5,265 research outputs found

    Contextual Media Retrieval Using Natural Language Queries

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    The widespread integration of cameras in hand-held and head-worn devices as well as the ability to share content online enables a large and diverse visual capture of the world that millions of users build up collectively every day. We envision these images as well as associated meta information, such as GPS coordinates and timestamps, to form a collective visual memory that can be queried while automatically taking the ever-changing context of mobile users into account. As a first step towards this vision, in this work we present Xplore-M-Ego: a novel media retrieval system that allows users to query a dynamic database of images and videos using spatio-temporal natural language queries. We evaluate our system using a new dataset of real user queries as well as through a usability study. One key finding is that there is a considerable amount of inter-user variability, for example in the resolution of spatial relations in natural language utterances. We show that our retrieval system can cope with this variability using personalisation through an online learning-based retrieval formulation.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Smart environment monitoring through micro unmanned aerial vehicles

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    In recent years, the improvements of small-scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in terms of flight time, automatic control, and remote transmission are promoting the development of a wide range of practical applications. In aerial video surveillance, the monitoring of broad areas still has many challenges due to the achievement of different tasks in real-time, including mosaicking, change detection, and object detection. In this thesis work, a small-scale UAV based vision system to maintain regular surveillance over target areas is proposed. The system works in two modes. The first mode allows to monitor an area of interest by performing several flights. During the first flight, it creates an incremental geo-referenced mosaic of an area of interest and classifies all the known elements (e.g., persons) found on the ground by an improved Faster R-CNN architecture previously trained. In subsequent reconnaissance flights, the system searches for any changes (e.g., disappearance of persons) that may occur in the mosaic by a histogram equalization and RGB-Local Binary Pattern (RGB-LBP) based algorithm. If present, the mosaic is updated. The second mode, allows to perform a real-time classification by using, again, our improved Faster R-CNN model, useful for time-critical operations. Thanks to different design features, the system works in real-time and performs mosaicking and change detection tasks at low-altitude, thus allowing the classification even of small objects. The proposed system was tested by using the whole set of challenging video sequences contained in the UAV Mosaicking and Change Detection (UMCD) dataset and other public datasets. The evaluation of the system by well-known performance metrics has shown remarkable results in terms of mosaic creation and updating, as well as in terms of change detection and object detection

    The use of extended reality and machine learning to improve healthcare and promote greenhealth

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    Com a Quarta Revolução Industrial, a propagação da Internet das Coisas, o avanço nas áreas de Inteligência Artificial e de Machine Learning até à migração para a Computação em Nuvem, o termo "Ambientes Inteligentes" cada vez mais deixa de ser uma idealização para se tornar realidade. Da mesma forma as tecnologias de Realidade Extendida também elas têm aumentado a sua presença no mundo tecnológico após um "período de hibernação", desde a popularização do conceito de Metaverse assim como a entrada das grandes empresas informáticas como a Apple e a Google num mercado onde a Realidade Virtual, Realidade Aumentada e Realidade Mista eram dominadas por empresas com menos experiência no desenvolvimento de sistemas (e.g. Meta), reconhecimento a nível mundial (e.g. HTC Vive), ou suporte financeiro e confiança do mercado. Esta tese tem como foco o estudo do potencial uso das tecnologias de Realidade Estendida de forma a promover Saúde Verde assim como seu uso em Hospitais Inteligentes, uma das variantes de Ambientes Inteligentes, incorporando Machine Learning e Computer Vision, como ferramenta de suporte e de melhoria de cuidados de saúde, tanto do ponto de vista do profissional de saúde como do paciente, através duma revisão literarária e análise da atualidade. Resultando na elaboração de um modelo conceptual com a sugestão de tecnologias a poderem ser usadas para alcançar esse cenário selecionadas pelo seu potencial, sendo posteriormente descrito o desenvolvimento de protótipos de partes do modelo conceptual para Óculos de Realidade Extendida como validação de conceito.With the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the spread of the Internet of Things, the advance in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning until the migration to Cloud Computing, the term "Intelligent Environments" increasingly ceases to be an idealization to become reality. Likewise, Extended Reality technologies have also increased their presence in the technological world after a "hibernation period", since the popularization of the Metaverse concept, as well as the entry of large computer companies such as Apple and Google into a market where Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality were dominated by companies with less experience in system development (e.g. Meta), worldwide recognition (e.g. HTC Vive) or financial support and trust in the market. This thesis focuses on the study of the potential use of Extended Reality technologies in order to promote GreenHealth as well as their use in Smart Hospitals, one of the variants of Smart Environments, incorporating Machine Learning and Computer Vision, as a tool to support and improve healthcare, both from the point of view of the health professional and the patient, through a literature review and analysis of the current situation. Resulting in the elaboration of a conceptual model with the suggestion of technologies that can be used to achieve this scenario selected for their potential, and then the development of prototypes of parts of the conceptual model for Extended Reality Headsets as concept validation

    Unsupervised learning of human motion

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    An unsupervised learning algorithm that can obtain a probabilistic model of an object composed of a collection of parts (a moving human body in our examples) automatically from unlabeled training data is presented. The training data include both useful "foreground" features as well as features that arise from irrelevant background clutter - the correspondence between parts and detected features is unknown. The joint probability density function of the parts is represented by a mixture of decomposable triangulated graphs which allow for fast detection. To learn the model structure as well as model parameters, an EM-like algorithm is developed where the labeling of the data (part assignments) is treated as hidden variables. The unsupervised learning technique is not limited to decomposable triangulated graphs. The efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithm is demonstrated by applying it to generate models of human motion automatically from unlabeled image sequences, and testing the learned models on a variety of sequences

    Implementation of computer visualisation in UK planning

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    PhD ThesisWithin the processes of public consultation and development management, planners are required to consider spatial information, appreciate spatial transformations and future scenarios. In the past, conventional media such as maps, plans, illustrations, sections, and physical models have been used. Those traditional visualisations are at a high degree of abstraction, sometimes difficult to understand for lay people and inflexible in terms of the range of scenarios which can be considered. Yet due to technical advances and falling costs, the potential for computer based visualisation has much improved and has been increasingly adopted within the planning process. Despite the growth in this field, insufficient consideration has been given to the possible weakness of computerised visualisations. Reflecting this lack of research, this study critically evaluates the use and potential of computerised visualisation within this process. The research is divided into two components: case study analysis and reflections of the author following his involvement within the design and use of visualisations in a series of planning applications; and in-depth interviews with experienced practitioners in the field. Based on a critical review of existing literature, this research explores in particular the issues of credibility, realism and costs of production. The research findings illustrate the importance of the credibility of visualisations, a topic given insufficient consideration within the academic literature. Whereas the realism of visualisations has been the focus of much previous research, the results of the case studies and interviews with practitioners undertaken in this research suggest a ‘photo’ realistic level of details may not be required as long as the observer considers the visualisations to be a credible reflection of the underlying reality. Although visualisations will always be a simplification of reality and their level of realism is subjective, there is still potential for developing guidelines or protocols for image production based on commonly agreed standards. In the absence of such guidelines there is a danger that scepticism in the credibility of computer visualisations will prevent the approach being used to its full potential. These findings suggest there needs to be a balance between scientific protocols and artistic licence in the production of computer visualisation. In order to be sufficiently credible for use in decision making within the planning processes, the production of computer visualisation needs to follow a clear methodology and scientific protocols set out in good practice guidance published by professional bodies and governmental organisations.Newcastle upon Tyne for awarding me an International Scholarship and Alumni Bursar