12 research outputs found

    Are These Bugs Really "Normal"?

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    International audienceUnderstanding the severity of reported bugs is important in both research and practice. In particular, a number of recently proposed mining-based software engineering techniques predict bug severity, bug report quality, and bug-fix time, according to this information. Many bug tracking systems provide a field "severity" offering options such as "severe", "normal", and "minor", with "normal" as the default. However, there is a widespread perception that for many bug reports the label "normal" may not reflect the actual severity, because reporters may overlook setting the severity or may not feel confident enough to do so. In many cases, researchers ignore "normal" bug reports, and thus overlook a large percentage of the reports provided. On the other hand, treating them all together risks mixing reports that have very diverse properties. In this study, we investigate the extent to which "normal" bug reports actually have the "normal" severity. We find that many "normal" bug reports in practice are not normal. Furthermore, this misclassification can have a significant impact on the accuracy of mining-based tools and studies that rely on bug report severity information

    Online Defect Prediction for Imbalanced Data

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    Pitfalls and Guidelines for Using Time-Based Git Data

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    Many software engineering research papers rely on time-based data (e.g., commit timestamps, issue report creation/update/close dates, release dates). Like most real-world data however, time-based data is often dirty. To date, there are no studies that quantify how frequently such data is used by the software engineering research community, or investigate sources of and quantify how often such data is dirty. Depending on the research task and method used, including such dirty data could aect the research results. This paper presents an extended survey of papers that utilize time-based data, published in the Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference series. Out of the 754 technical track and data papers published in MSR 2004{2021, we saw at least 290 (38%) papers utilized time-based data. We also observed that most time-based data used in research papers comes in the form of Git commits, often from GitHub. Based on those results, we then used the Boa and Software Heritage infrastructures to help identify and quantify several sources of dirty Git timestamp data. Finally we provide guidelines/best practices for researchers utilizing time-based data from Git repositories

    Online Defect Prediction for Imbalanced Data

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    Many defect prediction techniques are proposed to improve software reliability. Change classification predicts defects at the change level, where a change is a collection of the modifications to one file in a commit. In this thesis, we conduct the first study of applying change classification in practice and share the lessons we learned. We identify two issues in the prediction process, both of which contribute to the low prediction performance. First, the data are imbalanced—there are much fewer buggy changes than clean changes. Second, the commonly used cross-validation approach is inappropriate for evaluating the performance of change classification. To address these challenges, we apply and adapt online change classification to evaluate the prediction and use resampling, updatable classification techniques as well as remove the testing-related changes to improve the classification performance. We perform the improved change classification techniques on one proprietary and six open source projects. Our results show that resampling and updatable classification techniques improve the precision of change classification by 12.2–89.5% or 6.4–34.8 percentage points (pp.) on the seven projects. Additionally, removing testing-related changes improves F1 by 62.2–3411.1% or 19.4–61.4 pp. on the six open source projects with a comparable value of precision achieved. Furthermore, we integrate change classification in the development process of the proprietary project. We have learned the following lessons: 1 ) new solutions are needed to convince developers to use and believe prediction results, and prediction results need to be actionable, 2 ) new and improved classification algorithms are needed to explain the prediction results, and insensible and unactionable explanations need to be filtered or refined, and 3 ) new techniques are needed to improve the relatively low precision

    Usage and refactoring studies of python regular expressions

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    Though regular expressions provide a powerful search technique that is baked into every major language, is incorporated into a myriad of essential tools, and has been a fundamental aspect of Computer Science since the 1960\u27s, no one has ever formally studied how they are used in practice, or how to apply refactoring principals to improve understandability and conformance to community standards. This thesis presents the original work of studying a sample of regexes taken from Python projects mined from GitHub, determining what features are used most often, defining some categories that illuminate common use cases, and identifying areas of significance for language and tool designers. Furthermore, this thesis defines an equivalence class model used to explore comprehension of regexes, identifying the most common and most understandable representations of semantically identical regexes, suggesting several refactorings and preferred representations. Opportunities for future work include the novel and rich field of regex refactoring, semantic search of regexes, and further fundamental research into regex usage and understandability