5 research outputs found

    An Image Zooming Technique Based on Vector Quantization Approximation

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    [[abstract]]An image zooming method based on vector quantization approximation for magnifying gray-scale and color image by a factor of 2 is proposed. In our proposed method, the unknown pixel values on the image are interpolated by using a vector quantization codebook based on their local information. In comparison of our method with the locally adaptive zooming algorithm published in [S. Battiato, G. Gallo, F. Stanco, A locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, Image and Vision Computing, 20(11) (2002) 805–812.], our experimental results have demonstrated that the image quality of the enlarged image is superior to the method in [S. Battiato, G. Gallo, F. Stanco, A locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, Image and Vision Computing, 20(11) (2002) 805–812.]. Not only is our method simpler to implement by utilizing a table look-up technique on codebook, but also is much easier in translating to color images than that of [S. Battiato, G. Gallo, F. Stanco, A locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, Image and Vision Computing, 20(11) (2002) 805–812.] by replacing an adequate codebook

    An Image Zooming Technique Based on Vector Quantization Approximation

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    [[abstract]]An image zooming method based on vector quantization approximation for magnifying gray-scale and color image by a factor of 2 is proposed. In our proposed method, the unknown pixel values on the image are interpolated by using a vector quantization codebook based on their local information. In comparison of our method with the locally adaptive zooming algorithm published in [S. Battiato, G. Gallo, F. Stanco, A locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, Image and Vision Computing, 20(11) (2002) 805?812.], our experimental results have demonstrated that the image quality of the enlarged image is superior to the method in [S. Battiato, G. Gallo, F. Stanco, A locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, Image and Vision Computing, 20(11) (2002) 805?812.]. Not only is our method simpler to implement by utilizing a table look-up technique on codebook, but also is much easier in translating to color images than that of [S. Battiato, G. Gallo, F. Stanco, A locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, Image and Vision Computing, 20(11) (2002) 805?812.] by replacing an adequate codebook

    Estudio y desarrollo de métodos de zoom para imágenes de gammagrafía obtenidas mediante la aplicación de meta-yodobenzilguanidina

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    El presente proyecto trata de profundizar en las técnicas actuales para proporcionar un zoom digital aplicable a todo tipo de imágenes digitales, especialmente a imágenes médicas como los son las gammagrafías. Este proyecto se encuentra incluido en otro más amplio que tiene por objeto apoyar a la toma de decisiones por parte de los médicos en el proceso de diagnóstico de neuroblastomas. En esta memoria se detallan una serie de técnicas interpolatorias no lineales y se proponen posibles implementaciones, con el objeto de elegir aquélla que mejores resultados proporcione y que pueda ser incorporada al proyecto marco, como una funcionalidad más. En la sección de experimentos, se realizarán diversas pruebas con cada una de las técnicas que serán evaluadas mediante el uso de ciertos indicadores para imágenes digitales, de manera que quede justificada alguna de ellas frente otras para un determinado tipo de imágenes.Cartes Font, J. (2011). Estudio y desarrollo de métodos de zoom para imágenes de gammagrafía obtenidas mediante la aplicación de meta-yodobenzilguanidina. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12011.Archivo delegad