49 research outputs found

    In Car Audio

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    This chapter presents implementations of advanced in Car Audio Applications. The system is composed by three main different applications regarding the In Car listening and communication experience. Starting from a high level description of the algorithms, several implementations on different levels of hardware abstraction are presented, along with empirical results on both the design process undergone and the performance results achieved

    A study on different linear and non-linear filtering techniques of speech and speech recognition

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    In any signal noise is an undesired quantity, however most of thetime every signal get mixed with noise at different levels of theirprocessing and application, due to which the information containedby the signal gets distorted and makes the whole signal redundant.A speech signal is very prominent with acoustical noises like bubblenoise, car noise, street noise etc. So for removing the noises researchershave developed various techniques which are called filtering. Basicallyall the filtering techniques are not suitable for every application,hence based on the type of application some techniques are betterthan the others. Broadly, the filtering techniques can be classifiedinto two categories i.e. linear filtering and non-linear filtering.In this paper a study is presented on some of the filtering techniqueswhich are based on linear and nonlinear approaches. These techniquesincludes different adaptive filtering based on algorithm like LMS,NLMS and RLS etc., Kalman filter, ARMA and NARMA time series applicationfor filtering, neural networks combine with fuzzy i.e. ANFIS. Thispaper also includes the application of various features i.e. MFCC,LPC, PLP and gamma for filtering and recognition

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2001, nr 3

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    Wideband active antenna cancellation

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 91).There exists a simultaneous transmit and receive antenna system where the transmitted signal is creating wideband interference of the receiver. To resolve this interference problem, the isolation between the transmit antenna and the receive antenna must be increased. This thesis analyzes and discusses various strategies for antenna isolation and demonstrates the feasibility of an adaptive filtering approach on active signal cancellation. The final system design demonstrates that, with a broadband interference source in close proximity to a receiver, it is possible to provide 30 dB of isolation by using active cancellation.by Hana L. Adaniya.M.Eng

    Single- and multi-microphone speech dereverberation using spectral enhancement

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    In speech communication systems, such as voice-controlled systems, hands-free mobile telephones, and hearing aids, the received microphone signals are degraded by room reverberation, background noise, and other interferences. This signal degradation may lead to total unintelligibility of the speech and decreases the performance of automatic speech recognition systems. In the context of this work reverberation is the process of multi-path propagation of an acoustic sound from its source to one or more microphones. The received microphone signal generally consists of a direct sound, reflections that arrive shortly after the direct sound (commonly called early reverberation), and reflections that arrive after the early reverberation (commonly called late reverberation). Reverberant speech can be described as sounding distant with noticeable echo and colouration. These detrimental perceptual effects are primarily caused by late reverberation, and generally increase with increasing distance between the source and microphone. Conversely, early reverberations tend to improve the intelligibility of speech. In combination with the direct sound it is sometimes referred to as the early speech component. Reduction of the detrimental effects of reflections is evidently of considerable practical importance, and is the focus of this dissertation. More specifically the dissertation deals with dereverberation techniques, i.e., signal processing techniques to reduce the detrimental effects of reflections. In the dissertation, novel single- and multimicrophone speech dereverberation algorithms are developed that aim at the suppression of late reverberation, i.e., at estimation of the early speech component. This is done via so-called spectral enhancement techniques that require a specific measure of the late reverberant signal. This measure, called spectral variance, can be estimated directly from the received (possibly noisy) reverberant signal(s) using a statistical reverberation model and a limited amount of a priori knowledge about the acoustic channel(s) between the source and the microphone(s). In our work an existing single-channel statistical reverberation model serves as a starting point. The model is characterized by one parameter that depends on the acoustic characteristics of the environment. We show that the spectral variance estimator that is based on this model, can only be used when the source-microphone distance is larger than the so-called critical distance. This is, crudely speaking, the distance where the direct sound power is equal to the total reflective power. A generalization of the statistical reverberation model in which the direct sound is incorporated is developed. This model requires one additional parameter that is related to the ratio between the direct sound energy and the sound energy of all reflections. The generalized model is used to derive a novel spectral variance estimator. When the novel estimator is used for dereverberation rather than the existing estimator, and the source-microphone distance is smaller than the critical distance, the dereverberation performance is significantly increased. Single-microphone systems only exploit the temporal and spectral diversity of the received signal. Reverberation, of course, also induces spatial diversity. To additionally exploit this diversity, multiple microphones must be used, and their outputs must be combined by a suitable spatial processor such as the so-called delay and sum beamformer. It is not a priori evident whether spectral enhancement is best done before or after the spatial processor. For this reason we investigate both possibilities, as well as a merge of the spatial processor and the spectral enhancement technique. An advantage of the latter option is that the spectral variance estimator can be further improved. Our experiments show that the use of multiple microphones affords a significant improvement of the perceptual speech quality. The applicability of the theory developed in this dissertation is demonstrated using a hands-free communication system. Since hands-free systems are often used in a noisy and reverberant environment, the received microphone signal does not only contain the desired signal but also interferences such as room reverberation that is caused by the desired source, background noise, and a far-end echo signal that results from a sound that is produced by the loudspeaker. Usually an acoustic echo canceller is used to cancel the far-end echo. Additionally a post-processor is used to suppress background noise and residual echo, i.e., echo which could not be cancelled by the echo canceller. In this work a novel structure and post-processor for an acoustic echo canceller are developed. The post-processor suppresses late reverberation caused by the desired source, residual echo, and background noise. The late reverberation and late residual echo are estimated using the generalized statistical reverberation model. Experimental results convincingly demonstrate the benefits of the proposed system for suppressing late reverberation, residual echo and background noise. The proposed structure and post-processor have a low computational complexity, a highly modular structure, can be seamlessly integrated into existing hands-free communication systems, and affords a significant increase of the listening comfort and speech intelligibility

    The severity of stages estimation during hemorrhage using error correcting output codes method

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    As a beneficial component with critical impact, computer-aided decision making systems have infiltrated many fields, such as economics, medicine, architecture and agriculture. The latent capabilities for facilitating human work propel high-speed development of such systems. Effective decisions provided by such systems greatly reduce the expense of labor, energy, budget, etc. The computer-aided decision making system for traumatic injuries is one type of such systems that supplies suggestive opinions when dealing with the injuries resulted from accidents, battle, or illness. The functions may involve judging the type of illness, allocating the wounded according to battle injuries, deciding the severity of symptoms for illness or injuries, managing the resources in the context of traumatic events, etc. The proposed computer-aided decision making system aims at estimating the severity of blood volume loss. Specifically speaking, accompanying many traumatic injuries, severe hemorrhage, a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate treatment, is a significant loss of blood volume in process resulting in decreased blood and oxygen perfusion of vital organs. Hemorrhage and blood loss can occur in different levels such as mild, moderate, or severe. Our proposed system will assist physicians by estimating information such as the severity of blood volume loss and hemorrhage , so that timely measures can be taken to not only save lives but also reduce the long-term complications as well as the cost caused by unmatched operations and treatments. The general framework of the proposed research contains three tasks and many novel and transformative concepts are integrated into the system. First is the preprocessing of the raw signals. In this stage, adaptive filtering is adopted and customized to filter noise, and two detection algorithms (QRS complex detection and Systolic/Diastolic wave detection) are designed. The second process is to extract features. The proposed system combines features from time domain, frequency domain, nonlinear analysis, and multi-model analysis to better represent the patterns when hemorrhage happens. Third, a machine learning algorithm is designed for classification of patterns. A novel machine learning algorithm, as a new version of error correcting output code (ECOC), is designed and investigated for high accuracy and real-time decision making. The features and characteristics of this machine learning method are essential for the proposed computer-aided trauma decision making system. The proposed system is tested agasint Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) dataset, and the results indicate the accuracy and reliability of the proposed system

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest

    Graphical model driven methods in adaptive system identification

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2016Identifying and tracking an unknown linear system from observations of its inputs and outputs is a problem at the heart of many different applications. Due to the complexity and rapid variability of modern systems, there is extensive interest in solving the problem with as little data and computation as possible. This thesis introduces the novel approach of reducing problem dimension by exploiting statistical structure on the input. By modeling the input to the system of interest as a graph-structured random process, it is shown that a large parameter identification problem can be reduced into several smaller pieces, making the overall problem considerably simpler. Algorithms that can leverage this property in order to either improve the performance or reduce the computational complexity of the estimation problem are developed. The first of these, termed the graphical expectation-maximization least squares (GEM-LS) algorithm, can utilize the reduced dimensional problems induced by the structure to improve the accuracy of the system identification problem in the low sample regime over conventional methods for linear learning with limited data, including regularized least squares methods. Next, a relaxation of the GEM-LS algorithm termed the relaxed approximate graph structured least squares (RAGS-LS) algorithm is obtained that exploits structure to perform highly efficient estimation. The RAGS-LS algorithm is then recast into a recursive framework termed the relaxed approximate graph structured recursive least squares (RAGSRLS) algorithm, which can be used to track time-varying linear systems with low complexity while achieving tracking performance comparable to much more computationally intensive methods. The performance of the algorithms developed in the thesis in applications such as channel identification, echo cancellation and adaptive equalization demonstrate that the gains admitted by the graph framework are realizable in practice. The methods have wide applicability, and in particular show promise as the estimation and adaptation algorithms for a new breed of fast, accurate underwater acoustic modems. The contributions of the thesis illustrate the power of graphical model structure in simplifying difficult learning problems, even when the target system is not directly structured.The work in this thesis was supported primarily by the Office of Naval Research through an ONR Special Research Award in Ocean Acoustics; and at various times by the National Science Foundation, the WHOI Academic Programs Office and the MIT Presidential Fellowship Program