39 research outputs found

    Pragmatic Space-Time Codes for Cooperative Relaying in Block Fading Channels

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    We address the problem of construction of space-time codes for cooperative communications in block fading channels. More precisely, we consider a pragmatic approach based on the concatenation of convolutional codes and BPSK/QPSK modulation to obtain cooperative codes for relay networks, for which we derive the pairwise error probability, an asymptotic bound for frame error probability, and a design criterion to optimize both diversity and coding gain. Based on this framework, we set up a code search procedure to obtain a set of good pragmatic space-time codes (P-STCs) with overlay construction, suitable for cooperative communication with a variable number of relays in quasistatic channel, which outperform in terms of coding gain other space-time codes (STCs) proposed in the literature. We also find that, despite the fact that the implementation of pragmatic space-time codes requires standard convolutional encoders and Viterbi decoders with suitable generators and branch metric, thus having low complexity, they perform quite well in block fading channels, including quasistatic channel, even with a low number of states and relays

    Signal mapping designs for bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID)

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    Bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID)is a spectral efficient coded modulation technique to improve the performance of digital communication systems. It has been widely known that for fixed signal constellation, interleaver and error control code, signal mapping plays an important role in determining the error performance of a BICM-ID system. This thesis concentrates on signal mapping designs for BICM-ID systems. To this end, the distance criteria to find the best mapping in terms of the asymptotic performance are first analytically derived for different channel models. Such criteria are then used to find good mappings for various two-dimensional 8-ary constellations. The usefulness of the proposed mappings of 8-ary constellations is verified by both the error floor bound and simulation results. Moreover, new mappings are also proposed for BICM-ID systems employing the quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) constellation. The new mappings are obtained by considering many QPSK symbols over a multiple symbol interval, which essentially creates hypercube constellations. Analytical and simulation results show that the use of the proposed mappings together with very simple convolutional codes can offer significant coding gains over the conventional BICM-ID systems for all the channel models considered. Such coding gains are achieved without any bandwidth nor power expansion and with a very small increase in the system complexity

    Exploiting diversity in wireless channels with bit-interleaved coded modulation and iterative decoding (BICM-ID)

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    This dissertation studies a state-of-the-art bandwidth-efficient coded modulation technique, known as bit interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID), together with various diversity techniques to dramatically improve the performance of digital communication systems over wireless channels. For BICM-ID over a single-antenna frequency non-selective fading channel, the problem of mapping over multiple symbols, i.e., multi-dimensional (multi-D) mapping, with 8-PSK constellation is investigated. An explicit algorithm to construct a good multi-D mapping of 8-PSK to improve the asymptotic performance of BICM-ID systems is introduced. By comparing the performance of the proposed mapping with an unachievable lower bound, it is conjectured that the proposed mapping is the global optimal mapping. The superiority of the proposed mapping over the best conventional (1-dimensional complex) mapping and the multi-D mapping found previously by computer search is thoroughly demonstrated. In addition to the mapping issue in single-antenna BICM-ID systems, the use of signal space diversity (SSD), also known as linear constellation precoding (LCP), is considered in BICM-ID over frequency non-selective fading channels. The performance analysis of BICM-ID and complex N-dimensional signal space diversity is carried out to study its performance limitation, the choice of the rotation matrix and the design of a low-complexity receiver. Based on the design criterion obtained from a tight error bound, the optimality of the rotation matrix is established. It is shown that using the class of optimal rotation matrices, the performance of BICM-ID systems over a frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading channel approaches that of the BICM-ID systems over an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel when the dimension of the signal constellation increases. Furthermore, by exploiting the sigma mapping for any M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellation, a very simple sub-optimal, yet effective iterative receiver structure suitable for signal constellations with large dimensions is proposed. Simulation results in various cases and conditions indicate that the proposed receiver can achieve the analytical performance bounds with low complexity. The application of BICM-ID with SSD is then extended to the case of cascaded Rayleigh fading, which is more suitable to model mobile-to-mobile communication channels. By deriving the error bound on the asymptotic performance, it is first illustrated that for a small modulation constellation, a cascaded Rayleigh fading causes a much more severe performance degradation than a conventional Rayleigh fading. However, BICM-ID employing SSD with a sufficiently large constellation can close the performance gap between the Rayleigh and cascaded Rayleigh fading channels, and their performance can closely approach that over an AWGN channel. In the next step, the use of SSD in BICM-ID over frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels employing a multi-carrier modulation technique known as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is studied. Under the assumption of correlated fading over subcarriers, a tight bound on the asymptotic error performance for the general case of applying SSD over all N subcarriers is derived and used to establish the best achievable asymptotic performance by SSD. It is then shown that precoding over subgroups of at least L subcarriers per group, where L is the number of channel taps, is sufficient to obtain this best asymptotic error performance, while significantly reducing the receiver complexity. The optimal joint subcarrier grouping and rotation matrix design is subsequently determined by solving the Vandermonde linear system. Illustrative examples show a good agreement between various analytical and simulation results. Further, by combining the ideas of multi-D mapping and subcarrier grouping, a novel power and bandwidth-efficient bit-interleaved coded modulation with OFDM and iterative decoding (BI-COFDM-ID) in which multi-D mapping is performed over a group of subcarriers for broadband transmission in a frequency selective fading environment is proposed. A tight bound on the asymptotic error performance is developed, which shows that subcarrier mapping and grouping have independent impacts on the overall error performance, and hence they can be independently optimized. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the optimal subcarrier mapping is similar to the optimal multi-D mapping for BICM-ID in frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading environment, whereas the optimal subcarrier grouping is the same with that of OFDM with SSD. Furthermore, analytical and simulation results show that the proposed system with the combined optimal subcarrier mapping and grouping can achieve the full channel diversity without using SSD and provide significant coding gains as compared to the previously studied BI-COFDM-ID with the same power, bandwidth and receiver complexity. Finally, the investigation is extended to the application of BICM-ID over a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system equipped with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver to exploit both time and spatial diversities, where neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the channel fading coefficients. The concentration is on the class of unitary constellation, due to its advantages in terms of both information-theoretic capacity and error probability. The tight error bound with respect to the asymptotic performance is also derived for any given unitary constellation and mapping rule. Design criteria regarding the choice of unitary constellation and mapping are then established. Furthermore, by using the unitary constellation obtained from orthogonal design with quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK or 4-PSK) and 8-PSK, two different mapping rules are proposed. The first mapping rule gives the most suitable mapping for systems that do not implement iterative processing, which is similar to a Gray mapping in coherent channels. The second mapping rule yields the best mapping for systems with iterative decoding. Analytical and simulation results show that with the proposed mappings of the unitary constellations obtained from orthogonal designs, the asymptotic error performance of the iterative systems can closely approach a lower bound which is applicable to any unitary constellation and mapping

    Suboptimum receiver interfaces and space-time codes

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    Performance Analysis of Hybrid Relay Selection in Cooperative Wireless Systems

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    The hybrid relay selection (HRS) scheme, which adaptively chooses amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) protocols, is very effective to achieve robust performance in wireless networks. This paper analyzes the frame error rate (FER) of the HRS scheme in general cooperative wireless networks without and with utilizing error control coding at the source node. We first develop an improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold-based FER approximation model. Then, we derive an analytical average FER expression as well as an asymptotic expression at high SNR for the HRS scheme and generalize to other relaying schemes. Simulation results are in excellent agreement with the theoretical analysis, which validates the derived FER expressions.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 201

    Efficient Blind Receiver Design for Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes

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    We consider stochastic blind maximum-likelihood detection of orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs) over a quasi-static flat multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Rayleigh fading channel. A general decision rule for stochastic blind maximum-likelihood OSTBC detection is derived. This rule is simplified using OSTBC linear dispersion matrices to realize a blind detector, which is implemented by semi-definite relaxation or sphere decoding. For the latter, the modifications necessary for both unitary and non-unitary constellations are developed. Two totally blind detectors using dual constellations or a superimposed training scheme are proposed. As a side product, two conditions for a rotatable OSTBC are also derived. A decision-directed, minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) channel estimator is developed. We also derive the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for channel estimation and discuss the optimal power allocation. Extensive simulation results are used to compare the different detectors in terms of complexity and performance

    Obtaining full-diversity space-frequency codes from space-time codes via mapping

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    Optimum Design of Spectral Efficient Green Wireless Communications

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    This dissertation focuses on the optimum design of spectral efficient green wireless communications. Energy efficiency (EE), which is defined as the inverse of average energy required to successfully deliver one information bit from a source to its destination, and spectral efficiency (SE), which is defined as the average data rate per unit bandwidth, are two fundamental performance metrics of wireless communication systems. We study the optimum designs of a wide range of practical wireless communication systems that can either maximize EE, or SE, or achieve a balanced tradeoff between the two metrics. There are three objectives in this dissertation. First, an accurate frame error rate (FER) expression is developed for practical coded wireless communication systems operating in quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels. The new FER expression enables the accurate modeling of EE and SE for various wireless communication systems. Second, the optimum designs of automatic repeat request (ARQ) and hybrid ARQ (HARQ) systems are performed to by using the EE and SE as design metrics. Specifically, a new metric of normalized EE, which is defined as the EE normalized by the SE, is proposed to achieve a balanced tradeoff between the EE and SE. Third, a robust frequency-domain on-off accumulative transmission (OOAT) scheme has been developed to achieve collision-tolerant media access control (CT-MAC) in a wireless network. The proposed frequency domain OOAT scheme can improve the SE and EE by allowing multiple users to transmit simultaneously over the same frequency bands, and the signal collisions at the receiver can be resolved by using signal processing techniques in the physical layer