6 research outputs found

    Veh铆culos aut贸nomos de superficie : estudio y comparaci贸n de planificadores locales de ruta

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    En el desarrollo de veh铆culos aut贸nomos de superficie, los planificadores locales de ruta son importantes, ya que permiten calcular o recalcular rutas cuando hay obst谩culos presentes en el entorno. Una evaluaci贸n del desempe帽o de las diferentes t茅cnicas de planificadores locales se presenta, usando un simulador que permite verificar, comparar, medir y visualizar las soluciones que entregan las diferentes t茅cnicas. Las t茅cnicas seleccionadas incluyen A*, Potential Fields, y RRT*. Luego, los resultados son comparados explicando las ventajas y desventajas de cada t茅cnicaFil: Peralta, Federico. Universidad Nacional de Asunci贸n (Paraguay)

    An Evolutionary Computational Approach for Designing Micro Hydro Power Plants

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    Micro Hydro Power Plants (MHPP) constitute an effective, environmentally-friendly solution to deal with energy poverty in rural isolated areas, being the most extended renewable technology in this field. Nevertheless, the context of poverty and lack of qualified manpower usually lead to a poor usage of the resources, due to the use of thumb rules and user experience to design the layout of the plants, which conditions the performance. For this reason, the development of robust and efficient optimization strategies are particularly relevant in this field. This paper proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to address the problem of finding the optimal layout for an MHPP based on real scenario data, obtained by means of a set of experimental topographic measurements. With this end in view, a model of the plant is first developed, in terms of which the optimization problem is formulated with the constraints of minimal generated power and maximum use of flow, together with the practical feasibility of the layout to the measured terrain. The problem is formulated in both single-objective (minimization of the cost) and multi-objective (minimization of the cost and maximization of the generated power) modes, the Pareto dominance being studied in this last case. The algorithm is first applied to an example scenario to illustrate its performance and compared with a reference Branch and Bound Algorithm (BBA) linear approach, reaching reductions of more than 70% in the cost of the MHPP. Finally, it is also applied to a real set of geographical data to validate its robustness against irregular, poorly sampled domains.Agencia Espa帽ola de Cooperaci贸n Internacional para el Desarrollo 2014 / ACDE / 00601

    Sistema de medida de calidad del agua mediante Pycom Fipy y sensores comerciales

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    En el presente proyecto se ha llevado a cabo un sistema de monitorizaci贸n de variables del agua: temperatura, conductividad, pH, ox铆geno disuelto y potencial de reducci贸n-oxidaci贸n; a partir de sensores comerciales conectados a una placa de desarrollo Fipy (Pycom) de bajo coste. El sistema env铆a peri贸dicamente los datos medidos, a trav茅s de WiFi, hacia una plataforma orientada a la recogida, visualizaci贸n y procesamiento de datos denominada Thingspeak. Posteriormente, el sistema ir谩 integrado en un veh铆culo aut贸nomo de superficie. En el transcurso del proyecto se han llevado a cabo labores de diversa 铆ndole: - Programaci贸n de microcontroladores en lenguaje Micropython (Python para microcontroladores). - Desarrollo de prototipos: elecci贸n de elementos seg煤n funcionalidad y especificaciones, conexionado, pruebas de funcionamiento, etc. - Calibraci贸n de sensores. - Configuraci贸n de comunicaci贸n WiFi. - Configuraci贸n de canales en Thingspeak.In this project, a monitoring system for water variables (temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen and oxidation-reduction potential) has been designed and produced. It is based on commercial sensors connected to a low-cost development board: Fipy (Pycom). The system periodically sends the measured data (through WiFi) to Thingspeak, a platform oriented to the collection, visualization and processing of data. The system will be integrated into an autonomous surface vehicle. During the project, different kind of tasks have been made: - Programming in Micropython (Python for microcontrollers). - Prototype development: selection of elements according to function and specifications, connections, functional tests, etc. - Sensor calibration. - WiFi configuration. - Thingspeak鈥檚 channel configuration.Universidad de Sevilla. M谩ster en Ingenier铆a Industria