40 research outputs found

    An experimental study to develop an engaging multimedia design model for children

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    Multimedia has enormous potential but there is still much to learn about what works and what does not work for children. The aim of this research was to develop a model for multimedia design that gives user engagement for children . . " A preliminary scoping study showed that children did realise the potential of multimedia but did not like the design of the applications given to them. A search was made for a multimedia application that fitted the 'wish lists' of the children in the scoping study in order to identify a vehicle for. these investigations. The Sims, a popular game about Life Management, where players play a major role in the management of everyday family life (providing a place to stay, managing finance, basic needs, moods and desires), fitted this description and was selected for this purpose. Five experiments were conducted with children (9 to 14 years old) varying the use of The Sims to test what really engaged them. An Engagement Scale was created as a rating scale to measure engagement at five-minute intervals. Other data to establish the degree of engagement was gathered through video recordings and interviews. The experiments obtained high levels of engagement for some conditions, for example, simulation and construct conditions. From this the factors contributing to engagement were identified. As a result a 6-component theory of engagement was formulated as 'An Engaging Multimedia Design Model for Children'. The model proposes that children need to be able to interact with the multimedia at several levels to be engaged to it. The lowest level of interaction needs to give immediate feedback as a result of the child's actions to support physical or motor skills. The higher levels of inte,r action, however, need to support mental model skills and goal achievement. In some cases goals set by the designer are effective. In others the children need to set their own goals and levels of aspirations. If the design features in the multimedia conform to these principles the multimedia application will be engaging for children

    Development of a music organizer for children

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    Software development for children is challenging; children have their own needs, which often are not met by ‘grown up’ software. We focus on software for playing songs and managing a music collection—tasks that children take great interest in, but for which they have few or inappropriate tools. We address this situation with the design of a new music management system, created with children as design partners: the Kids Music Box

    Multimedia Tool For Children Learning: Web Based Pop Up Book

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    Web-based multimedia pop-up book for children learning is intend to convert traditional learning process into a web using multimedia formatwhich are integrate with multiple media elements such as audio, video, graphics, text and animations. Currently the children have to pull tabs and open pages for the book to 'come to life'. So the purpose of this project is to produce web-based multimedia pop-up book for children learning. The objectives of this project are to create and design interactive multimedia learning book, to come out with user-friendly interface and interactive application and to develop multimedia book that be able to view, use and interact with the online application that providing true multimedia application. The scope of this project is to create and design multimedia web-based education book for children between 5 to 6 years old in order to help children in learning activities, reading skills and improves children computer literacy. The project will adopt methodology of 'code-and-fix' methodology. Three essential stages of development have been performed, which involved Design stage (design the page layout and design the action and animation), Implementation stage (implement by insert and modify required images and implement actions and animations), and finally Test stage (run the actions and compare with intended design). The result in designing successful multimedia web-based for children learning the relevant area are focused on content presentation and user-friendly interface design. In order to achieve the objective of this web-based multimedia tool for children learning, this project should be able facilitate the process of integrating activity into education through online application

    Multimedia Presentation Tool Using SMIL

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    In this project, the author has to develop a tool for multimedia presentation using Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, which is XML-based declarative language. It can synchronize all the multimedia elements in the presentation as the synchronization is one of the main issues in delivery of multimedia presentation. Recently, the content of lecture materials does not integrate all the multimedia elements (such as video, audio, text and images) in it. Hence, the integration of various multimedia elements will be accomplished in this project to make the content of lecture materials more interesting and understandable. The tool requires multimedia elements from the user before it can synchronize all those elements. In this project, the author practice several modules to develop the application such as selection module, recording module, and integration module. In this paper, the instructional design is discussed as a framework to build the application to be more effective. The author believes that with the adoption of instructional design in students' learning can boost their understanding of their course content. The tool for multimedia presentation can automatically synchronize the video of a lecture with the corresponding PowerPoint slides to generate easy to use and effective presentation

    Revisiting an engaging experience to identify metacognitive strategies towards developing a multimedia design model

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    Looking at metacognitive strategies on the way children think when playing an engaging computer game could help designers design educational game courseware that engages children to learn. This paper will analyze the strategies children use in their thinking to overcome problems whilst still remains engaged when interacting with an engaging multimedia application, The Sims. The Sims is an Edutainment Multimedia CD chosen as a vehicle to discover more about engagement under varying interactive conditions and experiments. The CD was found to have features of what children want in a multimedia design for them. A theoretical model “An Engaging Multimedia Design Model” [1] renamed, after an extended research, The NEMD Model (Norma™ Engagement Multimedia Design Model) [2] was developed from this study using this application. This paper is a result of revisiting the recorded engaging experience the children encountered whilst doing the experiments to design, test, redesign, and retest the final form of the engagement model. A number of metacognitive strategies were detected during the interaction. Analysis of the metacognitive strategies used will help designers design multimedia game courseware that is engaging as well as educational for children

    Identification of collaborative skills with serious games

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    Collaborative skills are de ned as a subset of learned behaviors that involve people in interpersonal situations to get or keep strengthening the environment. If the collaborative skills of a group members is insu cient, individual behaviors might arise. These individual behaviors can negatively impact the performance of the group and prevent to achieve an adequate collaborative work. Collaborative skills are essential in the software development market, since the increasing complexity of applications causes the need of a coordinated work of teams to carry out the implementation of any project. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Identification of collaborative skills with serious games

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    Collaborative skills are de ned as a subset of learned behaviors that involve people in interpersonal situations to get or keep strengthening the environment. If the collaborative skills of a group members is insu cient, individual behaviors might arise. These individual behaviors can negatively impact the performance of the group and prevent to achieve an adequate collaborative work. Collaborative skills are essential in the software development market, since the increasing complexity of applications causes the need of a coordinated work of teams to carry out the implementation of any project. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Turning a social character trait phenomenon into a diagnostic web-based measuring instrument using a grounded theory research method

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    The formation of proverbs and phrases into poetic forms with synchronised sentence structures and rhyming expressions through authentic dictions that are engaging and meaningful are the treasures of one’s trait and nation. For some race or ethnic groups it is through these classical works of wisdom that a race or an ethnic group could prevail and remain recognised transcends time and age . A list of 26 basic components of social character traits of the Malays was traced through maxims and literary work s of wisdom. The list of social character traits will just remain a list of compilation to be read and forgotten, just like many others written and compiled by other Malay literary scholars. There is a need to make this list scientifically proven. This paper discusses on how these components were transformed into a measuring instrument through a grounded theory research method. The end product was not only a web-based diagnostic instrument to measure the conformity and deviation of an ethnic group but also a formation of a new theory that could be applied to all other ethnics and related groups in the world today that are interested in knowing and preserving their social character traits

    iMSL Interactive Malay Sign Language Courseware for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

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    Malay Sign Language (MSL) or Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia is a language that has been used by the deaf people in Malaysia. The deaf and hearing-impaired people go to special schools to learn MSL. In current age, technology could be utilized for the purpose of providing MSL course for the hearing-impaired people and their stakeholders. With the provision of the technology based MSL course, learning MSL not only happen in schools, but also at home, or anywhere. This makes the learning activity pervasive. Based on that argument, this study aims at proposing a model for an interactive multimedia courseware which is called iMSL. Accordingly, this paper discusses the background concept for the needs and design of the iMSL. The objectives of the study include 1) To determine the interface necessity for the iMSL for the deaf and hearingimpaired, 2) To design and developed the iMSL, and 3) To evaluate the usefulness of iMSL through user testing. In accomplishing this study, Waterfall Methodology was adapted. There are involved three phase which are User Requirements, Prototype Development and finally the Testing and Evaluation phase. ADDIE Model also adapted in developing prototype of iMSL. The qualitative approaches such as observation and interview were conducted with four students in standard 1. The result of this study concluded that the technology based on courseware is an alternative tool that can be used to assist the learning process for the deaf and hearing-impaired students. It is easy to understand and help teacher to teach in interesting way

    Application of human computer interaction in developing an it-supported design collaboration process

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    Increasing globalisation and international collaboration have led to an increaseddemand for improvedcommunication within design collaboration processes. To address this issue, IT-supported design collaboration processes have been utilised, enablingprofessional design team members to work in a distributed design environment. However, IT-supported systems often lack human understanding, making such systems frustrating for professionals to use.The objective of this theoretical paper is to propose Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) integrated approaches that improve the interaction among professional design team members and collaborative technologies in a distributed design environment. This is particularly examined in the context of the building industry. For this purpose,this paper analysesthe related literature in design collaboration processes. This analysis is used toassess how earlier systems affect design team members’ capabilitiesto accept and use collaborative technologies.It is found that in addition to impacting the ergonomic and cognitive capabilities of professionals, a system should also motivate professionals intrinsically and extrinsically. The findings of this study are essential forpromoting the utility of IT-supported design collaboration projects.In addition, this study supports further research to increase the level of engagement in collaborative team work and mitigate knowledge loss in a complex project lifecycle