4,398 research outputs found

    Detection of Communities within the Multibody System Dynamics Network and Analysis of Their Relations

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    Multibody system dynamics is already a well developed branch of theoretical, computational and applied mechanics. Thousands of documents can be found in any of the well-known scientific databases. In this work it is demonstrated that multibody system dynamics is built of many thematic communities. Using the Elsevier’s abstract and citation database SCOPUS, a massive amount of data is collected and analyzed with the use of the open source visualization tool Gephi. The information is represented as a large set of nodes with connections to study their graphical distribution and explore geometry and symmetries. A randomized radial symmetry is found in the graphical representation of the collected information. Furthermore, the concept of modularity is used to demonstrate that community structures are present in the field of multibody system dynamics. In particular, twenty-four different thematic communities have been identified. The scientific production of each community is analyzed, which allows to predict its growing rate in the next years. The journals and conference proceedings mainly used by the authors belonging to the community as well as the cooperation between them by country are also analyzed

    Development Environment for Optimized Locomotion System of Planetary Rovers

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    This paper addresses the first steps that have been undergone to set up the development environement w.r.t optimization and to modelling and simulation of overall dynamics of the rover driving behaviour under all critical surface terrains, like soft and hard soils, slippage, bulldozing effect and digging in soft soil. Optimization is based on MOPS (Multi-Objective Prameter Synthesis), that is capable for handling several objective functions such as mass reduction, motor power reduction, increase of traction forces, rover stability guarantee, and more. The tool interferes with Matlab/Simulink and with Modelica/Dymola for dynamics model implementation. For modelling and simulation of the overall rover dynamics and terramechanical behaviour in all kind of soils we apply a Matlab based tool that takes advantage of the multibody dynamics tool Simpack. First results of very promising rover optimizations 6 wheels are presented that improve ExoMars rover type wheel suspension systems. Performance of driveability behaviour in different soils is presented as well. The next steps are discusses in order to achieve the planned overall development environment

    An Annular Plate Model in Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian Description for the DLR FlexibleBodies Library

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    The bending deformation of rotating annular plates and the associated vibration behaviour is important in engineering applications which range from automotive or railway brake systems to discs that form essential components in turbomachinery. In order to extend the capabilities of the DLR FlexibleBodies library for such use cases, a new Modelica class has been implemented which is based on the analytical description of an annular Kirchhoff plate. In addition the so-called Arbitray Langrangian-Eulerian (ALE) representation has been adopted so that rotating and non-rotating external loads may be applied conventiently to rotating plates. Besides these particularities the new class AnnularPlate completely corresponds to the concept of FlexibleBodies library with the two already available model classes Beam and ModalBody. This paper gives an overview on the theoretical background of the new class AnnularPlate, explains the usage and presents application examples

    A multibody approach to the contact dynamics: a knee joint application

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    In this thesis, a general approach for dynamic analysis of multibody systems with contact is presented, being a special attention given to the articular contact at the human knee joint. Two methodologies, in two- and three-dimensions, for knee contact modeling are proposed under the framework of multibody systems using generalized Cartesian coordinates. The development of the planar multibody knee model encompasses four steps: (i) geometrical representation of contacting profiles by means of curve fitting techniques based on spline interpolation functions; (ii) location of contact points and evaluation of the contact indentation; (iii) calculation of the contact forces by using an appropriate constitutive law; (iv) description of the ligament behavior by a quadratic stress-strain relation. The motion of the tibia relative to the femur is modeled combining the action of the knee ligaments with the potential contacts between the bones. The contact forces, together with the forces produced by the ligaments, are introduced into the Newton-Euler equations of motion as external generalized forces. Within the three-dimensional methodology, the contact surfaces are described by means of point-clouds extracted from parametric representations. The spatial formulation presents a pre-processing unit. This preprocessor allows for a significantly reduction of the amount of memory required for data storage and an improvement of the computational efficiency of the contact detection process. Computational simulations were performed with the aim of validating both proposed approaches, two-dimensional and three-dimensional. The behavior of the planar knee model resultant of the application of different contact force laws was studied. Moreover, the influence of the geometric and material properties on the dynamic response of the knee joint model was investigated. In a broad sense, the proposed methodologies demonstrated to be suitable for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of multibody models with contact, especially those biological systems such as the knee joint that involve complex geometries, a large range of motion and high dynamic loads.Nesta tese Ă© proposta uma abordagem genĂ©rica para a anĂĄlise dinĂąmica de sistemas de corpos mĂșltiplos com contacto, dando um especial enfoque ao contacto articular no joelho humano. No Ăąmbito da dinĂąmica de sistemas de corpos mĂșltiplos sĂŁo apresentadas duas metodologias, bidimensional e tridimensional, para a modelação do contacto no joelho usando coordenadas cartesianas generalizadas. O desenvolvimento do modelo bidimensional do joelho engloba quatro etapas: (i) representação geomĂ©trica dos perfis de contacto por meio de tĂ©cnicas de ajuste de curva com base em funçÔes de interpolação por splines, (ii) localização dos pontos de contacto e avaliação da indentação de contacto, (iii) cĂĄlculo das forças de contacto usando uma lei constitutiva apropriada, (iv) descrição do comportamento dos ligamentos atravĂ©s de uma relação quadrĂĄtica de tensĂŁo-deformação. O movimento da tĂ­bia em relação ao fĂ©mur Ă© modelado como uma acção combinada entre os ligamentos do joelho e os potenciais contactos entre os ossos. As forças de contacto, juntamente com as forças produzidas pelos ligamentos, sĂŁo introduzidas nas equaçÔes de movimento de Newton-Euler como forças externas generalizadas. Na metodologia tridimensional, as superfĂ­cies de contacto sĂŁo descritas por meio de nuvens de pontos extraĂ­das de representaçÔes paramĂ©tricas. No Ăąmbito da formulação tridimensional Ă© apresentada uma unidade de prĂ©-processamento. Este prĂ©-processador permite uma redução significativa da quantidade de memĂłria necessĂĄria para o armazenamento de dados e, desta forma, melhora a eficiĂȘncia computacional do algoritmo de deteção de contacto. Com o objetivo de validar as metodologias propostas, realizaram-se vĂĄrias simulaçÔes computacionais. Os comportamentos do modelo bidimensional do joelho resultantes da aplicação de diferentes leis de força de contacto foram estudados. A influĂȘncia das propriedades geomĂ©tricas e de material na resposta dinĂąmica do modelo bidimensional do joelho foi investigada. De uma forma geral, as metodologias propostas demonstraram ser adequadas para a anĂĄlise do comportamento dinĂąmico de modelos de corpos mĂșltiplos com contacto, especialmente sistema biolĂłgicos, como o joelho humano, que envolvem geometrias complexas, uma grande amplitude de movimentos e elevadas cargas dinĂąmicas
