113 research outputs found

    Rapid detection of Avian Influenza Virus - Towards point of care diagnosis

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMonitoring and remediation of environmental contaminants (biological and chemical) form the crux of global water resource management. There is an extant need to develop point-of-use, low-power, low-cost tools that can address this problem effectively with min­ imal environmental impact. Nanotechnology and microfluidics have made enormous ad­ vances during the past decade in the area of biosensing and environmental remediation. The "marriage" of these two technologies can effectively address some of the above-mentioned needs [1]. In this dissertation, nanomaterials were used in conjunction with microfluidic techniques to detect and degrade biological and chemical pollutants. In the first project, a point-of-use sensor was developed for detection of trichloroethylene (TCE) from water. A self-organizing nanotubular titanium dioxide (TNA) synthesized by electrochemical anodization and functionalized with photocatalytically deposited platinum (Pt/TNA) was applied to the detection. The morphology and crystallinity of the Pt/TNA sensor was characterized using field emission scanning electron microscope, energy dis­ persive x-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The sensor could detect TCE in the concentrations ranging from 10 to 1000 ppm. The room-temperature operation capability of the sensor makes it less power intensive and can potentially be incorporated into a field-based sensor. In the second part, TNA synthesized on a foil was incorporated into a flow-based microfluidic format and applied to degradation of a model pollutant, methylene blue. The system was demonstrated to have enhanced photocatalytic performance at higher flow rates (50-200 ^L/min) over the same microfluidic format with TiO2 nanoparticulate (commercial P25) catalyst. The microfluidic format with TNA catalyst was able to achieve 82% fractional conversion of 18 mM methylene blue in comparison to 55% in the case of the TiO2 nanoparticulate layer at a flow rate of 200 L/min. The microfluidic device was fabricated using non-cleanroom-based methods, making it suitable for economical large-scale manufacture. A computational model of the microfluidic format was developed in COMSOL Multiphysics® finite element software to evaluate the effect of diffusion coefficient and rate constant on the photocatalytic performance. To further enhance the photocatalytic performance of the microfluidic device, TNA synthesized on a mesh was used as the catalyst. The new system was shown to have enhanced photocatalytic performance in comparison to TNA on a foil. The device was then employed in the inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 at different flow rates and light intensities (100, 50, 20, 10 mW/cm2). In the second project, a protocol for ultra-sensitive indirect electrochemical detection of E. coli O157:H7 was reported. The protocol uses antibody functionalized primary (magnetic) beads for capture and polyguanine (polyG) oligonucleotide functionalized sec­ ondary (polystyrene) beads as an electrochemical tag. The method was able to detect concentrations of E. coli O157:H7 down to 3 CFU/100 mL (S/N=3). We also demonstrate the use of the protocol for detection of E. coli O157:H7 seeded in wastewater effluent samples

    Lab-on-a-chip platforms for pathogen analysis

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    Infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are a big burden in developed and developing countries. The emergence and rapid global spread of virus and antimicrobial resistant bacteria is a significant threat to patients, healthcare systems and the economy of countries. Early pathogen detection is often hampered by low concentrations present in complex matrices such as food and body fluids.Microfluidic technologies offer new and improved approaches for detection of pathogens on the microscale. Here, two microfluidic platforms for pathogen sorting and molecular identification were investigated: (1) inertial focusing and (2) microscale immiscible filtration. Inertial focusing in two serpentine channel designs etched in glass at different depths was evaluated with different microparticles, bacteria and blood. The shallow design allowed 2.2-fold concentration of Escherichia coli O157 cells, whereas the deep design accomplished recovery of 54% E. coli O157 depleted from 97% red blood cells in 0.81% haematocrit at flowrates of 0.7 mL min-1.A lab-on-a-chip platform based on microscale immiscible filtration was investigated for capture and detection of nucleic acids and bacteria. For nucleic acids, oligo (dT) functionalised magnetic beads or silica paramagnetic particles in GuHCl were used to capture genomic RNA from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and genomic DNA from Neisseria gonorrhoeae, respectively. On-chip amplification and detection were performed via colorimetric loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). Results showed sensitive and specific detection of targeted nucleic acids (470 RNA copies mL-1 and 5 Ă— 104 DNA copies mL-1) with no cross-reactivity to other RNAs and DNAs tested. The whole workflow was integrated in a single device and time from sample-in to answer-out was within 1h. The platform only required power for a heat source and showed potential for point of care diagnostics in resource-limited settings. For bacteria detection, anti-E. coli O157 functionalised magnetic beads were used to capture cells with > 90% efficiency and on-chip fluorescence in situ hybridisation and a staining assay were explored for bacteria identification.A wide variety of microfluidic approaches for pathogen analysis have been devised in the literature with different advantages and drawbacks. Careful evaluation based on their purpose, integrated steps and end user is critical. Input from stakeholders right from the start of a project and throughout is vital to success. The platforms investigated herein have potential for applications such as sample preparation, pathogen concentration and specific molecular detection of E. coli O157, N. gonorrhoeae DNA, and SARS-CoV-2 RNA. With further development and clinical validation, the widespread use of these systems could facilitate early diagnosis of infectious diseases, allowing timely management of outbreaks and treatment and slowing the incidence of antimicrobial resistance

    Microfluidic-based virus detection methods for respiratory diseases

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    With the recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, the importance of rapid and direct detection of respiratory disease viruses has been well recognized. The detection of these viruses with novel technologies is vital in timely prevention and treatment strategies for epidemics and pandemics. Respiratory viruses can be detected from saliva, swab samples, nasal fluid, and blood, and collected samples can be analyzed by various techniques. Conventional methods for virus detection are based on techniques relying on cell culture, antigen-antibody interactions, and nucleic acids. However, these methods require trained personnel as well as expensive equipment. Microfluidic technologies, on the other hand, are one of the most accurate and specific methods to directly detect respiratory tract viruses. During viral infections, the production of detectable amounts of relevant antibodies takes a few days to weeks, hampering the aim of prevention. Alternatively, nucleic acid–based methods can directly detect the virus-specific RNA or DNA region, even before the immune response. There are numerous methods to detect respiratory viruses, but direct detection techniques have higher specificity and sensitivity than other techniques. This review aims to summarize the methods and technologies developed for microfluidic-based direct detection of viruses that cause respiratory infection using different detection techniques. Microfluidics enables the use of minimal sample volumes and thereby leading to a time, cost, and labor effective operation. Microfluidic-based detection technologies provide affordable, portable, rapid, and sensitive analysis of intact virus or virus genetic material, which is very important in pandemic and epidemic events to control outbreaks with an effective diagnosis.Qatar National Research Fun

    Development of a PDMS Based Micro Total Analysis System for Rapid Biomolecule Detection

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    The emerging field of micro total analysis system powered by microfluidics is expected to revolutionize miniaturization and automation for point-of-care-testing systems which require quick, efficient and reproducible results. In the present study, a PDMS based micro total analysis system has been developed for rapid, multi-purpose, impedance based detection of biomolecules. The major components of the micro total analysis system include a micropump, micromixer, magnetic separator and interdigitated electrodes for impedance detection. Three designs of pneumatically actuated PDMS based micropumps were fabricated and tested. Based on the performance test results, one of the micropumps was selected for integration. The experimental results of the micropump performance were confirmed by a 2D COMSOL simulation combined with an equivalent circuit analysis of the micropump. Three designs of pneumatically actuated PDMS based active micromixers were fabricated and tested. The micromixer testing involved determination of mixing efficiency based on the streptavidin-biotin conjugation reaction between biotin comjugated fluorescent microbeads and streptavidin conjugated paramagnetic microbeads, followed by fluorescence measurements. Based on the performance test results, one of the micromixers was selected for integration. The selected micropump and micromixer were integrated into a single microfluidic system. The testing of the magnetic separation scheme involved comparison of three permanent magnets and three electromagnets of different sizes and magnetic strengths, for capturing magnetic microbeads at various flow rates. Based on the test results, one of the permanent magnets was selected. The interdigitated electrodes were fabricated on a glass substrate with gold as the electrode material. The selected micropumps, micromixer and interdigitated electrodes were integrated to achieve a fully integrated microfluidic system. The fully integrated microfluidic system was first applied towards biotin conjugated fluorescent microbeads detection based on streptavidin-biotin conjugation reaction which is followed by impedance spectrum measurements. The lower detection limit for biotin conjugated fluorescent microbeads was experimentally determined to be 1.9 x 106 microbeads. The fully integrated microfluidic system was then applied towards immuno microbead based insulin detection. The lower detection limit for insulin was determined to be 10-5M. The total detection time was 20 min. An equivalent circuit analysis was performed to explain the impedance spectrum results

    Impedance Biosensors for the Rapid Detection of Viral and Bacterial Pathogens Using Avian Influenza Virus Subtypes H5N1 and H7N2 and Escherichia coli O157:H7 as Model Targets

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    This research investigated impedance biosensors for the rapid detection of viral and bacterial pathogens using avian influenza virus (AIV) subtypes H5N1 and H7N2 and Escherichia coli O157:H7 as the model targets, which were chosen due to their impact on the agricultural and food industries. For the detection of AIV H7N2, a single stranded DNA aptamer was selected using systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX). The selected aptamer and a previously selected aptamer against AIV H5N1 were used in a microfluidics chip with an embedded interdigitated array microelectrode to fabricate an impedance biosensor for specific detection of AIV H7N2 and H5N1. The developed label-free biosensor was capable of detecting AIV H7N2 and H5N1 at a concentration down to 27Ă—10-4 hemagglutinination units (HAU) in 30 min without sample pre-treatment, comparable to previously designed biosensors though with the advantage of DNA aptamers. Two impedance biosensors based on the use of screen-printed interdigitated electrodes were developed for the detection of E. coli O157:H7. The first was a label-free biosensor based on magnetic separation and concentration of target bacteria using antibody-labelled magnetic nanobeads and Faradic impedance measurement. It was capable of detecting 1400 cells or more of E. coli O157:H7 in a total detection time of 1 h. COMSOL Multiphysics software was used to analyze the biosensor using a simplified model and determine the role of the magnetic nanobeads in the impedance measurement. The second biosensor for detection of E. coli O157:H7 was based on aptamer-labeled magnetic nanobeads and glucose oxidase/Concanavalin A-coated gold nanoparticle labels. This biosensor was capable of detecting 8 cells or more of E. coli O157:H7 in 1.5 h. The lower detection limit of the developed impedance biosensor was comparable to the most sensitive biosensors published for the detection of E. coli O157:H7 and was also more rapid and more practical for in-field tests. Multiple impedance biosensor designs were developed in this research. The developed biosensor for AIV could conceivably be adapted for detection of other AIV subtypes and the developed E. coli O157:H7 biosensors could easily be adapted to detect different bacterial pathogens

    Advanced biosensors for detection of pathogens related to livestock and poultry

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    Infectious animal diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses threaten the health and well-being of wildlife, livestock, and human populations, limit productivity and increase significantly economic losses to each sector. The pathogen detection is an important step for the diagnostics, successful treatment of animal infection diseases and control management in farms and field conditions. Current techniques employed to diagnose pathogens in livestock and poultry include classical plate-based methods and conventional biochemical methods as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). These methods are time-consuming and frequently incapable to distinguish between low and highly pathogenic strains. Molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real time PCR (RT-PCR) have also been proposed to be used to diagnose and identify relevant infectious disease in animals. However these DNA-based methodologies need isolated genetic materials and sophisticated instruments, being not suitable for in field analysis. Consequently, there is strong interest for developing new swift point-of-care biosensing systems for early detection of animal diseases with high sensitivity and specificity. In this review, we provide an overview of the innovative biosensing systems that can be applied for livestock pathogen detection. Different sensing strategies based on DNA receptors, glycan, aptamers and antibodies are presented. Besides devices still at development level some are validated according to standards of the World Organization for Animal Health and are commercially available. Especially, paper-based platforms proposed as an affordable, rapid and easy to perform sensing systems for implementation in field condition are included in this review

    A generic pathogen capture technology for sepsis diagnosis

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    Thesis (Ph. D. in Medical and Engineering Physics)--Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, June 2013."May 2013." Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 121-127).Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response that results the presence and persistence of microorganisms or their toxins in the bloodstream and it is diagnosed by detecting the presence of pathogens in blood. Despite improvements in modem medicine, sepsis has a high mortality rate that increases rapidly with every hour the patient does not receive optimal antibiotic therapy. Thus, there is a great demand for technologies that can accelerate pathogen detection and sepsis diagnosis. Our lab previously developed a micromagnetic-microfluidic pathogen isolation technology that can selectively remove pathogens from flowing whole human blood with high efficiency using micro- or nano-sized magnetic beads coated with microbe-specific antibodies [1, 2]. However, the identity of the pathogen is not known when a patient first presents with the clinical symptoms of sepsis, and currently, it can take days to a week to identify the specific pathogen type. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a generic pathogen collection technology that can be used to pull bacteria and fungi out of blood or other fluids without first knowing their identity, and to concentrate them for analysis and rapid identification. In Chapter 1, 1 will review the field of sepsis diagnostics and methods that have been employed to confront this challenge. In Chapter 2, I describe the development of a natural human opsonin - Mannose Binding Lectin (MBL) - as a generic pathogen capture molecule. MBL is found in human blood and is part of the innate immune system; it has been previously shown to bind over 90 different types of pathogens, including gram negative and positive bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites [3-5]. The studies described in this chapter include development and optimization of methods to coat magnetic beads with MBL and demonstration that MBL beads bind to wide range of pathogens with high efficiency in saline and blood. The binding of MBL beads to sample pathogens is tested under a wide range of conditions to determine optimal bead concentration, binding time and sample treatments to maximize binding in blood. In Chapter 3, 1 describe development of a device that efficiently concentrates and visualizes fungi tagged with the magnetic MBL micro beads. Visualization is made possible by controlling the balance of fluidic shear stress and magnetic force on the tagged pathogens in the device, which enables spreading of the beads and bound fungi into a uniform layer that can be quickly quantified with fluorescent microscopy. Chapter 4 describes tools that I have developed to rapidly concentrate and purify magnetically tagged bacteria from blood and other complex samples for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection. The MBL-bead approach is used to pull out and concentrate pathogens from large sample volumes, and to remove contaminating human DNA, so that sensitive detection can be carried out using PCR amplification. The efficiency of this new MBL-based, sample pre-concentration method is compared to existing commercial isolation methods for analysis of both blood and food samples. Finally, I discuss the implications of these findings in Chapter 5.by Ryan Mcomber Cooper.Ph.D.in Medical and Engineering Physic

    Microfluidics:an Untapped Resource in Viral Diagnostics and Viral Cell Biology

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    Purpose of Review Microfluidic platforms have become valuable tools in a wide variety of research environments. With the ability to allow detailed examination of an array of cell biological processes, their use in the field of virology is becoming progressively more common. This review will discuss the potential applications of microfluidics in viral cell biology and explore the potential of these techniques to alter the way in which we study the biology of infection. Recent Findings In recent years, scientists have utilised microfluidic platforms for detailed study of the viral life cycle. Microfluidic technologies have allowed investigation of viral infectivity, measurement of fusion kinetics, and monitoring of viral responses to neutralising compounds. In addition, microfluidic platforms represent promising new clinical tools with applications in diagnostics and drug screening. Summary Although the potential of microfluidics in virology is beginning to be realised, it has certainly not been fully explored. While not a replacement for macroscale investigative techniques, microfluidic platforms have the potential to be utilised alongside systems biology to provide novel methods of detailed virus study, with unique advantages
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