24 research outputs found

    a review of Lawvere theories and C-systems by Fiore, Marcelo; Voevodsky, Vladimir

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    Univalent Foundations and the UniMath Library. The Architecture of Mathematics.

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    We give a concise presentation of the Univalent Foundations of mathematics outlining the main ideas, followed by a discussion of the UniMath library of formalized mathematics implementing the ideas of the Univalent Foundations (section 1), and the challenges one faces in attempting to design a large-scale library of formalized mathematics (section 2). This leads us to a general discussion about the links between architecture and mathematics where a meeting of minds is revealed between architects and mathematicians (section 3). On the way our odyssey from the foundations to the "horizon" of mathematics will lead us to meet the mathematicians David Hilbert and Nicolas Bourbaki as well as the architect Christopher Alexander

    Univalent Foundations and the UniMath Library. The Architecture of Mathematics.

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    We give a concise presentation of the Univalent Foundations of mathematics outlining the main ideas, followed by a discussion of the UniMath library of formalized mathematics implementing the ideas of the Univalent Foundations (section 1), and the challenges one faces in attempting to design a large-scale library of formalized mathematics (section 2). This leads us to a general discussion about the links between architecture and mathematics where a meeting of minds is revealed between architects and mathematicians (section 3). On the way our odyssey from the foundations to the "horizon" of mathematics will lead us to meet the mathematicians David Hilbert and Nicolas Bourbaki as well as the architect Christopher Alexander

    Univalent Foundations and the UniMath Library. The Architecture of Mathematics.

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    We give a concise presentation of the Univalent Foundations of mathematics outlining the main ideas, followed by a discussion of the UniMath library of formalized mathematics implementing the ideas of the Univalent Foundations (section 1), and the challenges one faces in attempting to design a large-scale library of formalized mathematics (section 2). This leads us to a general discussion about the links between architecture and mathematics where a meeting of minds is revealed between architects and mathematicians (section 3). On the way our odyssey from the foundations to the "horizon" of mathematics will lead us to meet the mathematicians David Hilbert and Nicolas Bourbaki as well as the architect Christopher Alexander

    Towards a constructive simplicial model of Univalent Foundations

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    We provide a partial solution to the problem of defining a constructive version of Voevodsky's simplicial model of univalent foundations. For this, we prove constructive counterparts of the necessary results of simplicial homotopy theory, building on the constructive version of the Kan-Quillen model structure established by the second-named author. In particular, we show that dependent products along fibrations with cofibrant domains preserve fibrations, establish the weak equivalence extension property for weak equivalences between fibrations with cofibrant domain and define a univalent classifying fibration for small fibrations between bifibrant objects. These results allow us to define a comprehension category supporting identity types, Σ\Sigma-types, Π\Pi-types and a univalent universe, leaving only a coherence question to be addressed.Comment: v3: changed the definition of the type Weq(U) of weak equivalences to fix a problem with constructivity. Other Minor changes. 31 page

    Constructive sheaf models of type theory

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    We generalise sheaf models of intuitionistic logic to univalent type theory over a small category with a Grothendieck topology. We use in a crucial way that we have constructive models of univalence, that can then be relativized to any presheaf models, and these sheaf models are obtained by localisation for a left exact modality. We provide first an abstract notion of descent data which can be thought of as a higher version of the notion of prenucleus on frames, from which can be generated a nucleus (left exact modality) by transfinite iteration. We then provide several examples.Comment: Simplified the definition of lex operation, simplified the encoding of the homotopy limit and remark that the homotopy descent data is a lex modality without using higher inductive type