65,395 research outputs found

    Electronic voting system for RIT Student Government elections

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    Recent studies argue that traditional voting systems do not encourage increased voter participation due to constraints in time, location, accuracy, and, accessibility. To ensure the rights of a democratic society and to enhance and secure the voting rights of citizens by surpassing all the limitations of the traditional voting system, the development of an electronic voting system is an attractive solution. Research on secure electronic voting systems has been conducted for at least the past two decades. We propose to develop an electronic voting system, called the Rochester Institute of Technology Student Government Election System (SGEES) based on Damgard et al. This voting scheme will use efficient honest-verifier zero-knowledge, which, unlike previous election schemes, are both easy to compute and to verify for both voters and authorities. Our proposed electronic voting system will allow convenient and confident voting while maintaining the accuracy of election results. This project will address the security requirements for electronic voting over the Internet, including privacy, completeness, soundness, receipt-freeness, and universal verifiability. In particular, we will research the feasibility of the voting scheme and protocols by studying three related cryptographical theories: homomorphic encryption, efficient honest-verifier zero-knowledge proofs, and threshold decryption cryptosystem


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    The proposed adoption of e-Voting in Nigeria by the electoral body. the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), was resisted by the law makers and a sizeable portion of the populace. The reasons may not be unconnected with the previous unsuccessful attempts by government to implement such magnificent projects, particularly, the National ID card scheme; and lack of basic infrastructures to implement the system. This paper reviews thee-Registration exercise by INEC with a view to using it as a springboard fore-Voting implementation in Nigeria; and the experiences of some developed countries to serve as lessons. Similarly, the paper proposes solutions to some of the problems encountered in countries where e-Voting had been adopted. Finally, arising from the perceived apathy between the elect and the electorate, which has resulted to low turnout of voters during elections, an integrated voting system that incorporates an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM), Internet Voting (i-Voting) and mobile Voting (m-Voting) is proposed for enhanced participatory democracy

    Secure digital voting system based on blockchain technology

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    Electronic voting or e-voting has been used in varying forms since 1970s with fundamental benefits over paper based systems such as increased efficiency and reduced errors. However, there remain challenges to achieve wide spread adoption of such systems especially with respect to improving their resilience against potential faults. Blockchain is a disruptive technology of current era and promises to improve the overall resilience of e-voting systems. This paper presents an effort to leverage benefits of blockchain such as cryptographic foundations and transparency to achieve an effective scheme for e-voting. The proposed scheme conforms to the fundamental requirements for e-voting schemes and achieves end-to-end verifiability. The paper presents details of the proposed e-voting scheme along with its implementation using Multichain platform. The paper presents in-depth evaluation of the scheme which successfully demonstrates its effectiveness to achieve an end-to-end verifiable e-voting scheme

    An Electronic Voting System Using GSM Mobile Technology

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    Electronic voting systems have the potential to improve traditional voting procedures by providing added convenience and flexibility to the voter. Numerous electronic voting schemes have been proposed in the past, but most of them have failed to provide voter authentication in an efficient and transparent way. On the other hand, GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is the most widely used mobile networking standard. There are more than one billion GSM users worldwide that represent a large user potential, not just for mobile telephony, but also for other mobile applications that exploit the mature GSM infrastructure. In this paper, an electronic voting scheme using GSM mobile technology is presented. By integrating an electronic voting scheme with the GSM infrastructure, we are able to exploit existing GSM authentication mechanisms and provide enhanced voter authentication and mobility while maintaining voter privacy

    Electronic Voting Scheme About ElGamal Blind-signatures Based on XML

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    AbstractPresent an electronic voting algorithm about ElGamal blind-signature based on XML and analyze its security, accounting to the current electronic voting scheme and the ElGamal blind-signature algorithm. The program uses the specification of XML digital signature and the technology of ElGamal blind-signature algorithm and has good security and practical importance

    Return Codes from Lattice Assumptions

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    We present an approach for creating return codes for latticebased electronic voting. For a voting system with four control components and two rounds of communication our scheme results in a total of 2.3MB of communication per voter, taking less than 1 s of computation. Together with the shuffle and the decryption protocols by Aranha et al. [1,2], the return codes presented can be used to build a post-quantum secure cryptographic voting scheme

    Building a Multimodal, Trust-Based E-Voting System

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    This paper addresses the issue of voter identification and authentication, voter participation and trust in the electoral system. A multimodal/hybrid identification and authentication scheme is proposed which captures what a voter knows – PIN, what he has – smartcard and what he is – biometrics. Massive participation of voters in and out of the country of origin was enhanced through an integrated channel (kiosk and internet voting). A multi-trust voting system is built based on service oriented architecture. Microsoft Visual C#.Net, ASP.Net and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition components of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 was used to realize the Windows and Web-based solutions for the electronic voting system