4 research outputs found


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    The changes caused by Industry 4.0 determine the decisions taken by manufacturing companies. Their activities are aimed at adapting processes and products to dynamic market requirements. Additive manufacturing technologies (AM) are the answer to the needs of enterprises. The implementation of AM technology brings many benefits, although for most 3D printing techniques it is also relatively expensive. Therefore, the implementation process should be preceded by an appropriate analysis, in order, finally, to assess the solution. This article presents the concept of using the Bayesian network when planning the implementation of AM technology. The use of the presented model allows the level of the success of the implementation of selected AM technology, to be estimated under given environmental conditions

    Prediction of Loss of Position during Dynamic Positioning Drilling Operations Using Binary Logistic Regression Modeling

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    The prediction of loss of position in the offshore industry would allow optimization of dynamic positioning drilling operations, reducing the number and severity of potential accidents. In this paper, the probability of an excursion is determined by developing binary logistic regression models based on a database of 42 incidents which took place between 2011 and 2015. For each case, variables describing the configuration of the dynamic positioning system, weather conditions, and water depth are considered. We demonstrate that loss of position is significantly more likely to occur when there is a higher usage of generators, and the drilling takes place in shallower waters along with adverse weather conditions; this model has very good results when applied to the sample. The same method is then applied for obtaining a binary regression model for incidents not attributable to human error, showing that it is a function of the percentage of generators in use, wind force, and wave height. Applying these results to the risk management of drilling operations may help focus our attention on the factors that most strongly affect loss of position, thereby improving safety during these operations

    An integrated approach for real-time hazard mitigation in complex industrial processes

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    Modern engineering systems give paramount importance to safety in order to avoid or mitigate hazardous accidents which can lead to huge economic losses, environmental contamination, and human injuries. This paper proposes an integrated approach that uses both Hidden Markov Model and Bayesian Network to estimate an optimum safety-threshold for complex industrial processes. In order to estimate the safety threshold, the proposed approach considers different cost factors and the joint probabilities of multiple process variables leading to an accident. In addition to the system level threshold, it also estimates the safety-threshold for components. This helps in identifying the component that needs maintenance to enhance system performance and safety. Furthermore, it proposes a dynamic risk assessment methodology based on multiple real-time process variables. The optimum safety-thresholds are estimated using Genetic Algorithm which aims at minimizing the system running cost over a finite time horizon. A case study on Tennessee Eastman Chemical Process is presented to demonstrate the proposed methodology for optimizing process safety-threshold.</p

    Modelos de regresi贸n log铆stica aplicados a incidentes de posicionamiento din谩mico ocurridos durante operaciones de perforaci贸n mar adentro.

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    156 p.La prevenci贸n de incidentes en la industria offshore es una parte crucial del proceso de an谩lisis y gesti贸nde riesgos, ya que permite optimizar las operaciones de perforaci贸n de posicionamiento din谩mico, y as铆reducir las consecuencias de un posible incidente.En esta disertaci贸n, aplicaremos modelos de regresi贸n log铆stica binaria sobre una base de datos de 42incidentes ocurridos durante el per铆odo 2011-2015. Para cada caso, se consideran las variables quedescriben las diferentes configuraciones del sistema de posicionamiento din谩mico, las condicionesclim谩ticas y la profundidad del agua.El primer objetivo trata de determinar la probabilidad de tener una excursi贸n durante un incidente. Enesta investigaci贸n se comprueba que las p茅rdidas de posici贸n tienen mayor probabilidad de ocurrircuando hay un mayor uso de generadores, y la perforaci贸n se realiza en aguas menos profundas,obteniendo este modelo muy buenos resultados cuando se aplica a la muestra. Las variablesclimatol贸gicas tambi茅n son consideradas, obteniendo un modelo que combina las variables antesmencionadas con la fuerza del viento.Los incidentes causados por factores humanos son cada vez m谩s numerosos e importantes. Laprobabilidad de que ocurra un incidente de origen humano durante las operaciones de perforaci贸n deposicionamiento din谩mico se determina utilizando modelos de regresi贸n log铆stica binaria sobre la mismabase de datos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que es mucho m谩s probable que ocurran incidentes deorigen humano cuando hay un menor uso de los propulsores.Estos resultados, aplicados a la gesti贸n de riesgos de las operaciones de perforaci贸n, pueden ayudar acentrar la atenci贸n en los elementos que afectan m谩s fuertemente las p茅rdidas de posici贸n, mejorando as铆la seguridad durante estas operaciones. Asimismo, estos resultados son 煤tiles para enfocar nuestraatenci贸n en variables que pueden estar asociadas a incidentes atribuibles a error humano, as铆 como paraestablecer l铆mites operacionales que podr铆an ayudar a prevenir estos incidentes y mejorar la seguridaddurante estas operaciones