603 research outputs found

    Application of Neuro-Fuzzy system to solve Traveling Salesman Problem

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    This paper presents the application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in solving the traveling salesman problem. Takagi-Sugeno-Kang neuro-fuzzy architecture model is used for this purpose. TSP, although, simple to describ

    Modelo de computaciĂłn evolutivo para redes sostenibles, eficientes y resistentes.

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    We present a new approach to adapt the differential evolution (DE) algorithm so that it can be applied in combinatorial optimization problems. The differential evolution algorithm has been proposed as an optimization algorithm for the continuous domain, using real numbers to encode the solutions, and its main operator, the mutation, uses a arithmetic operations to create a mutant using three different random solutions. This mutation operator cannot be used in combinatorial optimization problems, which have a domain of a discrete and finite set of objects. Based on this concept, we present an idea of representing each solution as a set, and replace the arithmetic operators in the classic DE genetic operators by set operators. Using a well known NP-hard problem, the traveling salesman problem (TSP), as an example of a combinatorial optimization problem, we study different possibilities for the mutation operator, presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each, before setting with the best one. We also explain the modifications made to adapt the algorithm for a multiobjective optimization algorithm. Some of these modifications are inherent to the different type of problems, other modification are proposed to improve the algorithm. Amongst the later modification are using more than one population in the evolution process. We also present a new self-adaptive variation of the multiobjective optimization algorithm, although this is not limited to the multi-objective case, and can be used also in the single-objective

    People Efficiently Explore the Solution Space of the Computationally Intractable Traveling Salesman Problem to Find Near-Optimal Tours

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    Humans need to solve computationally intractable problems such as visual search, categorization, and simultaneous learning and acting, yet an increasing body of evidence suggests that their solutions to instantiations of these problems are near optimal. Computational complexity advances an explanation to this apparent paradox: (1) only a small portion of instances of such problems are actually hard, and (2) successful heuristics exploit structural properties of the typical instance to selectively improve parts that are likely to be sub-optimal. We hypothesize that these two ideas largely account for the good performance of humans on computationally hard problems. We tested part of this hypothesis by studying the solutions of 28 participants to 28 instances of the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Participants were provided feedback on the cost of their solutions and were allowed unlimited solution attempts (trials). We found a significant improvement between the first and last trials and that solutions are significantly different from random tours that follow the convex hull and do not have self-crossings. More importantly, we found that participants modified their current better solutions in such a way that edges belonging to the optimal solution (“good” edges) were significantly more likely to stay than other edges (“bad” edges), a hallmark of structural exploitation. We found, however, that more trials harmed the participants' ability to tell good from bad edges, suggesting that after too many trials the participants “ran out of ideas.” In sum, we provide the first demonstration of significant performance improvement on the TSP under repetition and feedback and evidence that human problem-solving may exploit the structure of hard problems paralleling behavior of state-of-the-art heuristics

    Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Randomized Search Heuristics

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    This chapter compiles a number of results that apply the theory of parameterized algorithmics to the running-time analysis of randomized search heuristics such as evolutionary algorithms. The parameterized approach articulates the running time of algorithms solving combinatorial problems in finer detail than traditional approaches from classical complexity theory. We outline the main results and proof techniques for a collection of randomized search heuristics tasked to solve NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems such as finding a minimum vertex cover in a graph, finding a maximum leaf spanning tree in a graph, and the traveling salesperson problem.Comment: This is a preliminary version of a chapter in the book "Theory of Evolutionary Computation: Recent Developments in Discrete Optimization", edited by Benjamin Doerr and Frank Neumann, published by Springe

    Search Problems in Mission Planning and Navigation of Autonomous Aircraft

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    An architecture for the control of an autonomous aircraft is presented. The architecture is a hierarchical system representing an anthropomorphic breakdown of the control problem into planner, navigator, and pilot systems. The planner system determines high level global plans from overall mission objectives. This abstract mission planning is investigated by focusing on the Traveling Salesman Problem with variations on local and global constraints. Tree search techniques are applied including the breadth first, depth first, and best first algorithms. The minimum-column and row entries for the Traveling Salesman Problem cost matrix provides a powerful heuristic to guide these search techniques. Mission planning subgoals are directed from the planner to the navigator for planning routes in mountainous terrain with threats. Terrain/threat information is abstracted into a graph of possible paths for which graph searches are performed. It is shown that paths can be well represented by a search graph based on the Voronoi diagram of points representing the vertices of mountain boundaries. A comparison of Dijkstra's dynamic programming algorithm and the A* graph search algorithm from artificial intelligence/operations research is performed for several navigation path planning examples. These examples illustrate paths that minimize a combination of distance and exposure to threats. Finally, the pilot system synthesizes the flight trajectory by creating the control commands to fly the aircraft

    Combinatorial Optimization and Integer Programming

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    Solution techniques for combinatorial optimization and integer programming problems are core disciplines in operations research with contributions of mathematicians as well as computer scientists and economists. This article surveys the state of the art in solving such problems to optimality
