4 research outputs found

    Response Time Analysis for Mixed Criticality Systems with Arbitrary Deadlines

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    This paper extends analysis of the Adaptive Mixed Criticality (AMC) scheme for fixed-priority preemptive scheduling of mixed-criticality systems to include tasks with arbitrary deadlines. Both of the previously published schedulability tests, AMC-rtb and AMC-max are extended to cater for tasks with deadlines that may be greater than their periods. Evaluations show that the simpler method, AMC-rtb-Arb, remains a viable approach that performs almost as well as the more complex alternative, AMC-max-Arb, when tasks with arbitrary deadlines are considered

    Schedulability Analysis for Adaptive Mixed Criticality Systems with Arbitrary Deadlines and Semi-Clairvoyance

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    This paper provides analysis of the Adaptive Mixed Criticality (AMC) scheduling scheme for mixed-criticality systems that include tasks with arbitrary deadlines and semi-clairvoyant behavior. An arbitrary deadline task is one that can have a deadline that may be greater than its period. A semi-clairvoyant task is one that upon arrival of each job, reveals which of its two WCET parameters will be respected. This enables an earlier switch to be made from the normal mode of operation to the abnormal mode. The previously published schedulability test AMC-max is modified to cater for both of these extensions. Evaluation shows that there is a significant improvement in schedulability for semi-clairvoyant tasks over non-clairvoyant, and for arbitrary-deadline tasks over considering those deadlines as being constrained by the task’s period

    Mixed Criticality Systems - A Review : (13th Edition, February 2022)

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    This review covers research on the topic of mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s 2007 paper. It covers the period up to end of 2021. The review is organised into the following topics: introduction and motivation, models, single processor analysis (including job-based, hard and soft tasks, fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, related topics, realistic models, formal treatments, systems issues, industrial practice and research beyond mixed-criticality. A list of PhDs awarded for research relating to mixed-criticality systems is also included