573 research outputs found

    Internet of Things in urban waste collection

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    Nowadays, the waste collection management has an important role in urban areas. This paper faces this issue and proposes the application of a metaheuristic for the optimization of a weekly schedule and routing of the waste collection activities in an urban area. Differently to several contributions in literature, fixed periodic routes are not imposed. The results significantly improve the performance of the company involved, both in terms of resources used and costs saving

    Enhanced Iterated local search for the technician routing and scheduling problem

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    Most public facilities in the European countries, including France, Germany, and the UK, were built during the reconstruction projects between 1950 and 1980. Owing to the deteriorating state of such vital infrastructure has become relatively expensive in the recent decades. A significant part of the maintenance operation costs is spent on the technical staff. Therefore, the optimal use of the available workforce is essential to optimize the operation costs. This includes planning technical interventions, workload balancing, productivity improvement, etc. In this paper, we focus on the routing of technicians and scheduling of their tasks. We address for this purpose a variant of the workforce scheduling problem called the technician routing and scheduling problem (TRSP). This problem has applications in different fields, such as transportation infrastructure (rail and road networks), telecommunications, and sewage facilities. To solve the TRSP, we propose an enhanced iterated local search (eILS) approach. The enhancement of the ILS firstly includes an intensification procedure that incorporates a set of local search operators and removal-repair heuristics crafted for the TRSP. Next, four different mechanisms are used in the perturbation phase. Finally, an elite set of solutions is used to extensively explore the neighborhood of local optima as well as to enhance diversification during search space exploration. To measure the performance of the proposed method, experiments were conducted based on benchmark instances from the literature, and the results obtained were compared with those of an existing method. Our method achieved very good results, since it reached the best overall gap, which is three times lower than that of the literature. Furthermore, eILS improved the best-known solution for 3434 instances among a total of 5656 while maintaining reasonable computational times.Comment: Submitted manuscript to Computers and Operations Research journal. 34 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    Simheuristics to support efficient and sustainable freight transportation in smart city logistics

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    La logística urbana intel·ligent constitueix un factor crucial en la creació de sistemes de transport urbà eficients i sostenibles. Entre altres factors, aquests sistemes es centren en la incorporació de dades en temps real i en la creació de models de negoci col·laboratius en el transport urbà de mercaderies, considerant l’augment dels habitants en les ciutats, la creixent complexitat de les demandes dels clients i els mercats altament competitius. Això permet als que planifiquen el transport minimitzar els costos monetaris i ambientals del transport de mercaderies a les àrees metropolitanes. Molts problemes de presa de decisions en aquest context es poden formular com a problemes d’optimació combinatòria. Tot i que hi ha diferents enfocaments de resolució exacta per a trobar solucions òptimes a aquests problemes, la seva complexitat i grandària, a més de la necessitat de prendre decisions instantànies pel que fa a l’encaminament de vehicles, la programació o la situació d’instal·lacions, fa que aquestes metodologies no s’apliquin a la pràctica. A causa de la seva capacitat per a trobar solucions pseudoòptimes en gairebé temps real, els algorismes metaheurístics reben una atenció creixent dels investigadors i professionals com a alternatives eficients i fiables per a resoldre nombrosos problemes d’optimació en la creació de la logística de les ciutats intel·ligents. Malgrat el seu èxit, les tècniques metaheurístiques tradicionals no representen plenament la complexitat dels sistemes més realistes. En assumir entrades (inputs) i restriccions de problemes deterministes, la incertesa i el dinamisme experimentats en els escenaris de transport urbà queden sense explicar. Els algorismes simheurístics persegueixen superar aquests inconvenients mitjançant la integració de qualsevol tipus de simulació en processos metaheurístics per a explicar la incertesa inherent a la majoria de les aplicacions de la vida real. Aquesta tesi defineix i investiga l’ús d’algorismes simheurístics com el mètode més adequat per a resoldre problemes d’optimació derivats de la logística de les ciutats. Alguns algorismes simheurístics s’apliquen a una sèrie de problemes complexos, com la recollida de residus urbans, els problemes de disseny de la cadena de subministrament integrada i els models de transport innovadors relacionats amb la col·laboració horitzontal entre els socis de la cadena de subministrament. A més de les discussions metodològiques i la comparació d’algorismes desenvolupats amb els referents de la bibliografia acadèmica, es mostra l’aplicabilitat i l’eficiència dels algorismes simheurístics en diferents casos de gran escala.Las actividades de logística en ciudades inteligentes constituyen un factor crucial en la creación de sistemas de transporte urbano eficientes y sostenibles. Entre otros factores, estos sistemas se centran en la incorporación de datos en tiempo real y la creación de modelos empresariales colaborativos en el transporte urbano de mercancías, al tiempo que consideran el aumento del número de habitantes en las ciudades, la creciente complejidad de las demandas de los clientes y los mercados altamente competitivos. Esto permite minimizar los costes monetarios y ambientales del transporte de mercancías en las áreas metropolitanas. Muchos de los problemas de toma de decisiones en este contexto se pueden formular como problemas de optimización combinatoria. Si bien existen diferentes enfoques de resolución exacta para encontrar soluciones óptimas a tales problemas, su complejidad y tamaño, además de la necesidad de tomar decisiones instantáneas con respecto al enrutamiento, la programación o la ubicación de las instalaciones, hacen que dichas metodologías sean inaplicables en la práctica. Debido a su capacidad para encontrar soluciones pseudoóptimas casi en tiempo real, los algoritmos metaheurísticos reciben cada vez más atención por parte de investigadores y profesionales como alternativas eficientes y fiables para resolver numerosos problemas de optimización en la creación de la logística de ciudades inteligentes. A pesar de su éxito, las técnicas metaheurísticas tradicionales no representan completamente la complejidad de los sistemas más realistas. Al asumir insumos y restricciones de problemas deterministas, se ignora la incertidumbre y el dinamismo experimentados en los escenarios de transporte urbano. Los algoritmos simheurísticos persiguen superar estos inconvenientes integrando cualquier tipo de simulación en procesos metaheurísticos con el fin de considerar la incertidumbre inherente en la mayoría de las aplicaciones de la vida real. Esta tesis define e investiga el uso de algoritmos simheurísticos como método adecuado para resolver problemas de optimización que surgen en la logística de ciudades inteligentes. Se aplican algoritmos simheurísticos a una variedad de problemas complejos, incluyendo la recolección de residuos urbanos, problemas de diseño de la cadena de suministro integrada y modelos de transporte innovadores relacionados con la colaboración horizontal entre los socios de la cadena de suministro. Además de las discusiones metodológicas y la comparación de los algoritmos desarrollados con los de referencia de la bibliografía académica, se muestra la aplicabilidad y la eficiencia de los algoritmos simheurísticos en diferentes estudios de casos a gran escala.Smart city logistics are a crucial factor in the creation of efficient and sustainable urban transportation systems. Among other factors, they focus on incorporating real-time data and creating collaborative business models in urban freight transportation concepts, whilst also considering rising urban population numbers, increasingly complex customer demands, and highly competitive markets. This allows transportation planners to minimize the monetary and environmental costs of freight transportation in metropolitan areas. Many decision-making problems faced in this context can be formulated as combinatorial optimization problems. While different exact solving approaches exist to find optimal solutions to such problems, their complexity and size, in addition to the need for instantaneous decision-making regarding vehicle routing, scheduling, or facility location, make such methodologies inapplicable in practice. Due to their ability to find pseudo-optimal solutions in almost real time, metaheuristic algorithms have received increasing attention from researchers and practitioners as efficient and reliable alternatives in solving numerous optimization problems in the creation of smart city logistics. Despite their success, traditional metaheuristic techniques fail to fully represent the complexity of most realistic systems. By assuming deterministic problem inputs and constraints, the uncertainty and dynamism experienced in urban transportation scenarios are left unaccounted for. Simheuristic frameworks try to overcome these drawbacks by integrating any type of simulation into metaheuristic-driven processes to account for the inherent uncertainty in most real-life applications. This thesis defines and investigates the use of simheuristics as a method of first resort for solving optimization problems arising in smart city logistics concepts. Simheuristic algorithms are applied to a range of complex problem settings including urban waste collection, integrated supply chain design, and innovative transportation models related to horizontal collaboration among supply chain partners. In addition to methodological discussions and the comparison of developed algorithms to state-of-the-art benchmarks found in the academic literature, the applicability and efficiency of simheuristic frameworks in different large-scaled case studies are shown

    Stochastic Cyclic Inventory Routing with Supply Uncertainty: A Case in Green-Hydrogen Logistics

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    Hydrogen can be produced from water, using electricity. The hydrogen can subsequently be kept in inventory in large quantities, unlike the electricity itself. This enables solar and wind energy generation to occur asynchronously from its usage. For this reason, hydrogen is expected to be a key ingredient for reaching a climate-neutral economy. However, the logistics for hydrogen are complex. Inventory policies must be determined for multiple locations in the network, and transportation of hydrogen from the production location to customers must be scheduled. At the same time, production patterns of hydrogen are intermittent, which affects the possibilities to realize the planned transportation and inventory levels. To provide policies for efficient transportation and storage of hydrogen, this paper proposes a parameterized cost function approximation approach to the stochastic cyclic inventory routing problem. Firstly, our approach includes a parameterized mixed integer programming (MIP) model which yields fixed and repetitive schedules for vehicle transportation of hydrogen. Secondly, buying and selling decisions in case of underproduction or overproduction are optimized further via a Markov decision process (MDP) model, taking into account the uncertainties in production and demand quantities. To jointly optimize the parameterized MIP and the MDP model, our approach includes an algorithm that searches the parameter space by iteratively solving the MIP and MDP models. We conduct computational experiments to validate our model in various problem settings and show that it provides near-optimal solutions. Moreover, we test our approach on an expert-reviewed case study at two hydrogen production locations in the Netherlands. We offer insights for the stakeholders in the region and analyze the impact of various problem elements in these case studies.<br/

    Stochastic Cyclic Inventory Routing with Supply Uncertainty: A Case in Green-Hydrogen Logistics

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    Hydrogen can be produced from water, using electricity. The hydrogen can subsequently be kept in inventory in large quantities, unlike the electricity itself. This enables solar and wind energy generation to occur asynchronously from its usage. For this reason, hydrogen is expected to be a key ingredient for reaching a climate-neutral economy. However, the logistics for hydrogen are complex. Inventory policies must be determined for multiple locations in the network, and transportation of hydrogen from the production location to customers must be scheduled. At the same time, production patterns of hydrogen are intermittent, which affects the possibilities to realize the planned transportation and inventory levels. To provide policies for efficient transportation and storage of hydrogen, this paper proposes a parameterized cost function approximation approach to the stochastic cyclic inventory routing problem. Firstly, our approach includes a parameterized mixed integer programming (MIP) model which yields fixed and repetitive schedules for vehicle transportation of hydrogen. Secondly, buying and selling decisions in case of underproduction or overproduction are optimized further via a Markov decision process (MDP) model, taking into account the uncertainties in production and demand quantities. To jointly optimize the parameterized MIP and the MDP model, our approach includes an algorithm that searches the parameter space by iteratively solving the MIP and MDP models. We conduct computational experiments to validate our model in various problem settings and show that it provides near-optimal solutions. Moreover, we test our approach on an expert-reviewed case study at two hydrogen production locations in the Netherlands. We offer insights for the stakeholders in the region and analyze the impact of various problem elements in these case studies

    Applications of the Internet of Things and optimization to inventory and distribution management

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    This thesis is part of the IoFEED (EU funded) project, which aims to monitor approximately 325 farm bins and investigates business processes carried out between farmers and animal feed producers. We propose a computer-aided system to control and optimize the supply chain to deliver animal feed to livestock farms. Orders can be of multiple types of feed, shipped from multiple depots using a fleet of heterogeneous vehicles with multiple compartments. Additionally, this case considers some business-specific constraints, such as product compatibility, facility accessibility restrictions, prioritized locations, or bio-security constraints. A digital twin based approach is implemented at the farm level by installing sensors to remotely measure the inventories. This thesis also embraces these sensors' design and manufacturing process, seeking the required precision and easy deployability at scale. Our approach combines biased-randomization techniques with a simheuristic framework to make use of data provided by the sensors. The analysis of results is based on these two real pilots, and showcases the insights obtained during the IoFEED project. The results of this thesis show how the Internet of Things and simulation-based optimization methods combine successfully to optimize deliveries of feed to livestock farms.Esta tesis forma parte del proyecto IoFeeD, financiado por la Unión Europea, que tiene como objetivo monitorizar remotamente el stock de 325 contenedores agrícolas e investigar los procesos comerciales llevados a cabo entre agricultores y productores de pienso. Proponemos un sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para controlar y optimizar la cadena de suministro de pienso en las explotaciones ganaderas. Los pedidos pueden ser de varios tipos de pienso y pueden enviarse desde varios centros de fabricación mediante el uso de una flota de vehículos heterogéneos con varios compartimentos. Además, se tienen en cuenta algunas restricciones específicas de la empresa, como, por ejemplo, la compatibilidad del producto, las restricciones de accesibilidad en las instalaciones, las ubicaciones priorizadas o las restricciones de bioseguridad. A escala de granja, se implementa un enfoque basado en gemelos digitales mediante la instalación de sensores para medir los inventarios de forma remota. En el marco de esta tesis, se desarrollan estos sensores buscando la precisión requerida, así como las características oportunas que permitan su instalación a gran escala. Nuestro enfoque combina técnicas de aleatorización sesgada con un marco simheurístico para hacer uso de los datos proporcionados por los sensores. El análisis de los resultados se basa en estos dos pilotos reales y muestra las ideas obtenidas durante el proyecto IoFeeD. Los resultados de esta tesis muestran cómo la internet de las cosas y los métodos de optimización basados en simulación se combinan con éxito para optimizar las operaciones de suministro de pienso para el consumo animal en las explotaciones ganaderas.Aquesta tesi forma part del projecte IoFeeD, finançat per la Unió Europea, que té com a objectiu controlar remotament l'estoc de 325 sitges i investigar els processos de negoci duts a terme entre agricultors i productors de pinso. Proposem un sistema d'ajuda a la presa de decisions per controlar i optimitzar la cadena de subministrament de pinso a les explotacions ramaderes. Les comandes poden ser de diversos tipus de pinso i es poden enviar des de diversos centres de fabricació mitjançant l'ús d'una flota de vehicles heterogenis amb diversos compartiments. A més, es tenen en compte algunes restriccions específiques de l'empresa, com ara la compatibilitat del producte, les restriccions d'accessibilitat a les instal·lacions, les ubicacions prioritzades o les restriccions de bioseguretat. A escala de granja, s'implementa un enfocament basat en bessons digitals mitjançant la instal·lació de sensors per mesurar remotament els inventaris. En el marc de la tesi, es desenvolupa aquest sensor cercant la precisió requerida i les característiques oportunes que en permetin la instal·lació a gran escala. El nostre enfocament combina tècniques d'aleatorització esbiaixada amb un marc simheurístic per fer ús de les dades proporcionades pels sensors. L'anàlisi dels resultats es basa en aquests dos pilots reals i mostra les idees obtingudes durant el projecte IoFeeD. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi mostren com la internet de les coses i els mètodes d'optimització basats en simulació es combinen amb èxit per optimitzar les operacions de subministrament de pinso per al consum animal a les explotacions ramaderes.Tecnologies de la informació i de xarxe

    Solving a static repositioning problem in bike-sharing systems using iterated tabu search

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    In this paper, we study the static bike repositioning problem where the problem consists of selecting a subset of stations to visit, sequencing them, and determining the pick-up/drop-off quantities (associated with each of the visited stations) under the various operational constraints. The objective is to minimize the total penalties incurred at all the stations. We present an iterated tabu search heuristic to solve the described problem. Experimental results show that this simple heuristic can generate high quality solutions using small computing times.postprin