3,651 research outputs found

    Parallel extragradient-proximal methods for split equilibrium problems

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    In this paper, we introduce two parallel extragradient-proximal methods for solving split equilibrium problems. The algorithms combine the extragradient method, the proximal method and the hybrid (outer approximation) method. The weak and strong convergence theorems for iterative sequences generated by the algorithms are established under widely used assumptions for equilibrium bifunctions.Comment: 13 pages, submitte

    Best Approximation from the Kuhn-Tucker Set of Composite Monotone Inclusions

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    Kuhn-Tucker points play a fundamental role in the analysis and the numerical solution of monotone inclusion problems, providing in particular both primal and dual solutions. We propose a class of strongly convergent algorithms for constructing the best approximation to a reference point from the set of Kuhn-Tucker points of a general Hilbertian composite monotone inclusion problem. Applications to systems of coupled monotone inclusions are presented. Our framework does not impose additional assumptions on the operators present in the formulation, and it does not require knowledge of the norm of the linear operators involved in the compositions or the inversion of linear operators

    Greedy algorithms for high-dimensional eigenvalue problems

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    In this article, we present two new greedy algorithms for the computation of the lowest eigenvalue (and an associated eigenvector) of a high-dimensional eigenvalue problem, and prove some convergence results for these algorithms and their orthogonalized versions. The performance of our algorithms is illustrated on numerical test cases (including the computation of the buckling modes of a microstructured plate), and compared with that of another greedy algorithm for eigenvalue problems introduced by Ammar and Chinesta.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    Harmonic analysis of iterated function systems with overlap

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    In this paper we extend previous work on IFSs without overlap. Our method involves systems of operators generalizing the more familiar Cuntz relations from operator algebra theory, and from subband filter operators in signal processing.Comment: 37 page

    The density-matrix renormalization group

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    The density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) is a numerical algorithm for the efficient truncation of the Hilbert space of low-dimensional strongly correlated quantum systems based on a rather general decimation prescription. This algorithm has achieved unprecedented precision in the description of one-dimensional quantum systems. It has therefore quickly acquired the status of method of choice for numerical studies of one-dimensional quantum systems. Its applications to the calculation of static, dynamic and thermodynamic quantities in such systems are reviewed. The potential of DMRG applications in the fields of two-dimensional quantum systems, quantum chemistry, three-dimensional small grains, nuclear physics, equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics, and time-dependent phenomena is discussed. This review also considers the theoretical foundations of the method, examining its relationship to matrix-product states and the quantum information content of the density matrices generated by DMRG.Comment: accepted by Rev. Mod. Phys. in July 2004; scheduled to appear in the January 2005 issu