36 research outputs found

    Does User Participation Lead to System Success?

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    The effect of user participation on successful systems development has been the focus of much attention for information systems researchers for some time. Common understanding has been that extensive user participation is not only important, but absolutely essential to system success. However, earlier studies trying to link user participation to system success have shown mixed results. In this paper, we analyze fourteen more recently published, empirical research studies that investigate the significance of user participation. From our results we conclude that user participation in the systems development process is indeed critical to system success. Common themes are identified

    Creating Interactive Classrooms with Augmented Reality, a Review

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    Augmented reality (AR) is becoming an uprising technology that is still being applauded as a top-notch innovation in education and that helps teachers improve their classrooms. Thanks to one-to-one program support and the development of apps (apps), it is considered an affordable technology that gives teachers access to new ways of both supporting and teaching. With AR, teachers can have the support provided by multimedia while using the environment inside the classroom. There are multiple free cross-platform apps available for teacher usage. This article answers clearly what AR is, how it can be used to support students in schools, evaluates its educational utility


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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to test the infl uence of users and user confl ict on the quality of accounting information systems with superior support, user communications developer, the complexity of the task, the complexity of the system, the user experience as a variable moderating. The method used survey method with processed primary data obtained from the questionnaire. The population in this study was 98 SKPD Pekanbaru which has a function as a task of fi nancial matters relating to the quality of accounting information systems with the number of samples that can be analyzed as much data as 78 respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Test data validation and reliability of respondent data using Pearson product moment and Cronbach’s alpha. Data were analyzed using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The results showed (1) Effect of users positive effect on the quality of accounting information systems. (2) Confl ict users will not negatively affect the quality of accounting information system. (3) The infl uence of supervisor support moderated wearer no positive effect on the quality of accounting information systems. (4) The effect of the user moderated user communications developer is not a positive infl uence on the quality of accounting information systems. (5) Effect of users moderated complexity of the task is not a positive infl uence on the quality of accounting information systems. (6) The effect of the user moderated system complexity is not a positive infl uence on the quality of accounting information systems. (7) Effect of the wearer moderated user experience no positive effect on the quality of accounting information systems. (8) Confl ict wearer superior failed to support moderated negative effect on the quality of accounting information systems. (9) Confl ict wearer user communication moderated the developer is not a negative effect on the quality of accounting information systems. (10) The confl ict wearer moderated complexity of the task is not a negative effect on the quality of accounting information systems. (11) Confl icts user moderated system complexity is not a negative effect on the quality of accounting information systems. (12) Confl icts wearer moderated user experience a negative effect on the quality of accounting information system. Keywords: infl uence of users, user confl ict, supervisor support, user communications developer, the complexity of the task, the complexity of the system, the user experience


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    Are Antecedents in the Adoption Stage Affecting IS Effectiveness in the Implementation Stage

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    Department of Management and MarketingRefereed conference pape

    Assessing human resource needs for digital transformation at enterprises and proposing solutions in human resource training for universities

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    Transforming the educational model for higher education in the context of digital transformation is an inevitable trend. This represents the right direction to take advantage of the 4.0 technology revolution, creating high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of the labor market. The purpose of the study is to analyze the appropriate higher education model in the context of the digital economy towards the development of high-quality human resources to participate in the operation of the digital economy. The requirements for the development of digital universities for countries in general and Vietnam in particular need to constantly innovate and reform the national education systems to further improve the quality and effectiveness of higher education, towards an education that adapts to the context of digital transformation and the covid 19 epidemic. The issue of the quality of human resources must be concerned by education systems to make breakthrough changes and should be prioritized by countries. The article uses qualitative, quantitative, comparative, survey survey and experimental data analysis methods. The survey was conducted on 100 businesses that have cooperation activities with the university through online form via email. The main results of the study provide solutions for adjusting the training methods and models at universities in Vietnam in response to the 4.0 technology revolution and the covid 19 epidemic

    A Framework for Exploring Conditional Factors Affecting User Participation in Information Systems Development

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    Improving user participation is critical to the success of information systems development (ISD). To this extent, Information Systems (IS) research posits that there are conditional factors that affecting the degree of user participation in ISD. The existing framework to identify these conditional factors lacks its explanatory power when different degrees of user participation are taken into consideration. As a result little is known how different degrees of user participation currently being employed in various IS projects can be enabled or facilitated. In this paper, based on Habermas’ theory of communicative action, we propose a framework to explore the conditional factors affecting different degrees of user participation in ISD. We demonstrate the value of the new framework by analysing the conditional factors that have been reported in the literature using the existing framework to inform the future research and development of the field

    A systematic review on the relationship between user involvement and system success

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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Context: For more than four decades it has been intuitively accepted that user involvement (UI) during system development lifecycle leads to system success. However when the researchers have evaluated the user involvement and system success (UI-SS) relationship empirically, the results were not always positive. Objective: Our objective was to explore the UI-SS relationship by synthesizing the results of all the studies that have empirically investigated this complex phenomenon. Method: We performed a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) following the steps provided in the guidelines of Evidence Based Software Engineering. From the resulting studies we extracted data to answer our 9 research questions related to the UI-SS relationship, identification of users, perspectives of UI, benefits, problems and challenges of UI, degree and level of UI, relevance of stages of software development lifecycle (SDLC) and the research method employed on the UI-SS relationship. Results: Our systematic review resulted in selecting 87 empirical studies published during the period 1980-2012. Among 87 studies reviewed, 52 reported that UI positively contributes to system success, 12 suggested a negative contribution and 23 were uncertain. The UI-SS relationship is neither direct nor binary, and there are various confounding factors that play their role. The identification of users, their degree/level of involvement, stage of SDLC for UI, and choice of research method have been claimed to have impact on the UI-SS relationship. However, there is not sufficient empirical evidence available to support these claims. Conclusion: Our results have revealed that UI does contribute positively to system success. But it is a double edged sword and if not managed carefully it may cause more problems than benefits. Based on the analysis of 87 studies, we were able to identify factors for effective management of UI alluding to the causes for inconsistency in the results of published literature

    Quality And Effectiveness Of Enterprise Resource Planning - Customer Relationship Management Systems: Implications For Information Systems Marketing Strategies

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    The present research examines the success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in Greece, employing Delone and McLean’s model. The questionnaires of the study were e-mailed to the 1,049 largest organizations based on turnover and assets. The final research sample consists of 105 Greek enterprises. The list of organizations was compiled by using the Index of Companies and Products Directory (ICAP). Results show that users have more positive attitude towards system quality and information quality and less positive attitude towards service quality. Moreover, users believe that ERP systems enhance their performance and can contribute to the control of management. Furthermore, present paper proved that D&M model constitutes a causal model with the exception of the variable of system use that is only related to user satisfaction, and ERP system quality.The findings of this research trigger many theoretical and managerial implications and create lots of potential for future research in the fields of Information Systems, Management, and Marketing