259 research outputs found

    Routing algorithm for provision of end-to-end delay QoS for low earth orbit satellite networks

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    Evolution of High Throughput Satellite Systems: Vision, Requirements, and Key Technologies

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    High throughput satellites (HTS), with their digital payload technology, are expected to play a key role as enablers of the upcoming 6G networks. HTS are mainly designed to provide higher data rates and capacities. Fueled by technological advancements including beamforming, advanced modulation techniques, reconfigurable phased array technologies, and electronically steerable antennas, HTS have emerged as a fundamental component for future network generation. This paper offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art of HTS systems, with a focus on standardization, patents, channel multiple access techniques, routing, load balancing, and the role of software-defined networking (SDN). In addition, we provide a vision for next-satellite systems that we named as extremely-HTS (EHTS) toward autonomous satellites supported by the main requirements and key technologies expected for these systems. The EHTS system will be designed such that it maximizes spectrum reuse and data rates, and flexibly steers the capacity to satisfy user demand. We introduce a novel architecture for future regenerative payloads while summarizing the challenges imposed by this architecture

    Recent trends in IP/NGEO satellite communication systems: transport, routing, and mobility management concerns

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    Explicit Load Balancing Technique for NGEO Satellite IP Networks With On-Board Processing Capabilities

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    Integrating LEO Satellite Constellations into Internet Backbone

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    Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures.Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures

    Advanced SDN-Based QoS and Security Solutions for Heterogeneous Networks

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    This thesis tries to study how SDN can be employed in order to support Quality of Service and how the support of this functionality is fundamental for today networks. Considering, not only the present networks, but also the next generation ones, the importance of the SDN paradigm become manifest as the use of satellite networks, which can be useful considering their broadcasting capabilities. For these reasons, this research focuses its attention on satellite - terrestrial networks and in particular on the use of SDN inside this environment. An important fact to be taken into account is that the growing of the information technologies has pave the way for new possible threats. This research study tries to cover also this problem considering how SDN can be employed for the detection of past and future malware inside networks

    Satellite Networks: Architectures, Applications, and Technologies

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    Since global satellite networks are moving to the forefront in enhancing the national and global information infrastructures due to communication satellites' unique networking characteristics, a workshop was organized to assess the progress made to date and chart the future. This workshop provided the forum to assess the current state-of-the-art, identify key issues, and highlight the emerging trends in the next-generation architectures, data protocol development, communication interoperability, and applications. Presentations on overview, state-of-the-art in research, development, deployment and applications and future trends on satellite networks are assembled


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    ABSTRACT Satellite communication is well known in providing best services where broadcasting is essential, where terrain is hostile and very sparsely populated. It also has niche where rapid deployment is very critical and important. In Global Network Infrastructure satellite is considered as an inseparable component of the communication infrastructure. A variety of research work has been explored and published for satellite based data communication & networking. It is utmost important to conduct a survey on different aspects and research issues of satellite based communication with a focus on the latest development. In this paper, we summarize, compare & comments on the approaches proposed for the satellite based data communication with keeping in view the parameters like Quality of service, Interplanetary Internet, Mobility management, explicit load balancing and packet reordering issue