks of the Heavy Ions in space (HIIS) experiment (M0001) on LDEF. The energy interval covered by these observations varies with the element, with (for example) Ne observable at 18-100 MeV nuc and Fe at 45-200 MeV/nuc. All of the observed ions are at energies far below the geomagnetic cutoff for fully-ionized particles at the LDEF orbit. Above 50 MeV/nuc (where most of our observed particles are Fe), the ions arrive primarily from the direction of lowest geomagnetic cutoff. This suggests that these particles originate outside the magnetosphere from a source with a steeply-falling spectrum and may therefore be associated with solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Below 50 MeV/nuc, the distribution of arrival directions suggests that most of the observed heavy ions are trapped in the Earth's magnetic field. Preliminary analysis, however, shows that these trapped heavy ions have a very surprising composition: they include not only Ne and Ar, which are expected from the trapping of anomalous cosmic rays (ACR's), but also Mg and Si, which are not part of the anomalous component. Our preliminary analysis shows that trapped heavy ions at 12 less than or equal to Zeta less than or equal to 14 have a steeply-falling spectrum, similar to that reported by the Kiel experiment (exp 1,2,3) on LDEF (M0002) for trapped Ar and Fe at E less than 50 MeV/nuc. The trapped Mg, Si, and Fe may also be associated with SEP events, but the mechanism by which they have appeared to deep in the inner magnetosphere requires further theoretical investigation

    The Return of the Anomalous Cosmic Rays to 1 AU in 1992

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    New observations of low energy (approximately 1 to 200 MeV/nuc) cosmic rays measured by three newly launched experiments on Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) during 1992 and 1993 show the strong presence of anomalous cosmic ray (ACR) nitrogen and oxygen, well before the approaching solar minimum. When compared with ACR temporal variations over the past two solar cycles we find that the 1992-1993 fluxes are approximately 5 to 10 times their level at corresponding neutron monitor counting rates in 1969-1970 and 198

    New evidence for geomagnetically trapped anomalous cosmic rays

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    We report new observations of ≥ 15 MeV/nuc trapped heavy ions with Z ≥ 2, made on the polar-orbiting SAMPEX spacecraft in late 1992 and early 1993. A trapped population that includes He, N, O, and Ne is found to be located at L ≈ 2. We conclude that the observed N, O, and Ne ions are “anomalous” cosmic rays, trapped by the mechanism proposed by Blake and Friesen. While it is not expected that this mechanism would also trap anomalous He, the characteristics of the trapped He population are generally consistent with those of N, O, and Ne

    SAMPEX measurements of heavy ions trapped in the magnetosphere

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