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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation serves as a computational microscope into the behavior of the biological and chemical macromolecules. At its core, MD models the interactions between atoms at various levels – force fields model the higher quantum level interactions using simpler physics-based models of interaction energies, while periodic boundary conditions model the bulk phase using lattice-based periodic copies of the simulation box. One limitation of the finite size of the simulation box seen during the simulation of membrane bilayers is the artifact of a chemical disequilibrium between the two layers as a drug molecule enters into the bilayer. We have tried to solve this problem by using a periodic boundary condition which has a half screw symmetry. Our results show that the method scales similar to the best-known method for the normal periodic boundary conditions. We have migrated CHARMM to an efficient implementation on the GPUs. These architectures provide thousands of cores on the same chip but require different programming model in order to use the underlying architecture. Our results show that the new CHARMM CUDA engine is efficient in time and accurate in precision. We have also participated in blind prediction challenges organized by SAMPL community to have a fair assessment of the computational chemistry tools. We developed a hybrid QM and MM technique to predict the pKa of drug-like molecules. It avoids the implicit solvent model used by quantum mechanical models and uses explicit solvent molecules. Since modeling explicit solvent molecules is difficult at QM level, they are modeled at the MM level instead. Thermodynamic cycle couples the aqueous Gibbs free energy of deprotonation to simpler components which can be modeled with higher accuracy. We also built a deep learning model to predict the logP of a set of drug-like molecules in a blind fashion. The generated model is robust over a large number of molecules, not just the ones that it was tested for in the SAMPL competition. We expect the method to be interesting for the drug design industry since lipophilicity of a molecule is important to be known even before it has been synthesized