176 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Stochastic Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems: A Survey

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    Globalization, product proliferation, and fast product innovation have significantly increased the complexities of supply chains in many industries. One of the most important advancements of supply chain management in recent years is the development of models and methodologies for controlling inventory in general supply networks under uncertainty and their widefspread applications to industry. These developments are based on three generic methods: the queueing-inventory method, the lead-time demand method and the flow-unit method. In this paper, we compare and contrast these methods by discussing their strengths and weaknesses, their differences and connections, and showing how to apply them systematically to characterize and evaluate various supply networks with different supply processes, inventory policies, and demand processes. Our objective is to forge links among research strands on different methods and various network topologies so as to develop unified methodologies.Masdar Institute of Science and TechnologyNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Contract CMMI-0758069)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Career Award CMMI-0747779)Bayer Business ServicesSAP A

    QAmplifyNet: Pushing the Boundaries of Supply Chain Backorder Prediction Using Interpretable Hybrid Quantum - Classical Neural Network

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    Supply chain management relies on accurate backorder prediction for optimizing inventory control, reducing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction. However, traditional machine-learning models struggle with large-scale datasets and complex relationships, hindering real-world data collection. This research introduces a novel methodological framework for supply chain backorder prediction, addressing the challenge of handling large datasets. Our proposed model, QAmplifyNet, employs quantum-inspired techniques within a quantum-classical neural network to predict backorders effectively on short and imbalanced datasets. Experimental evaluations on a benchmark dataset demonstrate QAmplifyNet's superiority over classical models, quantum ensembles, quantum neural networks, and deep reinforcement learning. Its proficiency in handling short, imbalanced datasets makes it an ideal solution for supply chain management. To enhance model interpretability, we use Explainable Artificial Intelligence techniques. Practical implications include improved inventory control, reduced backorders, and enhanced operational efficiency. QAmplifyNet seamlessly integrates into real-world supply chain management systems, enabling proactive decision-making and efficient resource allocation. Future work involves exploring additional quantum-inspired techniques, expanding the dataset, and investigating other supply chain applications. This research unlocks the potential of quantum computing in supply chain optimization and paves the way for further exploration of quantum-inspired machine learning models in supply chain management. Our framework and QAmplifyNet model offer a breakthrough approach to supply chain backorder prediction, providing superior performance and opening new avenues for leveraging quantum-inspired techniques in supply chain management

    Continuous time control of make-to-stock production systems

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 117-120.We consider the problem of production control and stock rationing in a make-tostock production system with multiple servers –parallel production channels--, and several customer classes that generate independent Poisson demands. At decision epochs, in conjunction with the stock allocation decision, the control specifies whether to increase the number of operational servers or not. Previously placed production orders cannot be cancelled. We both study the cases of exponential and Erlangian processing times and model the respective systems as M /M /s and M /Ek /s make-to-stock queues. We characterize properties of the optimal cost function, and of the optimal production and rationing policies. We show that the optimal production policy is a state-dependent base-stock policy, and the optimal rationing policy is of state-dependent threshold type. For the M /M /s model, we also prove that the optimal ordering policy transforms into a bang-bang type policy when we relax the model by allowing order cancellations. Another model with partial ordercancellation flexibility is provided to fill the gap between the no-flexibility and the full-flexibility models. Furthermore, we propose a dynamic rationing policy for the systems with uncapacitated replenishment channels, i.e., exogenous supply systems. Such systems can be modeled by letting s --the number of replenishment channels-- go to infinity. The proposed policy utilizes the information on the status of the outstanding replenishment orders. This work constitutes a significant extension of the literature in the area of control of make-to-stock queues, which considers only a single server. We consider an arbitrary number of servers that makes it possible to cover the spectrum of the cases from the single server to the infinite servers. Hence, our work achieves to analyze both the exogenous and endogenous supply leadtimes.Bulut, ÖnderPh.D

    Shipment consolidation with two demand classes: Rationing the dispatch capacity

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.03.016 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/We analyze the problem faced by a logistics provider that dispatches shipment orders (parcels or larger packages) of two order classes, viz. expedited and regular. Shipment orders arrive according to a compound Poisson process for each class. Upon an arrival, the logistics provider may continue consolidating arriving orders by paying a holding cost. Alternatively, the provider may dispatch, at a fixed cost, a vehicle containing (a portion of) the load consolidated so far. In addition, the provider must specify the composition of each dispatch by allocating (rationing) the volume of the vehicle between expedited and regular shipment orders. We model this problem as a continuous-time Markov Decision Process and minimize the expected discounted total cost. We prove the existence of quantity-based optimal threshold policies under particular conditions. We also structurally analyze the thresholds of these optimal policies. Based on these structural properties, we develop an efficient solution approach for large problem instances which are difficult to solve using the conventional policy-iteration method. For two real-life applications, we show that the quantity-based threshold policies derived using the proposed approach outperform the time policies used in practice.Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu [1059B191400567

    A dynamic rationing policy for continuous-review inventory systems

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    Stock rationing is an inventory policy that allows differential treatment of customer classes without using separate inventories. In this paper, we propose a dynamic rationing policy for continuous-review inventory systems, which utilizes the information on the status of the outstanding replenishment orders. For both backordering and lost sales environments, we conduct simulation studies to compare the performance of the dynamic policy with the static critical level and the common stock policies and quantify the gain obtained. We propose two new bounds on the optimum dynamic rationing policy that enables us to tell how much of the potential gain the proposed dynamic policy realizes. We discuss the conditions under which stock rationing - both dynamic and static - is beneficial and assess the value of the dynamic policy. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The impact of replenishment rules with endogenous lead times on supply chain performance..

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    In dit proefschrift beperken we ons tot een basis supply chain met één klant en één producent. We bestuderen verschillende bestelpolit ieken van de klant, en meten de impact van deze bestelregels op de produ ctie van de producent. We modelleren het productieproces als een wachtli jn- of queueing model. Uit de analyse van dit productiemodel vinden we de levertijden, die op hun beurt gebruikt worden in het voorra admodel van de klant. De methodologie die hiervoor gebruikt wordt, is tw eevoudig. Enerzijds maken we gebruik van statistische technieken om de v oorraad te beheren en bestellingen te plaatsen. Anderzijds maken we gebr uik van wachtlijntheorie en Markov ketens om de doorlooptijden te bepale n. Eerst onderzoeken we een eenvoudige "chase sales" bestelpolit iek: de klant plaatst elke periode een bestelling die gelijk is aan de c onsumentenvraag. We ontwikkelen een efficiënte procedure om de impact va n deze bestelregel op de doorlooptijden te berekenen op basis van

    Pooling and polling : creation of pooling in inventory and queueing models

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    The subject of the present monograph is the ‘Creation of Pooling in Inventory and Queueing Models’. This research consists of the study of sharing a scarce resource (such as inventory, server capacity, or production capacity) between multiple customer classes. This is called pooling, where the goal is to achieve cost or waiting time reductions. For the queueing and inventory models studied, both theoretical, scientific insights, are generated, as well as strategies which are applicable in practice. This monograph consists of two parts: pooling and polling. In both research streams, a scarce resource (inventory or server capacity, respectively production capacity) has to be shared between multiple users. In the first part of the thesis, pooling is applied to multi-location inventory models. It is studied how cost reduction can be achieved by the use of stock transfers between local warehouses, so-called lateral transshipments. In this way, stock is pooled between the warehouses. The setting is motivated by a spare parts inventory network, where critical components of technically advanced machines are kept on stock, to reduce down time durations. We create insights into the question when lateral transshipments lead to cost reductions, by studying several models. Firstly, a system with two stock points is studied, for which we completely characterize the structure of the optimal policy, using dynamic programming. For this, we formulate the model as a Markov decision process. We also derived conditions under which simple, easy to implement, policies are always optimal, such as a hold back policy and a complete pooling policy. Furthermore, we identified the parameter settings under which cost savings can be achieved. Secondly, we characterize the optimal policy structure for a multi-location model where only one stock point issues lateral transshipments, a so-called quick response warehouse. Thirdly, we apply the insights generated to the general multi-location model with lateral transshipments. We propose the use of a hold back policy, and construct a new approximation algorithm for deriving the performance characteristics. It is based on the use of interrupted Poisson processes. The algorithm is shown to be very accurate, and can be used for the optimization of the hold back levels, the parameters of this class of policies. Also, we study related inventory models, where a single stock point servers multiple customers classes. Furthermore, the pooling of server capacity is studied. For a two queue model where the head-of-line processor sharing discipline is applied, we derive the optimal control policy for dividing the servers attention, as well as for accepting customers. Also, a server farm with an infinite number of servers is studied, where servers can be turned off after a service completion in order to save costs. We characterize the optimal policy for this model. In the second part of the thesis polling models are studied, which are queueing systems where multiple queues are served by a single server. An application is the production of multiple types of products on a single machine. In this way, the production capacity is pooled between the product types. For the classical polling model, we derive a closedform approximation for the mean waiting time at each of the queues. The approximation is based on the interpolation of light and heavy traffic results. Also, we study a system with so-called smart customers, where the arrival rate at a queue depends on the position of the server. Finally, we invent two new service disciplines (the gated/exhaustive and the ??-gated discipline) for polling models, designed to yield ’fairness and efficiency’ in the mean waiting times. That is, they result in almost equal mean waiting times at each of the queues, without increasing the weighted sum of the mean waiting times too much
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