36,981 research outputs found

    DHLP 1&2: Giraph based distributed label propagation algorithms on heterogeneous drug-related networks

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    Background and Objective: Heterogeneous complex networks are large graphs consisting of different types of nodes and edges. The knowledge extraction from these networks is complicated. Moreover, the scale of these networks is steadily increasing. Thus, scalable methods are required. Methods: In this paper, two distributed label propagation algorithms for heterogeneous networks, namely DHLP-1 and DHLP-2 have been introduced. Biological networks are one type of the heterogeneous complex networks. As a case study, we have measured the efficiency of our proposed DHLP-1 and DHLP-2 algorithms on a biological network consisting of drugs, diseases, and targets. The subject we have studied in this network is drug repositioning but our algorithms can be used as general methods for heterogeneous networks other than the biological network. Results: We compared the proposed algorithms with similar non-distributed versions of them namely MINProp and Heter-LP. The experiments revealed the good performance of the algorithms in terms of running time and accuracy.Comment: Source code available for Apache Giraph on Hadoo

    Improving Information Extraction by Acquiring External Evidence with Reinforcement Learning

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    Most successful information extraction systems operate with access to a large collection of documents. In this work, we explore the task of acquiring and incorporating external evidence to improve extraction accuracy in domains where the amount of training data is scarce. This process entails issuing search queries, extraction from new sources and reconciliation of extracted values, which are repeated until sufficient evidence is collected. We approach the problem using a reinforcement learning framework where our model learns to select optimal actions based on contextual information. We employ a deep Q-network, trained to optimize a reward function that reflects extraction accuracy while penalizing extra effort. Our experiments on two databases -- of shooting incidents, and food adulteration cases -- demonstrate that our system significantly outperforms traditional extractors and a competitive meta-classifier baseline.Comment: Appearing in EMNLP 2016 (12 pages incl. supplementary material

    Learning Relatedness Measures for Entity Linking

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    Entity Linking is the task of detecting, in text documents, relevant mentions to entities of a given knowledge base. To this end, entity-linking algorithms use several signals and features extracted from the input text or from the knowl- edge base. The most important of such features is entity relatedness. Indeed, we argue that these algorithms benefit from maximizing the relatedness among the relevant enti- ties selected for annotation, since this minimizes errors in disambiguating entity-linking. The definition of an e↵ective relatedness function is thus a crucial point in any entity-linking algorithm. In this paper we address the problem of learning high-quality entity relatedness functions. First, we formalize the problem of learning entity relatedness as a learning-to-rank problem. We propose a methodology to create reference datasets on the basis of manually annotated data. Finally, we show that our machine-learned entity relatedness function performs better than other relatedness functions previously proposed, and, more importantly, improves the overall performance of dif- ferent state-of-the-art entity-linking algorithms
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