2,815 research outputs found

    The efficiency of working capital management in the logistics industry using the O2O model: the case of SF Group

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    This dissertation first summarizes and analyzes the operational environment of the logistics industry. Combined with the characteristics of the industry, the management of working capital and its present situation will be analyzed. Shunfeng Group Co., Ltd. (SF Group) is selected as the research object. Based on financial data from 2013 to 2016, the working capital management efficiency of the company is studied and analyzed in terms of the proportion of the working capital factor and the turnover efficiency of working capital. Then it analyzes the development of the working capital management level of this company in the Online-to-Offline (O2O) model, and based on that, it analyzes the main factors that affect the efficiency of the working capital management of SF Group using the O2O model, and finally puts forward some corresponding suggestions based on the case performance. In the end, based on the case analysis, different suggestions are proposed on how to optimize the working capital management efficiency of the logistics industry using the O2O model: reasonable offline store investment; optimize warehouse construction; accelerate the construction of intelligent logistics and optimize the business structure; optimize the cold-chain logistics system; improve the service system level; formulate reasonable credit policies; select reasonable financing methods; obtain government support.Esta dissertação primeiro resume e analisa o ambiente operacional do setor de logística. Em conjunto com as características da indústria, a gestão fundo de maneio e sua situação atual serão analisadas. A SF Group é selecionada como o objeto de pesquisa. Com base em dados financeiros de 2013 a 2016, a eficiência da gestão do fundo de maneio da empresa é estudada e analisada em termos da proporção do fator fundo de maneio e da eficiência da rotação do fundo de maneio. Em seguida, analisa o desenvolvimento do nível de gestão de fundo de maneio desta empresa no modelo O2O e, a partir disso, analisa os principais fatores que afetam a eficiência da gestão do fundo de maneio da SF Group no modelo O2O. Finalmente apresenta algumas sugestões com base nas conclusões do caso. No final, com base na análise de casos, diferentes sugestões são propostas sobre como otimizar a eficiência da gestão do capital de giro do setor de logística sob o modelo O2O: investimento razoável em lojas offline; otimizar a construção do armazém; acelerar a construção de logística inteligente e otimizar a estrutura de negócios; otimizar o sistema de logística da cadeia de frio; melhorar o nível do sistema de serviço; formular políticas de crédito razoáveis; selecionar métodos de financiamento razoáveis; obter apoio do governo

    Impact of COVID-19 on Disaggregate Consumption and Online Retail Sales: Evidence from the USA

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    This study applies the difference-in-difference technique to analyze the consumption pattern during COVID-19 against pre-COVID-19 years. We analyze the online retail sales before and after COVID-19 using time series and linear regression models. Time series intervention analysis results suggest that COVID-19 has caused a statistically significant change in the mean level of online retail sales share in e-commerce. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we find a 4% decrease in aggregate consumption from March to December 2020 compared to the benchmark period although statistically insignificant. Further, using a fixed effects model with time dummies, we find a nearly 8% significant decrease in March–April and a 2% decrease in May–June, which is not significant maybe because the lockdown restrictions were lifted during that time. We infer that the aggregate consumption decreased during the strictest months of lockdown and COVID-19 had a heterogeneous impact across categories of consumption

    The Impact of Internet Consumption on China’s Economic Development

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    This thesis explores the impact of Internet consumption development in China through examining the causal relationship between Internet consumption and GDP under a bivariate VAR model, and between Internet consumption and traditional consumption, telecommunication industry, and express delivery industry under a multivariate VAR model using quarterly data from 2006-2013. The causal relationship between variables is investigated by the approach of Granger causality following Toda-Yomamoto procedure. The empirical results indicate a strong bi-directional causality between Internet consumption and GDP, between Internet consumption and traditional consumption, and between Internet consumption and telecommunication industry. Meanwhile, the results also show a unidirectional causality form Internet consumption to express delivery industry. All these test results support the hypothesis that the rapid development of Internet consumption has positive influence on China’s economic development, which is consistent with country’s current strategy to put domestic consumption as driving force for economic growth

    The dilemma of intellectual property transaction and mechanism optimizing in China

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    This Thesis focuses on the difficulties and solutions regarding intellectual property (IP) transactions. High transaction costs and low exchange values in the context of sporadic trades and massive IP availability constitute a hurdle when a country seeks to realize the full potential of knowledge and innovation as part of its development strategy. The purpose of this Thesis is to address these challenges and to contribute to achieving workable solutions. This Thesis is based on a survey of China’s economic situation, IP institutional system, IP application development, and the status of IP transaction. To move forward, it puts forward the following research questions: "What are the suitable mechanisms of IP transaction to reduce transaction costs and maximize exchange value? And, how should we optimize the mechanisms to solve the dilemma of IP transaction?" Also, the Thesis develops conceptual discussion of IP transactions consisting of transaction subjects, objects and processes. This perspective is compatible with practical requirements and recent theoretical advances. Issues on the take-off and trends of IP transactions in China are reviewed, and requirements on IP tradability, transaction pattern and evaluation are analyzed. This Thesis implements empirical research of trademark transactions, studies case study information on IP platforms, and analyzes the factors influencing trademark transaction price. A rich array of experience regarding patent transaction mechanisms is summarized. Finally, this Thesis argues that a feasible detailed solution can be designed, named "O3" IP transaction mechanism. Three strands of policy suggestions are given to enhance IP transactions by optimizing transaction mechanisms.A presente Tese foca-se nos problemas das transacções envolvendo propriedade industrial (PI), que se prendem com a raridade do comércio deste tipo de activos em contraste com a sua abundância massiva. Duas perguntas articulam as inquietações de pesquisa desta Tese: Como diminuir os custos de transacção em mercados de PI? Como maximizar o valor dos ganhos deste tipo de actividade? A Tese revê as fontes destas dificuldades e procura perspectivar soluções técnicas e económicas. Em primeiro lugar, através de uma introdução à da economia da China por via da descrição do sistema da China de PI e das tendências recentes a Tese dá um contexto para a abordagem às perguntas de investigação. Posteriormente, o fenómeno das transações de PI são revistas através apreciações teóricas e de observações sobre aplicações concretas de experiências reais. Em seguida, um estudo empírico das transações de marcas é realizado bem como um estudo de caso sobre as várias soluções que existem em termos de operações de negócio em torno da PIs. Um modelo econométrico é usado para analisar os factores que afectam as condições de transação de marcas. Um estudo qualitativo sobre dinâmicas de troca de patentes em contexto chinês e estrangeiro permite mostrar e comparar as características-chave das plataformas de transacção existentes. Com base nos resultados conceptuais, empíricos quantitativos e empíricos qualitativos elaborados a Tese explora uma solução de comércio designada "O3" e propõe este como modelo-base para discussão de políticas favoráveis à transacção de PI

    The influencing factors of user loyalty on e-commerce shopping guide platform -- Case “Shenmezhidemai”

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    In recent years, the development of the online retail market has become more and more diversified. There are a large number of advertisements and products gathered on major e-commerce platforms. Consumers cannot efficiently select the products they want in the huge product pool, and it is also difficult for merchants to select high-quality products. The products are precisely oriented to consumers, so the e-commerce shopping guide industry has begun to spread, develop and become popular. To help consumers select high-quality goods more quickly, the e-commerce shopping guide platforms collect and integrate information and discounts for users, and provide users with decision-making suggestions. However, there is a phenomenon that users who are dissatisfied after purchasing a product because of product price reduction, quality problems or logistics problems become angry with the e-commerce shopping guide platform. As a result, users even quit and uninstall the e-commerce shopping guide platform completely. In fact, the result should be the responsibility of the merchant who sells the product. This thesis takes the e-commerce shopping guide platform “Shenmezhidemai” as the re-search object, and uses grounded theory, case study and in-depth interview to carry out this research. First of all, this thesis sorts out the relevant research on e-commerce shopping guide platform and user loyalty, and conducts an overview of the environment, development history and status quo, classification, characteristics and profit model of e-commerce shop-ping guide platform. Secondly, based on grounded theory and in-depth interview method, 20 people participated in the interview, and the interview records of about 20,000 words were obtained. Through open coding, axial coding, selective coding and other processes, the key influencing factors of e-commerce shopping guide platform user loyalty are analyzed and the theoretical model is constructed. Through the eight categories of user-related factors, information utility, system utility, platform reputation, recommending function, interactive function, price comparison function and cross-border shopping function, the model of influencing factors of e-commerce shopping guide platform user loyalty is carefully analyzed. Finally, aiming at the above eight categories, corresponding suggestions are put forward for e-commerce shopping guide platforms to cultivate and increase user loyalty. The thesis hopes to provide some implications and recommendations for the development of e-commerce shopping guide platforms

    Internet marketing and customer loyalty: Perfect Diary, as an example

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    Customer loyalty is an eternal topic for companies to improve marketing performance. With the development of the Internet and the application of e-commerce, more and more companies have begun to conduct online marketing. China's cosmetics market is rising day by day, and major brands have also joined the Internet market war. In the era of network economy, the key to competition is no longer to own products, but to own customers. Market competition is essentially a competition for customer resources. Owning customers means owning the market, and losing customers means that the company's property has lost value. Therefore, taking the customer as the center, continuously satisfying customer needs and creating value for customers, establishing and maintaining a long-term and good cooperative relationship with customers, winning customer trust, forming and expanding the company's customer base, and enhancing customer loyalty become The key to the success of online marketing. In-depth research on this issue will help companies grasp the key points of network marketing strategy implementation when implementing network marketing strategies to improve their core competitiveness. This paper summarizes a large number of relevant domestic and foreign literatures through study, combined with the analysis of the factors affecting online customer loyalty, and analyzes the results of the questionnaire, and proposes specific strategies to improve online customer loyalty.A fidelidade do cliente é um tema eterno para as empresas melhorarem o desempenho de marketing. Com o desenvolvimento da Internet e a aplicação do e-commerce, mais e mais empresas começaram a realizar marketing online. O mercado de cosméticos da China está crescendo dia a dia, e grandes marcas também aderiram à guerra do mercado da Internet. Na era da economia de rede, a chave para a competição não é mais possuir produtos, mas sim clientes. A competição de mercado é essencialmente uma competição por recursos de clientes. Possuir clientes significa possuir o mercado, e perder clientes significa que a propriedade da empresa perdeu valor. Portanto, tendo o cliente como o centro, satisfazendo continuamente as necessidades do cliente e criando valor para os clientes, estabelecendo e mantendo um bom relacionamento cooperativo de longo prazo com os clientes, ganhando a confiança do cliente, formando e expandindo a base de clientes da empresa e aumentando a fidelidade do cliente torna-se A chave para o sucesso do marketing online. A pesquisa aprofundada sobre este assunto ajudará as empresas a compreender os pontos-chave da implementação da estratégia de marketing de rede ao implementar estratégias de marketing de rede para melhorar sua competitividade central. Este artigo resume um grande número de literaturas nacionais e estrangeiras relevantes por meio de estudo, combinado com a análise dos fatores que afetam a fidelidade do cliente online, analisa os resultados do questionário e propõe estratégias específicas para melhorar a fidelidade do cliente online

    Use of online applications in maintaining MSMEs performance during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This study aims to see whether there are differences in sales made by offline/conventional and online MSMEs to discover alternative media transactions to survive and increase sales during the COVID-19 period. This research is an exploratory study on MSMEs players who sell Rujak Sentir at Simpang Jodoh, Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang District, Indonesia. The data source in this research is primary data by collecting data using a questionnaire on 50 samples of Rujak Sentir MSMEs merchants. Data were analyzed using statistical descriptive analysis of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The final analysis of data shows that the apply of online applications can be an alternative for MSMEs in maintaining and improving performance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The usage of this research practice is to give input to related parties regarding other options that can be utilized by enterprises throughout the Coronavirus widespread so that in the future, MSMEs are ready to face uncertainties that arise due to external factors. In addition to this, this research will be a recommendation regarding technical guidance that can be carried out by the local government in fostering MSMEs

    Digital Retailing as a Promoter of Employment: Evidence from China

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    This paper applies the Digital Retail Development Index, matching employment statistics from 2010 to 2019, to empirically analyze the relationship between the development of digital retailing and employment. Considering endogenous factors, the paper proves that the development of digital retailing plays a significant positive role in promoting popular employment and that production, logistics, service, transaction and environment of digital retailing are positively correlated with employment. Based on mechanism analysis, the paper finds that the optimization of logistics, service and transaction is closely related to the improvement of employment, which reflects the ecosystem and experience of digital retailing