441 research outputs found

    Eigensystem analysis of classical relaxation techniques with applications to multigrid analysis

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    Classical relaxation techniques are related to numerical methods for solution of ordinary differential equations. Eigensystems for Point-Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, and SOR methods are presented. Solution techniques such as eigenvector annihilation, eigensystem mixing, and multigrid methods are examined with regard to the eigenstructure

    Non-Hermitian Localization in Biological Networks

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    We explore the spectra and localization properties of the N-site banded one-dimensional non-Hermitian random matrices that arise naturally in sparse neural networks. Approximately equal numbers of random excitatory and inhibitory connections lead to spatially localized eigenfunctions, and an intricate eigenvalue spectrum in the complex plane that controls the spontaneous activity and induced response. A finite fraction of the eigenvalues condense onto the real or imaginary axes. For large N, the spectrum has remarkable symmetries not only with respect to reflections across the real and imaginary axes, but also with respect to 90 degree rotations, with an unusual anisotropic divergence in the localization length near the origin. When chains with periodic boundary conditions become directed, with a systematic directional bias superimposed on the randomness, a hole centered on the origin opens up in the density-of-states in the complex plane. All states are extended on the rim of this hole, while the localized eigenvalues outside the hole are unchanged. The bias dependent shape of this hole tracks the bias independent contours of constant localization length. We treat the large-N limit by a combination of direct numerical diagonalization and using transfer matrices, an approach that allows us to exploit an electrostatic analogy connecting the "charges" embodied in the eigenvalue distribution with the contours of constant localization length. We show that similar results are obtained for more realistic neural networks that obey "Dale's Law" (each site is purely excitatory or inhibitory), and conclude with perturbation theory results that describe the limit of large bias g, when all states are extended. Related problems arise in random ecological networks and in chains of artificial cells with randomly coupled gene expression patterns

    Quantum Speed Limit for Perfect State Transfer in One Dimension

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    The basic idea of spin chain engineering for perfect quantum state transfer (QST) is to find a set of coupling constants in the Hamiltonian, such that a particular state initially encoded on one site will evolve freely to the opposite site without any dynamical controls. The minimal possible evolution time represents a speed limit for QST. We prove that the optimal solution is the one simulating the precession of a spin in a static magnetic field. We also argue that, at least for solid-state systems where interactions are local, it is more realistic to characterize the computation power by the couplings than the initial energy.Comment: 5 pages, no figure; improved versio

    The NASTRAN theoretical manual

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    Designed to accommodate additions and modifications, this commentary on NASTRAN describes the problem solving capabilities of the program in a narrative fashion and presents developments of the analytical and numerical procedures that underlie the program. Seventeen major sections and numerous subsections cover; the organizational aspects of the program, utility matrix routines, static structural analysis, heat transfer, dynamic structural analysis, computer graphics, special structural modeling techniques, error analysis, interaction between structures and fluids, and aeroelastic analysis

    Small amplitude lateral sloshing in a cylindrical tank with a hemispherical bottom under low gravitational conditions Summary report

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    Small amplitude lateral sloshing in cylindrical tank with hemispherical bottom under low gravitational condition

    Single particle calculations for a Woods-Saxon potential with triaxial deformations, and large Cartesian oscillator basis

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    We present a computer program which solves the Schrodinger equation of the stationary states for an average nuclear potential of Woods-Saxon type. In this work, we take specifically into account triaxial (i.e. ellipsoidal) nuclear surfaces. The deformation is specified by the usual Bohr parameters. The calculations are carried out in two stages. In the first, one calculates the representative matrix of the Hamiltonian in the cartesian oscillator basis. In the second stage one diagonalizes this matrix with the help of subroutines of the EISPACK library. If it is wished, one can calculate all eigenvalues, or only the part of the eigenvalues that are contained in a fixed interval defined in advance. In this latter case the eigenvectors are given conjointly. The program is very rapid, and the run-time is mainly used for the diagonalization. Thus, it is possible to use a significant number of the basis states in order to insure a best convergence of the results.Comment: no figures, but tbles in separate pdf file

    Matrix geometric approach for random walks: stability condition and equilibrium distribution

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    In this paper, we analyse a sub-class of two-dimensional homogeneous nearest neighbour (simple) random walk restricted on the lattice using the matrix geometric approach. In particular, we first present an alternative approach for the calculation of the stability condition, extending the result of Neuts drift conditions [30] and connecting it with the result of Fayolle et al. which is based on Lyapunov functions [13]. Furthermore, we consider the sub-class of random walks with equilibrium distributions given as series of product-forms and, for this class of random walks, we calculate the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of the infinite matrix R\mathbf{R} appearing in the matrix geometric approach. This result is obtained by connecting and extending three existing approaches available for such an analysis: the matrix geometric approach, the compensation approach and the boundary value problem method. In this paper, we also present the spectral properties of the infinite matrix R\mathbf{R}