3 research outputs found

    Neutrosophic Hough Transform

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    Hough transform (HT) is a useful tool for both pattern recognition and image processing communities. In the view of pattern recognition, it can extract unique features for description of various shapes, such as lines, circles, ellipses, and etc. In the view of image processing, a dozen of applications can be handled with HT, such as lane detection for autonomous cars, blood cell detection in microscope images, and so on. As HT is a straight forward shape detector in a given image, its shape detection ability is low in noisy images. To alleviate its weakness on noisy images and improve its shape detection performance, in this paper, we proposed neutrosophic Hough transform (NHT). As it was proved earlier, neutrosophy theory based image processing applications were successful in noisy environments. To this end, the Hough space is initially transferred into the NS domain by calculating the NS membership triples (T, I, and F). An indeterminacy filtering is constructed where the neighborhood information is used in order to remove the indeterminacy in the spatial neighborhood of neutrosophic Hough space. The potential peaks are detected based on thresholding on the neutrosophic Hough space, and these peak locations are then used to detect the lines in the image domain. Extensive experiments on noisy and noise-free images are performed in order to show the efficiency of the proposed NHT algorithm. We also compared our proposed NHT with traditional HT and fuzzy HT methods on variety of images. The obtained results showed the efficiency of the proposed NHT on noisy images

    Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision Making

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    The notion of a neutrosophic quadruple BCK/BCI-number is considered in the first article (“Neutrosophic Quadruple BCK/BCI-Algebras”, by Young Bae Jun, Seok-Zun Song, Florentin Smarandache, and Hashem Bordbar), and a neutrosophic quadruple BCK/BCI-algebra, which consists of neutrosophic quadruple BCK/BCI-numbers, is constructed. Several properties are investigated, and a (positive implicative) ideal in a neutrosophic quadruple BCK-algebra and a closed ideal in a neutrosophic quadruple BCI-algebra are studied. Given subsets A and B of a BCK/BCI-algebra, the set NQ(A,B), which consists of neutrosophic quadruple BCK/BCInumbers with a condition, is established. Conditions for the set NQ(A,B) to be a (positive implicative) ideal of a neutrosophic quadruple BCK-algebra are provided, and conditions for the set NQ(A,B) to be a (closed) ideal of a neutrosophic quadruple BCI-algebra are given. Techniques for the order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and elimination and choice translating reality (ELECTRE) are widely used methods to solve multicriteria decision-making problems. In the second research article (“Decision-Making with Bipolar Neutrosophic TOPSIS and Bipolar Neutrosophic ELECTRE-I”), Muhammad Akram, Shumaiza, and Florentin Smarandache present the bipolar neutrosophic TOPSIS method and the bipolar neutrosophic ELECTRE-I method to solve such problems. The authors use the revised closeness degree to rank the alternatives in the bipolar neutrosophic TOPSIS method. The researchers describe the bipolar neutrosophic TOPSIS method and the bipolar neutrosophic ELECTRE-I method by flow charts, also solving numerical examples by the proposed methods and providing a comparison of these methods. In the third article (“Interval Neutrosophic Sets with Applications in BCK/BCI-Algebra”, by Young Bae Jun, Seon Jeong Kim and Florentin Smarandache), the notion of (T(i,j),I(k,l),F(m,n))-interval neutrosophic subalgebra in BCK/BCI-algebra is introduced for i,j,k,l,m,n infoNumber 1,2,3,4, and properties and relations are investigated. The notion of interval neutrosophic length of an interval neutrosophic set is also introduced, and the related properties are investigated