15 research outputs found

    An Empirical Investigation of Virtual World Projects and Metaverse Technology Capabilities

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    Metaverses are immersive three-dimensional virtual worlds (VWs) where people interact with each other and their environment, using the metaphor of the real world but without its physical limitations. Unique technology capabilities of metaverses have the potential to enhance the conduct of virtual projects, but little is known about virtual worlds in this context. Virtual project teams struggle in meeting stated project outcomes due to challenges related to communication, shared understanding, and coordination. One way to address these challenges is to consider the use of emerging technologies, such as metaverses, to minimize the impact on virtual project teams. Applying a theoretical foundation for virtual teams in metaverses that includes both technology capabilities and the social interaction that takes place in the metaverse environment, we conducted an empirical investigation of project teams in a virtual world setting. The study examined the interplay of communication, representation, interaction, and team process tools with behaviors that led to role clarity, shared understanding, and coordination. While each individual technology capability contributed to project execution and outcomes, much of the power of the environment emerged through the interplay of social behaviors and technology capabilities. The results have intriguing implications for how metaverse technology capabilities might provide new ways to address gaps in the current research and practice of virtual project management and virtual teams

    Manipulasi Positivis Terhadap Relasi Intersubjektif Suatu Kritisisme Terhadap Relasi Intersubjektif dalam Metaverse Berdasarkan Elaborasi Paham Gabriel Marcel dan August Comte

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      Realitas sosial menuntut manusia untuk berelasi. Relasi intersubjektif merupakan salah satu kenyataan yang mendeterminasi relasionalitas manusia. Dasar “cinta” yang ditanamkan Gabriel Marcel dalam relasi intersubjektif membuat relasi aku-engkau bertumbuh menjadi relasi kita. Namun, dasar cinta ini tidak selalu menghasilkan “kehadiran-bersama” dalam relasi intersubyektif. Hal ini disinyalir menjadi manipulasi kaum positivis yang telah menguasai perkembangan teknologi komunikasi. Manipulasi dilangsung dalam dunia virtual melalui metaverse. Paradigma ini mengimplisitkan adanya peralihan esensi “cinta” dalam relasi intersubjektif kepada sikap pragmatis. Tujuan manipulasi paradigma kaum positivis sejatinya hanya mampu dikenal jika manusia kembali menyelami realitas relasi intersubjektif dan menginterpretasikan realitas perkembangan teknologi komunikasi

    Investigating Role of Deep Learning in Metaverse

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      Avatars are computer-generated digital representations that people may use in the metaverse to communicate and interact with one another as well as with digital goods. Imagine a setting that combines elements of virtual reality, an online performance game, and the World Wide Web. In the modern world, one does not have the option of avoiding the usage of bitcoin. In this rapidly evolving hybrid setting, Bitcoin is the proper medium of exchange because of the inherent decentralisation it has. In addition to this, it is essential to integrate data compression and safety precautions. Compression is an area of study that is constantly undergoing new developments as well as technological leaps and bounds. This study looks on other aspects of the metaverse as well, such as data compression and security concerns related to the metaverse. Before training and testing the DL model, an image processing approach was included in order to reduce its size. This was done so that object identification may be improved even more. &nbsp

    The Prospects of Retail Payment Developments in the Metaverse

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    In the age of technological development, rapid technological progress, and the metaverse development in which humans interact with each other and with the environment using virtual real-world metaphors, payment systems may also need to be re-considered. The study aims to find an answer to the question of what should be retail payments in the metaverse and to begin interdisciplinary discussions about their implementation in this environment. The author reviews the literature which shows that i) socio-economic relations are being implemented in the metaverse, but they still require the money to participate in the exchange relationships, as well as to support such a system; ii) it is impossible to abandon all forms of physical exchange, which is the basis of modern society; iii) the metaverse is an environment usually of anonymous users, who do not have the right to make significant purchases without their identification; iv) accounting of transactions remains the basis of payments in the metaverse as well

    Overcoming Challenges to Enable the Potential of Metaverse Platforms: A Qualitative Approach to Understand Value Creation

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    Metaverse is the buzzword of modern society. Practitioners and researchers have discussed metaverse platforms extensively, but the potential and meaning of the metaverse remain controversial. In this paper, we investigate and identify challenges that enable the potential of metaverse platforms. If these challenges are overcome, there will be value creation for practitioners, organizations, and society. We used a qualitative approach whereby we interviewed 34 metaverse experts to identify the challenges, potential, and value associated with the metaverse. Our results demonstrate that technical and societal challenges obstruct the ability to handle user-related and organizational challenges. If these challenges can be overcome, we can use the opportunities that our participants identified to create functional, social, and emotional value. Our work theoretically contributes to current knowledge on metaverse platforms by elaborating on handling metaverse platform ecosystems and determining instrumental challenges in their realization. With our qualitative approach, we provide room and directions for future research to develop a better understanding of the role and meaning of value creation in the metaverse. Our findings are useful to practitioners by presenting challenges organizations must overcome to create metaverse platforms or participate in a metaverse ecosystem. Furthermore, we present opportunities for vendors of metaverse platforms and organizations by identifying relevant processes that can be transferred into the metaverse

    Team Collaboration in Virtual Worlds: Editorial to the Special Issue

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    Virtual worlds are Internet-based three-dimensional (3D) computer-generated environments where users interact through “avatars” – a computer-generated representation of themselves that they control in terms of appearance and behavior. In recent years, virtual worlds have evolved into sophisticated social systems where millions of people regularly collaborate. For dispersed organizational teams, they represent a viable collaboration environment in which users can integrate different communication channels and manipulate digital artifacts that represent actual team deliverables. In this editorial to the Special Issue on Team Collaboration in Virtual Worlds, we discuss past research and highlight key findings with respect to five dimensions of collaborative work: technology, people, information, process, and leadership. We conclude with a discussion of the key research challenges that lie ahead to shape the research agenda for team collaboration in virtual worlds and metaverses

    Metaverse Ortamlarında Dijital Adresleme ve İçerik Pazarlaması: Decentraland Örneği

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    Yeni medya sisteminin önemli alanlarından birini temsil eden metaverse üzerinde birbirinden farklı uygulamalar yer almaktadır. Metaverse, sanal bir dünya ile içerik endüstrisinin ortak paydaşı olarak içerik tabanlı pazarlama konusunda yeni yönelimler oluşturmaktadır. Dijital adresleme, sanal ortamlarda kullanıcı hesabı ile pazar kimliğini tanımlayan küresel şirketlerin sanal mağazalarına erişim sağlanmasını ifade etmektedir. Metaverse, e-ticaret uygulamalarının hızlı kullanıcı sayısına ve piyasa ağlarına dönüştüğü yeni satın alma davranışları oluşturmaktadır. Bu sistemde kullanıcılar, gerçek para ve kredi kartı yerine sanal cüzdanları üzerinden alışveriş yapabilme ve etkinliklere katılabilme eylemlerine sahip olabilmektedir. Dijital kullanıcılar, sanal mağaza deneyimlerini birincil bakış açısı ya da üçüncü göz açısıyla gerçekleştirmektedir. Bireylerin sanal mecralarda, talep ettikleri ürünlere erişim sağlamaları konusunda zaman yönetimi ve kullanıcının satın alma davranışları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, metaverse ortamlarında uygulama ve içerik konusunda sanal parselleme ile konumlandırılan mağazaların dijital adresleme yapılarını, türsel ve kategorisel sınıflandırma biçimleri üzerinden nasıl şekillendiğini örnek bir metaverse uygulaması üzerinden değerlendirmektedir

    How can the communication sector adapt to the metaverse

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    The metaverse is a term used to describe a new generation of the internet, where users can interact with each other and virtual objects and experiences in real-time. It is expected to significantly impact a wide range of industries, including communications, entertainment, and education. This research examines the potential impacts of the metaverse on the communications industry in the short term. It begins by defining the metaverse and discussing the key technologies enabling its development. It then goes on to identify the business areas that are most likely to be impacted by the metaverse. This research argues that the metaverse will significantly impact the communications industry in the short term. It will lead to the development of new communication technologies, platforms, and business models. It will also change the way that people communicate with each other and consume information. This investigation discusses how the communications industry can adapt to the metaverse. It argues that the industry needs to invest in new technologies and platforms and develop new business models. It also needs to focus on creating immersive and engaging user experiences.O metaverse é um termo utilizado para descrever uma nova geração da Internet, em que os utilizadores podem interagir uns com os outros e com objetos e experiências virtuais em tempo real. Prevê-se que venha a ter um impacto significativo numa vasta gama de sectores. Esta investigação examina os potenciais impactos do metaverse no sector das comunicações a curto prazo. Começa por definir o metaverse e discutir as principais tecnologias que permitem o seu desenvolvimento. Em seguida, identifica as áreas de negócio com maior probabilidade de serem afetadas pelo metaverse. Este estudo defende que o metaverse terá um impacto significativo no sector das comunicações a curto prazo e conduzirá ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de comunicação, plataformas e modelos de negócio. Também mudará a forma como as pessoas comunicam umas com as outras e consomem informação. Esta investigação analisa a forma como o sector das comunicações se pode adaptar ao metaverse. Defende que o sector precisa de investir em novas tecnologias e plataformas e desenvolver novos modelos de negócio. Deve também concentrar-se na criação de experiências de utilização envolventes e cativantes que atraiam uma maior adoção do metaverse por dos utilizadores

    Facing the challenges of metaverse: a systematic literature review from Social Sciences and Marketing and Communication

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    [Resumen]: Metaverso constituye la conjunción y optimización de las posibilidades de internet y la tecnología en su máxima expresión, una consecuencia del desarrollo y evolución de la sociedad digital. La innovación tecnológica, fundamentalmente orientada hacia la realidad virtual, realidad aumentada y realidades mixtas, contribuye de forma significativa a la generación de una base sólida sobre la cual construir todo un universo de mundos virtuales. Un universo que, a su vez, precisa de la generación de contenidos vertebradores de narrativas que capten la atención, con el fin de impulsar un determinado ecosistema que transfiera las actividades propias del mundo real al virtual, bien de forma proyectada o recreada. Esta investigación analiza, mediante una revisión sistemática de 402 artículos y una aproximación cualitativa de 125 en Scopus, las tendencias tecnológicas, aplicativas y metodológicas que admite el metaverso desde las Ciencias Sociales, léase Marketing y Comunicación; y las Neurociencias; áreas que alimentan la comprensión de la dimensión social del fenómeno abordado. Si bien es abundante la bibliografía académica sobre el metaverso en las Ciencias Computacionales, no así en las mencionadas disciplinas. Dado que el metaverso se considera la próxima revolución de internet, se observa una carrera por el posicionamiento en metaverso de países y marcas que irá en aumento en los próximos años. El metaverso puede contribuir a una multiplicidad de aplicaciones de carácter social por lo que resulta ser una herramienta altamente competitiva para Estado, Empresa, Academia y Medios de Comunicación, públicos y privados. Los resultados indican una transformación tecnológica que plantea un futuro con neurotecnologías basadas en las interfaces cerebro-computadora y metaverso como escenario; y la consolidación del ecosistema virtual gracias al auge de nativos digitales y Gen Z y la confluencia de una multiplicidad de tecnologías y de contenidos inmersivos y participativos donde el consumidor es proveedor, propietario y beneficiario.[Abstract]: The metaverse is the conjunction and optimization of the possibilities of the Internet and technology at their best. It is a consequence of the development and evolution of digital society. Technological innovation, fundamentally oriented toward virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed realities, contributes significantly to the creation of a solid foundation on which to build an entire universe of virtual worlds. This is a universe that, in turn, requires the creation of backbone content for narratives that attract and retain users by capturing their attention to promote a specific ecosystem that transfers the activities of the real world to a virtual one, either projected or recreated. This research is based on a systematic review of 402 articles and a qualitative analysis of 125 publications indexed in Scopus. It examines the trends in technology, application, and methodology pertaining to the metaverse in the social sciences field, namely marketing and communication and neuroscience, areas that contribute to the understanding of the social dimension of the metaverse phenomenon. Although there is abundant academic literature on the metaverse in computer science, this is not the case in the aforementioned disciplines. Given that the metaverse is destined to become the next Internet revolution, there is a race among countries and brands to position themselves within it, which is expected to intensify in the coming years. The metaverse can contribute to a wide variety of applications of a social nature, which is why it is a highly competitive tool for nations, companies, and academia, as well as the public and private media. The results indicate a technological transformation proposing a future that includes neuro-technologies based on brain–computer interfaces and the metaverse as the setting. This will occur alongside the solidification of the virtual ecosystem thanks to the emergence of digital natives and Gen Z, as well as the convergence of many different technologies and immersive and participatory content, in which the consumer is the provider, owner, and beneficiary“Medios audiovisuales públicos ante el sistema de las plataformas: modelos de gestión y evaluación del valor público de referencia para España”;(PID2021-122386OB-100) “Medios nativos digitales en España: estrategias, competencias, implicación social y (re)definición de prácticas en la producción y difusión periodísticas”; (PID2021-122534OB-C21)