Electronic voting system for RIT Student Government elections


Recent studies argue that traditional voting systems do not encourage increased voter participation due to constraints in time, location, accuracy, and, accessibility. To ensure the rights of a democratic society and to enhance and secure the voting rights of citizens by surpassing all the limitations of the traditional voting system, the development of an electronic voting system is an attractive solution. Research on secure electronic voting systems has been conducted for at least the past two decades. We propose to develop an electronic voting system, called the Rochester Institute of Technology Student Government Election System (SGEES) based on Damgard et al. This voting scheme will use efficient honest-verifier zero-knowledge, which, unlike previous election schemes, are both easy to compute and to verify for both voters and authorities. Our proposed electronic voting system will allow convenient and confident voting while maintaining the accuracy of election results. This project will address the security requirements for electronic voting over the Internet, including privacy, completeness, soundness, receipt-freeness, and universal verifiability. In particular, we will research the feasibility of the voting scheme and protocols by studying three related cryptographical theories: homomorphic encryption, efficient honest-verifier zero-knowledge proofs, and threshold decryption cryptosystem

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