68 research outputs found

    High-order DG solvers for under-resolved turbulent incompressible flows: A comparison of L2L^2 and HH(div) methods

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    The accurate numerical simulation of turbulent incompressible flows is a challenging topic in computational fluid dynamics. For discretisation methods to be robust in the under-resolved regime, mass conservation as well as energy stability are key ingredients to obtain robust and accurate discretisations. Recently, two approaches have been proposed in the context of high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretisations that address these aspects differently. On the one hand, standard L2L^2-based DG discretisations enforce mass conservation and energy stability weakly by the use of additional stabilisation terms. On the other hand, pointwise divergence-free H(div⁥)H(\operatorname{div})-conforming approaches ensure exact mass conservation and energy stability by the use of tailored finite element function spaces. The present work raises the question whether and to which extent these two approaches are equivalent when applied to under-resolved turbulent flows. This comparative study highlights similarities and differences of these two approaches. The numerical results emphasise that both discretisation strategies are promising for under-resolved simulations of turbulent flows due to their inherent dissipation mechanisms.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Robust and efficient discontinuous Galerkin methods for under-resolved turbulent incompressible flows

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    We present a robust and accurate discretization approach for incompressible turbulent flows based on high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods. The DG discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations uses the local Lax-Friedrichs flux for the convective term, the symmetric interior penalty method for the viscous term, and central fluxes for the velocity-pressure coupling terms. Stability of the discretization approach for under-resolved, turbulent flow problems is realized by a purely numerical stabilization approach. Consistent penalty terms that enforce the incompressibility constraint as well as inter-element continuity of the velocity field in a weak sense render the numerical method a robust discretization scheme in the under-resolved regime. The penalty parameters are derived by means of dimensional analysis using penalty factors of order 1. Applying these penalty terms in a postprocessing step leads to an efficient solution algorithm for turbulent flows. The proposed approach is applicable independently of the solution strategy used to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, i.e., it can be used for both projection-type solution methods as well as monolithic solution approaches. Since our approach is based on consistent penalty terms, it is by definition generic and provides optimal rates of convergence when applied to laminar flow problems. Robustness and accuracy are verified for the Orr-Sommerfeld stability problem, the Taylor-Green vortex problem, and turbulent channel flow. Moreover, the accuracy of high-order discretizations as compared to low-order discretizations is investigated for these flow problems. A comparison to state-of-the-art computational approaches for large-eddy simulation indicates that the proposed methods are highly attractive components for turbulent flow solvers

    On the performance of a high-order multiscale DG approach to LES at increasing Reynolds number

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    The variational multiscale (VMS) approach based on a high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method is used to perform LES of the sub-critical flow past a circular cylinder at Reynolds 3 900, 20 000 and 140 000. The effect of the numerical flux function on the quality of the LES solutions is also studied in the context of very coarse discretizations of the TGV configuration at Re = 20 000. The potential of using p-adaption in combination with DG-VMS is illustrated for the cylinder flow at Re = 140 000 by considering a non-uniform distribution of the polynomial degree based on a recently developed error estimation strategy. The results from these tests demonstrate the robustness of the DG-VMS approach with increasing Reynolds number on a highly curved geometrical configuration

    Gradient jump penalty stabilisation of spectral/hp element discretisation for under-resolved turbulence simulations

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    One of the strengths of the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method has been its balance between accuracy and robustness, which stems from DG’s intrinsic (upwind) dissipation being biased towards high frequencies/wavenumbers. This is particularly useful in high Reynolds-number flow simulations where limitations on mesh resolution typically lead to potentially unstable under-resolved scales. In continuous Galerkin (CG) discretisations, similar properties are achievable through the addition of artificial diffusion, such as spectral vanishing viscosity (SVV). The latter, although recognised as very useful in CG-based high-fidelity turbulence simulations, has been observed to be sub-optimal when compared to DG at intermediate polynomials orders (P ≈ 3). In this paper we explore an alternative stabilisation approach by the introduction of a continuous interior penalty on the gradient discontinuity at elemental boundaries, which we refer to as a gradient jump penalisation (GJP). Analogous to DG methods, this introduces a penalisation at the elemental interfaces as opposed to the interior element stabilisation of SVV. Detailed eigenanalysis of the GJP approach shows its potential as equivalent (sometimes superior) to DG dissipation and hence superior to previous SVV approaches. Through eigenanalysis, a judicious choice of GJP’s P-dependent scaling parameter is made and found to be consistent with previous apriori error analysis. The favourable properties of the GJP stabilisation approach are also supported by turbulent flow simulations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, as we achieve high-quality flow solutions at P = 3 using GJP, whereas SVV performs marginally worse at P = 5 with twice as many degrees of freedom in total

    High-Reynolds-number wall-modelled large eddy simulations of turbulent pipe flows using explicit and implicit subgrid stress treatments within a spectral element solver

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    We present explicit and implicit large eddy simulations for fully developed turbulent pipe flows using a continuous-Galerkin spectral element solver. On the one hand, the explicit stretched-vortex model (by Misra & Pullin [45] and Chung & Pullin [14]), accounts for an explicit treatment of unresolved stresses and is adapted to the high-order solver. On the other hand, an implicit approach based on a spectral vanishing viscosity technique is implemented. The latter implicit technique is modified to incorporate Chung & Pullin virtual-wall model instead of relying on implicit dissipative mechanisms near walls. This near-wall model is derived by averaging in the wall-normal direction and relying in local inner scaling to treat the time-dependence of the filtered wall-parallel velocity. The model requires space-time varying Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for velocity and pressure respectively. We provide results and comparisons for the explicit and implicit subgrid treatments and show that both provide favourable results for pipe flows at Re_τ = 2×10^3 and Re_τ = 1.8×10^5 in terms of turbulence statistics. Additionally, we conclude that implicit simulations are enhanced when including the wall model and provide the correct statistics near walls

    High-Reynolds-number wall-modelled large eddy simulations of turbulent pipe flows using explicit and implicit subgrid stress treatments within a spectral element solver

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    We present explicit and implicit large eddy simulations for fully developed turbulent pipe flows using a continuous-Galerkin spectral element solver. On the one hand, the explicit stretched-vortex model (by Misra & Pullin [45] and Chung & Pullin [14]), accounts for an explicit treatment of unresolved stresses and is adapted to the high-order solver. On the other hand, an implicit approach based on a spectral vanishing viscosity technique is implemented. The latter implicit technique is modified to incorporate Chung & Pullin virtual-wall model instead of relying on implicit dissipative mechanisms near walls. This near-wall model is derived by averaging in the wall-normal direction and relying in local inner scaling to treat the time-dependence of the filtered wall-parallel velocity. The model requires space-time varying Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for velocity and pressure respectively. We provide results and comparisons for the explicit and implicit subgrid treatments and show that both provide favourable results for pipe flows at Re_τ = 2×10^3 and Re_τ = 1.8×10^5 in terms of turbulence statistics. Additionally, we conclude that implicit simulations are enhanced when including the wall model and provide the correct statistics near walls

    Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2018

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    This open access book features a selection of high-quality papers from the presentations at the International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods 2018, offering an overview of the depth and breadth of the activities within this important research area. The carefully reviewed papers provide a snapshot of the state of the art, while the extensive bibliography helps initiate new research directions
