191 research outputs found

    Sensor Augmented Virtual Reality Based Teleoperation Using Mixed Autonomy

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    A multimodal teleoperation interface is introduced, featuring an integrated virtual reality (VR) based simulation augmented by sensors and image processing capabilities onboard the remotely operated vehicle. The proposed virtual reality interface fuses an existing VR model with live video feed and prediction states, thereby creating a multimodal control interface. VR addresses the typical limitations of video based teleoperation caused by signal lag and limited field of view, allowing the operator to navigate in a continuous fashion. The vehicle incorporates an onboard computer and a stereo vision system to facilitate obstacle detection. A vehicle adaptation system with a priori risk maps and a real-state tracking system enable temporary autonomous operation of the vehicle for local navigation around obstacles and automatic re-establishment of the vehicle’s teleoperated state. The system provides real time update of the virtual environment based on anomalies encountered by the vehicle. The VR based multimodal teleoperation interface is expected to be more adaptable and intuitive when compared with other interfaces

    Combining haptics and inertial motion capture to enhance remote control of a dual-arm robot

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    [EN] High dexterity is required in tasks in which there is contact between objects, such as surface conditioning (wiping, polishing, scuffing, sanding, etc.), specially when the location of the objects involved is unknown or highly inaccurate because they are moving, like a car body in automotive industry lines. These applications require the human adaptability and the robot accuracy. However, sharing the same workspace is not possible in most cases due to safety issues. Hence, a multi-modal teleoperation system combining haptics and an inertial motion capture system is introduced in this work. The human operator gets the sense of touch thanks to haptic feedback, whereas using the motion capture device allows more naturalistic movements. Visual feedback assistance is also introduced to enhance immersion. A Baxter dual-arm robot is used to offer more flexibility and manoeuvrability, allowing to perform two independent operations simultaneously. Several tests have been carried out to assess the proposed system. As it is shown by the experimental results, the task duration is reduced and the overall performance improves thanks to the proposed teleoperation method.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana (Grants GV/2021/074 and GV/2021/181) and by the SpanishGovernment (Grants PID2020-118071GB-I00 and PID2020-117421RBC21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work was also supported byCoordenacao de Aperfeiaoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES Brasil) under Finance Code 001, by CEFET-MG, and by a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies to YD.Girbés-Juan, V.; Schettino, V.; Gracia Calandin, LI.; Solanes, JE.; Demiris, Y.; Tornero, J. (2022). Combining haptics and inertial motion capture to enhance remote control of a dual-arm robot. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces. 16(2):219-238. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-021-00386-8219238162Hägele M, Nilsson K, Pires JN, Bischoff R (2016) Industrial robotics. Springer, Cham, pp 1385–1422. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1_54Hokayem PF, Spong MW (2006) Bilateral teleoperation: an historical survey. Automatica 42(12):2035–2057. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2006.06.027Son HI (2019) The contribution of force feedback to human performance in the teleoperation of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles. J Multimodal User Interfaces 13(4):335–342Jones B, Maiero J, Mogharrab A, Aguliar IA, Adhikari A, Riecke BE, Kruijff E, Neustaedter C, Lindeman RW (2020) Feetback: augmenting robotic telepresence with haptic feedback on the feet. In: Proceedings of the 2020 international conference on multimodal interaction, pp 194–203Merrad W, Héloir A, Kolski C, Krüger A (2021) Rfid-based tangible and touch tabletop for dual reality in crisis management context. 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McGraw-Hill, New YorkGarcía A, Girbés-Juan V, Solanes JE, Gracia L, Perez-Vidal C, Tornero J (2020) Human–robot cooperation for surface repair combining automatic and manual modes. IEEE Access 8:154024–154035. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.301450

    Advanced virtual reality technologies for surveillance and security applications

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    We present a system that exploits advanced Virtual Reality technologies to create a surveillance and security system. Surveillance cameras are carried by a mini Blimp which is tele-operated using an innovative Virtual Reality interface with haptic feedback. An interactive control room (CAVE) receives multiple video streams from airborne and fixed cameras. Eye tracking technology allows for turning the user's gaze into the main interaction mechanism; the user in charge can examine, zoom and select specific views by looking at them. Video streams selected at the control room can be redirected to agents equipped with a PDA. On-field agents can examine the video sent by the control center and locate the actual position of the airborne cameras in a GPS-driven map. The PDA interface reacts to the user's gestures. A tilt sensor recognizes the position in which the PDA is held and adapts the interface accordingly. The prototype we present shows the added value of integrating VR technologies into a complex application and opens up several research directions in the areas of tele-operation, Multimodal Interfaces, etc. Copyright © 2006 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc

    Combining haptics and inertial motion capture to enhance remote control of a dual-arm robot

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    High dexterity is required in tasks in which there is contact between objects, such as surface conditioning (wiping, polishing, scuffing, sanding, etc.), specially when the location of the objects involved is unknown or highly inaccurate because they are moving, like a car body in automotive industry lines. These applications require the human adaptability and the robot accuracy. However, sharing the same workspace is not possible in most cases due to safety issues. Hence, a multi-modal teleoperation system combining haptics and an inertial motion capture system is introduced in this work. The human operator gets the sense of touch thanks to haptic feedback, whereas using the motion capture device allows more naturalistic movements. Visual feedback assistance is also introduced to enhance immersion. A Baxter dual-arm robot is used to offer more flexibility and manoeuvrability, allowing to perform two independent operations simultaneously. Several tests have been carried out to assess the proposed system. As it is shown by the experimental results, the task duration is reduced and the overall performance improves thanks to the proposed teleoperation method

    Recent Advancements in Augmented Reality for Robotic Applications: A Survey

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    Robots are expanding from industrial applications to daily life, in areas such as medical robotics, rehabilitative robotics, social robotics, and mobile/aerial robotics systems. In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has been integrated into many robotic applications, including medical, industrial, human–robot interactions, and collaboration scenarios. In this work, AR for both medical and industrial robot applications is reviewed and summarized. For medical robot applications, we investigated the integration of AR in (1) preoperative and surgical task planning; (2) image-guided robotic surgery; (3) surgical training and simulation; and (4) telesurgery. AR for industrial scenarios is reviewed in (1) human–robot interactions and collaborations; (2) path planning and task allocation; (3) training and simulation; and (4) teleoperation control/assistance. In addition, the limitations and challenges are discussed. Overall, this article serves as a valuable resource for working in the field of AR and robotic research, offering insights into the recent state of the art and prospects for improvement

    Virtual Reality-Based Interface for Advanced Assisted Mobile Robot Teleoperation

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    [EN] This work proposes a new interface for the teleoperation of mobile robots based on virtual reality that allows a natural and intuitive interaction and cooperation between the human and the robot, which is useful for many situations, such as inspection tasks, the mapping of complex environments, etc. Contrary to previous works, the proposed interface does not seek the realism of the virtual environment but provides all the minimum necessary elements that allow the user to carry out the teleoperation task in a more natural and intuitive way. The teleoperation is carried out in such a way that the human user and the mobile robot cooperate in a synergistic way to properly accomplish the task: the user guides the robot through the environment in order to benefit from the intelligence and adaptability of the human, whereas the robot is able to automatically avoid collisions with the objects in the environment in order to benefit from its fast response. The latter is carried out using the well-known potential field-based navigation method. The efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated through experimentation with the Turtlebot3 Burger mobile robot in both simulation and real-world scenarios. In addition, usability and presence questionnaires were also conducted with users of different ages and backgrounds to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach. In particular, the results of these questionnaires show that the proposed virtual reality based interface is intuitive, ergonomic and easy to use.This research was funded by the Spanish Government (Grant PID2020-117421RB-C21 funded byMCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by the Generalitat Valenciana (Grant GV/2021/181).Solanes, JE.; Muñoz García, A.; Gracia Calandin, LI.; Tornero Montserrat, J. (2022). Virtual Reality-Based Interface for Advanced Assisted Mobile Robot Teleoperation. Applied Sciences. 12(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12126071122121
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