744 research outputs found

    Features for Cross Spectral Image Matching: A Survey

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    In recent years, cross spectral matching has been gaining attention in various biometric systems for identification and verification purposes. Cross spectral matching allows images taken under different electromagnetic spectrums to match each other. In cross spectral matching, one of the keys for successful matching is determined by the features used for representing an image. Therefore, the feature extraction step becomes an essential task. Researchers have improved matching accuracy by developing robust features. This paper presents most commonly selected features used in cross spectral matching. This survey covers basic concepts of cross spectral matching, visual and thermal features extraction, and state of the art descriptors. In the end, this paper provides a description of better feature selection methods in cross spectral matching

    Energy efficient enabling technologies for semantic video processing on mobile devices

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    Semantic object-based processing will play an increasingly important role in future multimedia systems due to the ubiquity of digital multimedia capture/playback technologies and increasing storage capacity. Although the object based paradigm has many undeniable benefits, numerous technical challenges remain before the applications becomes pervasive, particularly on computational constrained mobile devices. A fundamental issue is the ill-posed problem of semantic object segmentation. Furthermore, on battery powered mobile computing devices, the additional algorithmic complexity of semantic object based processing compared to conventional video processing is highly undesirable both from a real-time operation and battery life perspective. This thesis attempts to tackle these issues by firstly constraining the solution space and focusing on the human face as a primary semantic concept of use to users of mobile devices. A novel face detection algorithm is proposed, which from the outset was designed to be amenable to be offloaded from the host microprocessor to dedicated hardware, thereby providing real-time performance and reducing power consumption. The algorithm uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), whose topology and weights are evolved via a genetic algorithm (GA). The computational burden of the ANN evaluation is offloaded to a dedicated hardware accelerator, which is capable of processing any evolved network topology. Efficient arithmetic circuitry, which leverages modified Booth recoding, column compressors and carry save adders, is adopted throughout the design. To tackle the increased computational costs associated with object tracking or object based shape encoding, a novel energy efficient binary motion estimation architecture is proposed. Energy is reduced in the proposed motion estimation architecture by minimising the redundant operations inherent in the binary data. Both architectures are shown to compare favourable with the relevant prior art

    Face Recognition using SOM Network

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    This paper presents novel technique for recognizing faces. From the last two decades, face recognition is playing an important and vital role especially in the field of commercial, banking, social and law enforcement area. It is an interesting application of pattern recognition and hence received significant attention. The complete process of face recognition covers in three stages, face detection, feature extraction and recognition. Various techniques are then needed for these three stages. Also these techniques vary from various other surrounding factors such as face orientation, expression, lighting and background. The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Neural Network has been used for training of database and simulation of FR system. In this paper the feature extraction methods discrete wavelet transform (DWT), discrete cosine transform (DCT) simulated in MATLAB are explained

    Natural Image Statistics for Digital Image Forensics

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    We describe a set of natural image statistics that are built upon two multi-scale image decompositions, the quadrature mirror filter pyramid decomposition and the local angular harmonic decomposition. These image statistics consist of first- and higher-order statistics that capture certain statistical regularities of natural images. We propose to apply these image statistics, together with classification techniques, to three problems in digital image forensics: (1) differentiating photographic images from computer-generated photorealistic images, (2) generic steganalysis; (3) rebroadcast image detection. We also apply these image statistics to the traditional art authentication for forgery detection and identification of artists in an art work. For each application we show the effectiveness of these image statistics and analyze their sensitivity and robustness

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    Maximum Energy Subsampling: A General Scheme For Multi-resolution Image Representation And Analysis

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    Image descriptors play an important role in image representation and analysis. Multi-resolution image descriptors can effectively characterize complex images and extract their hidden information. Wavelets descriptors have been widely used in multi-resolution image analysis. However, making the wavelets transform shift and rotation invariant produces redundancy and requires complex matching processes. As to other multi-resolution descriptors, they usually depend on other theories or information, such as filtering function, prior-domain knowledge, etc.; that not only increases the computation complexity, but also generates errors. We propose a novel multi-resolution scheme that is capable of transforming any kind of image descriptor into its multi-resolution structure with high computation accuracy and efficiency. Our multi-resolution scheme is based on sub-sampling an image into an odd-even image tree. Through applying image descriptors to the odd-even image tree, we get the relative multi-resolution image descriptors. Multi-resolution analysis is based on downsampling expansion with maximum energy extraction followed by upsampling reconstruction. Since the maximum energy usually retained in the lowest frequency coefficients; we do maximum energy extraction through keeping the lowest coefficients from each resolution level. Our multi-resolution scheme can analyze images recursively and effectively without introducing artifacts or changes to the original images, produce multi-resolution representations, obtain higher resolution images only using information from lower resolutions, compress data, filter noise, extract effective image features and be implemented in parallel processing

    Compression Technique Using DCT & Fractal Compression: A Survey

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    Steganography differs from digital watermarking because both the information and the very existence of the information are hidden. In the beginning, the fractal image compression method is used to compress the secret image, and then we encrypt this compressed data by DES.The Existing Steganographic approaches are unable to handle the Subterfuge attack i.e, they cannot deal with the opponents not only detects a message ,but also render it useless, or even worse, modify it to opponent favor. The advantage of BCBS is the decoding can be operated without access to the cover image and it also detects if the message has been tampered without using any extra error correction. To improve the imperceptibility of the BCBS, DCT is used in combination to transfer stego-image from spatial domain to the frequency domain. The hiding capacity of the information is improved by introducing Fractal Compression and the security is enhanced using by encrypting stego-image using DES.  Copyright © www.iiste.org Keywords: Steganography, data hiding, fractal image compression, DCT

    MASCOT : metadata for advanced scalable video coding tools : final report

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    The goal of the MASCOT project was to develop new video coding schemes and tools that provide both an increased coding efficiency as well as extended scalability features compared to technology that was available at the beginning of the project. Towards that goal the following tools would be used: - metadata-based coding tools; - new spatiotemporal decompositions; - new prediction schemes. Although the initial goal was to develop one single codec architecture that was able to combine all new coding tools that were foreseen when the project was formulated, it became clear that this would limit the selection of the new tools. Therefore the consortium decided to develop two codec frameworks within the project, a standard hybrid DCT-based codec and a 3D wavelet-based codec, which together are able to accommodate all tools developed during the course of the project