7,330 research outputs found

    Eco-sustainable Campus Initiatives: A Web Content Analysis

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    Though many prominent universities in the world have been implementing the sustainability programs for many years, few universities in Indonesia are just start taking the initiative to develop eco-campus, sustainable campus or green campus. In this current state, the Indonesian universities are still lack of practical framework to guide their sustainability programs. While some articles offer conceptual or practical sustainability frameworks, the actual campus sustainability practices are not much explored. This paper fills the gap by investigating the actual campus sustainability practices from some major universities in the world. The findings shows that campus sustainability initiative is commonly implemented with an integrated approach covering environmental management, green building, public participation, teaching and research. In addition, the initiative is guided by a high level sustainability policy/plan, and the presence of dedicated organizational unit to manage sustainability program. Furthermore, the investigation of the Indonesian university shows that only four of ten sites have a dedicated a sub-domain web site for the sustainability initiative, the real activities are still minimum, and the absence of a dedicated organizational unit. The findings could help Indonesian universities in their sustainability endeavor

    Theorization and translation in information technology institutionalization: evidence from Danish home care

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    Although institutional theory has become a more dominant perspective in information systems research, studies have only paid scant attention to how field dynamics and organizational processes coevolve during information technology institutionalization. Against this backdrop, we present a new conceptualization based on the “traveling of ideas” metaphor that distinguishes between theorization of ideas about IT usage across an organizational field and translation of such ideas into practical use of IT within particular organizations. Drawing on these distinct analytical views, we posit that IT institutionalization is constituted through recursive intertwining of theorization and translation involving both linguistic and material objects. To illustrate the detailed workings of this conceptualization, we apply it to a longitudinal study of mobile IT institutionalization within Danish home care. We demonstrate how heterogeneous actors within the Danish home care field theorized ideas about mobile IT usage and how these ideas translated into different local arrangements. Further, our account reveals a complex institutionalization process in which mobile IT was first seen as a fashionable recipe for improvement but subsequently became the subject of controversy. The paper adds to the emerging process and discourse literature on IT institutionalization by shedding new light on how IT ideas travel across a field and within individual organizations, how they transform and become legitimized over time, and how they take on different linguistic and material forms across organizational settings

    Globalization in Marketing: An Empirical Analysis of Business Adoption and Use of Social Network Sites

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    Although the internet is a widely used information technology exploited by businesses to communicate with consumers, the present research indicates that many organizations have not established a presence on social network sites (SNSs). Using contingency and organizational learning theories, this research establishes a theoretical foundation for understanding organizational adoption and use of SNSs as a standardization marketing strategy by some of the world’s leading brands. This paper also utilizes the Business Social Network Site (BSNS) Index, a new metric for measuring the extent to which companies promote their use of SNSs on their own website, to test hypotheses predicting firm adoption and use of SNSs. In addition to the contribution of the BSNS Index, an initial understanding of actual adoption and use of SNS as a marketing strategy by large firms is established

    The Prospects for Family Business in Research Universities

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    Family business shows the promise of becoming a respected scholarly field in research universities. However, success is not a given. We inquire about its prospects, with reference to the sociology of science. A key requirement for success that has been met is identification with an important and distinctive domain of inquiry. This domain is at the intersection two phenomena - of kinship and business - but more attention has been paid to enterprise than to kinship. We suggest that this creates important windows for theoretical development, an important requirement for a core presence in research universities. We further suggest additional priorities, such as progress in journal and research quality, more developed links to pressing social issues such as international business, inclusion of family business issues in the credit curriculum, and faculty lines that create research continuity and legitimize research on family business

    Evolutionary Model of e-Procurement Adoption: A Case of the Vietnam Construction Industry

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    In order to propose more effective solutions to improve the diffusion of e-procurement technologies in the construction sector, it is very important to get a better understanding on the practical evolutionary process of e-procurement adoption at the enterprise level. This cases-study seeks to investigate the strategic evolution of e-procurement adoption in construction companies. Data collected from in-depth semi-structured interviews was analyzed by within-case and cross-case analyses to understand well the similarities and differences between the company cases regarding the way e-procurement technologies have been adopting and implementing. The present study found out a six-stage evolutionary model of e-procurement implementation specific for the context of Vietnamese construction industry. Further, it also proposed the best practical solutions for the cases studied as well as for the general context toward more collaborative e-procurement environment. Although this study is based on the experience of the construction section in a specific country, it is believed its results may be applicable to other developing countries. Using the evolutionary model developed, construction companies are able to self-assess and locate their e-procurement adoption level, and so that establish appropriate practical solutions to move forward a higher level of e-procurement applicability

    IT Innovativeness and Environmental Consciousness on Organizational Performance

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    The purpose of our study is to investigate the impacts of Information Technology (IT) innovation and environmental consciousness on firm performance. We tested the robustness of innovation theory using the most recent Information Week (IW) 500 annual datasets. As expected, performance of IT innovators was better than their industry average performance. However, performance of environmentally conscious IT innovators is frequently no better than that of less conscious IT innovative firms. And, for some performance indicators, less environmentally conscious IT innovative firms out-performed more environmentally conscious IT innovative firms.Information technology (IT) innovation, firm performance, organizational innovation, IT role, environmental consciousness, and environmental performance

    The interplay of legitimacy gains and technical gains in the adoption of social media

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    Includes vita.The benefits of adopting new practices vary: some provide technical efficiency and some are institutions and bestow legitimacy to adopting firms. These distinct benefits have been treated in isolation in the literature, but I argue that they are not isolated at all and in fact, might interact in how they impact firm performance. I develop theory that builds upon recent findings that firms are indeed motivated to achieve both legitimacy and technical gains, whether they are early or late adopters. By utilizing strategic alignment and adoption timing as proxies for adoption motivation, I empirically separate the two adoption logics and enable the investigation of whether they are both achievable, and if so whether they are additive or interactive. I test these ideas in the context of social media and the adoption of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. I find that some firms achieve both technical and legitimacy gains through adoption and that the two positively interact to enhance one another.Includes bibliographical references (pages 97-108)
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