235,600 research outputs found

    An optimal IV technique for identifying continuous-time transfer function model of multiple input systems

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    An instrumental variable method for continuous-time model identification is proposed for multiple input single output systems where the characteristic polynomials of the transfer functions associated with each input are not constrained to be identical. An associated model order determination procedure is shown to be reasonably successful. Monte Carlo simulation analyses are used to demonstrate the properties and general robustness of the model order selection and parameter estimation schemes. The results obtained to model a winding process and an industrial binary distillation column illustrate the practical applicability of the proposed identification scheme

    Determinacy, indeterminacy and dynamic misspecification in linear rational expectations models

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    This paper proposes a testing strategy for the null hypothesis that a multivariate linear rational expectations (LRE) model has a unique stable solution (determinacy) against the alternative of multiple stable solutions (indeterminacy). Under a proper set of identification restrictions, determinacy is investigated by a misspecification-type approach in which the result of the overidentifying restrictions test obtained from the estimation of the LRE model through a version of generalized method of moments is combined with the result of a likelihood-based test for the cross-equation restrictions that the LRE places on its finite order reduced form under determinacy. This approach (i) circumvents the nonstandard inferential problem that a purely likelihood-based approach implies because of the presence of nuisance parameters that appear under the alternative but not under the null, (ii) does not involve inequality parametric restrictions and nonstandard asymptotic distributions, and (iii) gives rise to a joint test which is consistent against indeterminacy almost everywhere in the space of nuisance parameters, i.e. except for a point of zero measure which gives rise to minimum state variable solutions, and is also consistent against the dynamic misspecification of the LRE model. Monte Carlo simulations show that the testing strategy delivers reasonable size coverage and power in finite samples. An empirical illustration focuses on the determinacy/indeterminacy of a New Keynesian monetary business cycle model for the US.Determinatezza, Indeterminatezza, Massima verosimiglianza, Metodo generalizzato dei momenti, Modello lineare con aspettative, Identificazione, Variabili Strumentali, VAR,VARMA Determinacy, Generalized method of moments, Indeterminacy, LRE model, Identification, Instrumental Variables, Maximum Likelihood, VAR, VARMA

    Discrete identification of continuous non-linear andnon-stationary dynamical systems that is insensitive to noise correlation and measurement outliers

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    The paper uses specific parameter estimation methods to identify the coefficients of continuous-time models represented by linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations. The necessary approximation of such systems in discrete time in the form of utility models is achieved by the use of properly tuned ‘integrating filters’ of the FIR type. The resulting discrete-time descriptions retain the original continuous parameterization and can be identified, for example, by the classical least squares procedure. Since in the presence of correlated noise, the estimated parameter values are burdened with an unavoidable systematic error (manifested by asymptotic bias of the estimates), in order to significantly improve the identification consistency, the method of instrumental variables is used here. In our research we use an estimation algorithm based on the least absolute values (LA) criterion of the least sum of absolute values, which is optimal in identifying linear and non-linear systems in the case of sporadic measurement errors. In the paper, we propose a procedure for determining the instrumental variable for a continuous model with non-linearity (related to the Wienerian system) in order to remove the evaluation bias, and a recursive sub-optimal version of the LA estmator. This algorithm is given in a simple (LA) version and in an instrumental variable version (IV-LA), which is robust to outliers, removes evaluation bias, and is suited to the task of identifying processes with non-linear dynamics (semi-Wienerian/NLID). In conclusion, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithmic solutions has been demonstrated by numerical simulations of the mechanical system, which is an essential part of the suspension system of a wheeled vehicle

    Estimation of Dynamic Mixed Double Factors Model in High Dimensional Panel Data

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    The purpose of this article is to develop the dimension reduction techniques in panel data analysis when the number of individuals and indicators is large. We use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method to represent large number of indicators by minority common factors in the factor models. We propose the Dynamic Mixed Double Factor Model (DMDFM for short) to re ect cross section and time series correlation with interactive factor structure. DMDFM not only reduce the dimension of indicators but also consider the time series and cross section mixed effect. Different from other models, mixed factor model have two styles of common factors. The regressors factors re flect common trend and reduce the dimension, error components factors re ect difference and weak correlation of individuals. The results of Monte Carlo simulation show that Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimators have good unbiasedness and consistency. Simulation also shows that the DMDFM can improve prediction power of the models effectively.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure

    Empirical likelihood estimation of the spatial quantile regression

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    The spatial quantile regression model is a useful and flexible model for analysis of empirical problems with spatial dimension. This paper introduces an alternative estimator for this model. The properties of the proposed estimator are discussed in a comparative perspective with regard to the other available estimators. Simulation evidence on the small sample properties of the proposed estimator is provided. The proposed estimator is feasible and preferable when the model contains multiple spatial weighting matrices. Furthermore, a version of the proposed estimator based on the exponentially tilted empirical likelihood could be beneficial if model misspecification is suspect