4 research outputs found

    Supplier selection for smart supply chain: An adaptive fuzzy-neuro approach

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    In recent years, companies have experienced international changes that have occurred as a result of technological advances, market globalization, or natural disasters. So, organizations are trying to improve their performance in order to be more competitive. In other words, organizations’ competitiveness highly depends on their suppliers. At present, companies need to consider and include so-called ‘resilience’, ‘sustainability’, and ‘smartness’ in the supplier’s selection to retain a competitive advantage. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to present an intelligent decision-making model for selecting the appropriate suppliers. For doing so, a set of criteria evaluation was determined to respond to the novel era circumstances. The suggested work is helpful for academics as well as professionals as it emphasizes the importance of resilient-sustainable supplier selection in the digital era.N/

    Oportunidades para la transformación digital de la cadena de suministro del sector bananero basado en software con inteligencia artificial

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    Artificial intelligence offers great opportunities for the supply chain, making it a competitive advantage for today's changing market. This paper aims to identify the impacts and opportunities that artificial intelligence software can offer to supply chain in the Colombian banana sector to facilitate the operation and improve the performance. The searching method consists of six steps getting 72 investigations finally. The sources of information were four databases. The main conclusion is the supply chain of the banana sector has everything for implementation of solutions based on intelligent software in order to achieve adaptation, flexibility and context awarenes and execution domain.La inteligencia artificial ofrece grandes oportunidades para la cadena de suministro, siendo esto una ventaja competitiva para el mercado cambiante de hoy en día. Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar los impactos y oportunidades que puede ofrecer el software con inteligencia artificial para facilitar la operación y mejorar el desempeño de la cadena de suministro en el sector bananero de Colombia. La metodología de trabajo consta de seis pasos en donde se obtuvo un total de 72 investigaciones. Las fuentes de información fueron cuatro bases de datos. Como conclusión principal, la cadena de suministro del sector bananero tiene todo lo necesario para que se implementen soluciones basadas en software inteligente con el fin de lograr una adaptación, flexibilidad y sensibilidad al contexto y dominio de ejecución.   Artificial intelligence offers great opportunities for the supply chain, making it a competitive advantage for today's changing market. This paper aims to identify the impacts and opportunities that artificial intelligence software can offer to supply chain in the Colombian banana sector to facilitate the operation and improve the performance. The searching method consists of six steps getting 72 investigations finally. The sources of information were four databases. The main conclusion is the supply chain of the banana sector has everything for implementation of solutions based on intelligent software in order to achieve adaptation, flexibility and context awarenes and execution domain

    Pengukuran Kinerja Supplier dengan Menggunakan Metode Best Worst Method, OMAX, dan TLS di PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) TBK.

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    Proyek Eastern Green Bekasi merupakan salah satu proyek pembangunan milik PT. Adhi Karya sejak tahun 2017 dan mengalami permasalahan terkait supplier serta belum memiliki sistem pengukuran kinerja supplier dengan kriteria, subkriteria, dan indikator penilaian yang jelas sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Proyek Eastern Green Bekasi mengalami sejumlah pergantian supplier ditengah periode kontrak yang mengakibatkan terhambatnya pasokan bahan baku, salah satunya bahan baku Mortar. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan penentuan kriteria Quality, Cost, Flexibility, Delivery, dan Responsiveness (QCFDR), penentuan key performance indicator (KPI), verifikasi kriteria dan KPI, dan dilakukan pembobotan kriteria dengan menggunakan Best Worst Method (BWM). Hasil pembobotan kriteria dan KPI kemudian digunakan dalam pehitungan skor kinerja supplier dengan metode Objective Matrix (OMAX) dan diketahui tingkat kinerja supplier dengan klasifikasi Traffic Light System (TLS). Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan lima kriteria yang dapat digunakan oleh PT. Adhi Karya untuk melakukan pengukuran kinerja supplier, yaitu Quality, Cost, Flexibility, Delivery, dan Responsiveness yang terdiri dari satu KPI pada kriteria quality, dua KPI pada kriteria cost, dua KPI pada kriteria flexibility, tiga KPI pada kriteria delivery, dan dua KPI pada kriteria responsiveness. Hasil pembobotan kriteria yang didapatkan menunjukkan bobot kriteria cost senilai 0,381; quality senilai 0,201; delivery senilai 0,188; responsiveness senilai 0,180; dan flexibility senilai 0,050. Hasil pengukuran kinerja supplier pada PT. Adhi Karya menghasilkan current productivity index pada supplier A senilai 4,454; supplier B senilai 2,785; dan supplier C 4,072. Terdapat rekomendasi perbaikan berupa keterbukaan informasi dan inspeksi kualitas bersama perusahaan dan supplier, analisis SWOT dan pertimbangan faktor harga, penggunaan waste checklist, inventory management software, least cost method, metode nearest neighbour, risk management berbasis real-time, dan metode IPA