169 research outputs found

    An Ontological Architecture for Orbital Debris Data

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    The orbital debris problem presents an opportunity for inter-agency and international cooperation toward the mutually beneficial goals of debris prevention, mitigation, remediation, and improved space situational awareness (SSA). Achieving these goals requires sharing orbital debris and other SSA data. Toward this, I present an ontological architecture for the orbital debris and broader SSA domain, taking steps in the creation of an orbital debris ontology (ODO). The purpose of this ontological system is to (I) represent general orbital debris and SSA domain knowledge, (II) structure, and standardize where needed, orbital data and terminology, and (III) foster semantic interoperability and data-sharing. In doing so I hope to (IV) contribute to solving the orbital debris problem, improving peaceful global SSA, and ensuring safe space travel for future generations

    The Orbital Space Environment and Space Situational Awareness Domain Ontology – Towards an International Information System for Space Data

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    The orbital space environment is home to natural and artificial satellites, debris, and space weather phenomena. As the population of orbital objects grows so do the potential hazards to astronauts, space infrastructure and spaceflight capability. Orbital debris, in particular, is a universal concern. This and other hazards can be minimized by improving global space situational awareness (SSA). By sharing more data and increasing observational coverage of the space environment we stand to achieve that goal, thereby making spaceflight safer and expanding our knowledge of near-Earth space. To facilitate data-sharing interoperability among distinct orbital debris and space object catalogs, and SSA information systems, I proposed ontology in (Rovetto, 2015) and (Rovetto and Kelso, 2016). I continue this effort toward formal representations and models of the overall domain that may serve to improve peaceful SSA and increase our scientific knowledge. This paper explains the project concept introduced in those publications, summarizing efforts to date as well as the research field of ontology development and engineering. I describe concepts for an ontological framework for the orbital space environment, near-Earth space environment and SSA domain. An ontological framework is conceived as a part of a potential international information system. The purpose of such a system is to consolidate, analyze and reason over various sources and types of orbital and SSA data toward the mutually beneficial goals of safer space navigation and scientific research. Recent internationals findings on the limitations of orbital data, in addition to existing publications on collaborative SSA, demonstrate both the overlap with this project and the need for data-sharing and integration

    Preliminaries of a Space Situational Awareness Ontology

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    Space situational awareness (SSA) is vital for international safety and security, and for the future of space travel. The sharing of SSA data and information should improve the state of global SSA for planetary defense and spaceflight safety. I take steps toward a Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Ontology, and outline some central objectives, requirements and desiderata in the ontology development process for this domain. The purpose of this ontological system is to explore the potential for the ontology research topic to (i) represent SSA general knowledge, data, and entities/objects, (ii) clearly express the meaning of SSA data, and (iii) foster SSA data-sharing. The overall goal and motivation is to (iv) improve our capacity for planetary defense, e.g., from near- or deep-space objects and phenomena, and (v) facilitate safer and peaceful space access, navigation and travel, by improving global SSA. This research is thereby intended only for peaceful space-domain applications and uses, with particular interests in orbital debris. There is little application of ontology to the space domain as compared with other disciplines and little if any ontological development of SSA and related domains. In this respect, this paper offers novel concepts

    Motivos teóricos para el impasse en la regulación de armas contraespaciales

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    Esta tesis aplica la teoría fundamental de las relaciones internacionales para explicar las funciones de conformación de las posiciones modernas de política espacial. Estas posiciones de política exterior, a su vez, están directamente relacionadas con el status quo en la legislación internacional que regula el empleo de armas contraespaciales.#Weapons#WeaponsRegulationsTaking into account the profound global utility of near-earth space, and the increasing threat posed to it by orbital debris, this thesis attempts to explain why a seemingly well-established system of international governance has failed to deter the testing, and genuine considerations for operational employment, of counterspace (CS) weapons. In doing so, it seeks to identify motives based in fundamental international relations (IR) theory. While recognizing the criticality of a U.S. commitment to any effective CS weapons regulation, it is hypothesized that the nation’s well-established opposition to such legislation can be explained using constructivist principles. Structure is added through the application of specific research objectives (SROs). These include describing the physical and operational complexities of the space environment, the nature of CS weapons and their employment considerations, and the orbital debris problem (SRO 1), conducting an analysis of applicable IR forums, existing international space law, and pertinent historical events as they pertain to shaping modern foreign policy positions (SRO 2), and formulating realistic proposals for advancing the conduct of responsible behavior in space by curtailing the employment of CS weapons (SRO 3). While the pursuit of SRO 1 provides context, SRO 2 directly addresses the research question. A review of regulatory instruments confirms their inadequacy in providing enforceable guidelines. However, it also establishes that normative standards of behavior have been explicitly defined. A subsequent analysis of recent events indicates a blatant disregard for these standards by Russia and China, validating modern U.S. policy and strategy positions. From a constructivist point of view, this partially validates the research hypothesis. Aspects of realist theory, specifically Power Transition Theory, are also necessary to account for the actions of Russia and China as strategic competitors. Finally, in addressing SRO 3 the thesis provides a starting point for subsequent research and debate

    Asteroid Mining and the Enclosure of Outer Space:New Space Economy Discourses and Ethnofuturist Critique

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    The burgeoning involvement of private actors in Outer Space has led to the term ‘NewSpace Economy’ (NSE) being coined in 2005 (Valentine, 2012) and has seen the emergence of several high-profile asteroid mining companies within the last decade. These companies and associated actors have sought to position themselves and their speculative industry as foundational to creating and maintaining a permanent human presence in Outer Space, averting a climate apocalypse, and producing a ‘trillion-dollar industry’. They do this through (re)imagining Outer Space, mobilising asteroid mining as a focal point for off-world imaginaries. The discourses espoused by these private actors perpetuate and extend capitalist and Eurocentric imaginaries that draw upon colonial histories and the ‘frontier’ imaginary. However, despite the seeming dominance of this Outer Space futurity, these imaginaries are not going unchallenged. Instead, the seemingly hegemonic imaginary of EuroAmerican futurism is disrupted and challenged via the provocations and (re)conceptualisations offered by Ethnofuturists and their work(s): producing futurisms that destabilise capitalist and Eurocentric imaginaries that implicitly and explicitly draw upon colonial, ‘frontier’ imaginaries. This work theoretically and empirically engages with the nascent asteroid mining sector, seeking to decentre capitalist, Eurocentric, and terracentric imaginaries. It uses empirical data generated through a multiple method approach: interviews, participant observation, textual analysis, and grey literature combining to produce an empirically-grounded examination of asteroid mining and the means by and through which this is problematised. Through this corpus of data, it critically examines the way(s) NSE actors are ‘opening’ Outer Space for capitalist exploitation, how this domain is being ‘enclosed’ to secure and maintain private ownership, before moving on to explore how the asteroid mining ‘frontier’ is being critiqued and reimagined by Ethnofuturists

    Academic Year 2019-2020 Faculty Excellence Showcase, AFIT Graduate School of Engineering & Management

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    An excerpt from the Dean\u27s Message: There is no place like the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). There is no academic group like AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. Although we run an educational institution similar to many other institutions of higher learning, we are different and unique because of our defense-focused graduate-research-based academic programs. Our programs are designed to be relevant and responsive to national defense needs. Our programs are aligned with the prevailing priorities of the US Air Force and the US Department of Defense. Our faculty team has the requisite critical mass of service-tested faculty members. The unique composition of pure civilian faculty, military faculty, and service-retired civilian faculty makes AFIT truly unique, unlike any other academic institution anywhere

    2018 Faculty Excellence Showcase, AFIT Graduate School of Engineering & Management

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    Excerpt: As an academic institution, we strive to meet and exceed the expectations for graduate programs and laud our values and contributions to the academic community. At the same time, we must recognize, appreciate, and promote the unique non-academic values and accomplishments that our faculty team brings to the national defense, which is a priority of the Federal Government. In this respect, through our diverse and multi-faceted contributions, our faculty, as a whole, excel, not only along the metrics of civilian academic expectations, but also along the metrics of military requirements, and national priorities
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