21,556 research outputs found

    Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for applications in finance

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    Since Giles introduced the multilevel Monte Carlo path simulation method [18], there has been rapid development of the technique for a variety of applications in computational finance. This paper surveys the progress so far, highlights the key features in achieving a high rate of multilevel variance convergence, and suggests directions for future research.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1202.6283; and with arXiv:1106.4730 by other author

    A numerical study of radial basis function based methods for option pricing under one dimension jump-diffusion model

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    The aim of this paper is to show how option prices in the Jump-diffusion model can be computed using meshless methods based on Radial Basis Function (RBF) interpolation. The RBF technique is demonstrated by solving the partial integro-differential equation (PIDE) in one-dimension for the Ameri- can put and the European vanilla call/put options on dividend-paying stocks in the Merton and Kou Jump-diffusion models. The radial basis function we select is the Cubic Spline. We also propose a simple numerical algorithm for finding a finite computational range of a global integral term in the PIDE so that the accuracy of approximation of the integral can be improved. Moreover, the solution functions of the PIDE are approximated explicitly by RBFs which have exact forms so we can easily compute the global intergal by any kind of numerical quadrature. Finally, we will also show numerically that our scheme is second order accurate in spatial variables in both American and European cases

    MCMC inference for Markov Jump Processes via the Linear Noise Approximation

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    Bayesian analysis for Markov jump processes is a non-trivial and challenging problem. Although exact inference is theoretically possible, it is computationally demanding thus its applicability is limited to a small class of problems. In this paper we describe the application of Riemann manifold MCMC methods using an approximation to the likelihood of the Markov jump process which is valid when the system modelled is near its thermodynamic limit. The proposed approach is both statistically and computationally efficient while the convergence rate and mixing of the chains allows for fast MCMC inference. The methodology is evaluated using numerical simulations on two problems from chemical kinetics and one from systems biology

    Robustness and epistasis in mutation-selection models

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    We investigate the fitness advantage associated with the robustness of a phenotype against deleterious mutations using deterministic mutation-selection models of quasispecies type equipped with a mesa shaped fitness landscape. We obtain analytic results for the robustness effect which become exact in the limit of infinite sequence length. Thereby, we are able to clarify a seeming contradiction between recent rigorous work and an earlier heuristic treatment based on a mapping to a Schr\"odinger equation. We exploit the quantum mechanical analogy to calculate a correction term for finite sequence lengths and verify our analytic results by numerical studies. In addition, we investigate the occurrence of an error threshold for a general class of epistatic landscape and show that diminishing epistasis is a necessary but not sufficient condition for error threshold behavior.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Bayesian Model Selection for Beta Autoregressive Processes

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    We deal with Bayesian inference for Beta autoregressive processes. We restrict our attention to the class of conditionally linear processes. These processes are particularly suitable for forecasting purposes, but are difficult to estimate due to the constraints on the parameter space. We provide a full Bayesian approach to the estimation and include the parameter restrictions in the inference problem by a suitable specification of the prior distributions. Moreover in a Bayesian framework parameter estimation and model choice can be solved simultaneously. In particular we suggest a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedure based on a Metropolis-Hastings within Gibbs algorithm and solve the model selection problem following a reversible jump MCMC approach

    Density resummation of perturbation series in a pion gas to leading order in chiral perturbation theory

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    The mean field (MF) approximation for the pion matter, being equivalent to the leading ChPT order, involves no dynamical loops and, if self-consistent, produces finite renormalizations only. The weight factor of the Haar measure of the pion fields, entering the path integral, generates an effective Lagrangian δLH\delta \mathcal{L}_{H} which is generally singular in the continuum limit. There exists one parameterization of the pion fields only, for which the weight factor is equal to unity and δLH=0\delta \mathcal{L}_{H}=0, respectively. This unique parameterization ensures selfconsistency of the MF approximation. We use it to calculate thermal Green functions of the pion gas in the MF approximation as a power series over the temperature. The Borel transforms of thermal averages of a function J(χαχα)\mathcal{J}(\chi ^{\alpha}\chi ^{\alpha}) of the pion fields χα\chi ^{\alpha} with respect to the scalar pion density are found to be 2πJ(4t)\frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}}\mathcal{J}(4t). The perturbation series over the scalar pion density for basic characteristics of the pion matter such as the pion propagator, the pion optical potential, the scalar quark condensate , the in-medium pion decay constant F~{\tilde{F}}, and the equation of state of pion matter appear to be asymptotic ones. These series are summed up using the contour-improved Borel resummation method. The quark scalar condensate decreases smoothly until Tmax≃310T_{max}\simeq 310 MeV. The temperature TmaxT_{max} is the maximum temperature admissible for thermalized non-linear sigma model at zero pion chemical potentials. The estimate of TmaxT_{max} is above the chemical freeze-out temperature T≃170T\simeq 170 MeV at RHIC and above the phase transition to two-flavor quark matter Tc≃175T_{c} \simeq 175 MeV, predicted by lattice gauge theories.Comment: Replaced with revised and extended version. Results are compared to lattice gauge theories. 16 pages REVTeX, 13 eps figure
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