50 research outputs found

    Rectangular Layouts and Contact Graphs

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    Contact graphs of isothetic rectangles unify many concepts from applications including VLSI and architectural design, computational geometry, and GIS. Minimizing the area of their corresponding {\em rectangular layouts} is a key problem. We study the area-optimization problem and show that it is NP-hard to find a minimum-area rectangular layout of a given contact graph. We present O(n)-time algorithms that construct O(n2)O(n^2)-area rectangular layouts for general contact graphs and O(nlog⁥n)O(n\log n)-area rectangular layouts for trees. (For trees, this is an O(log⁥n)O(\log n)-approximation algorithm.) We also present an infinite family of graphs (rsp., trees) that require Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) (rsp., Ω(nlog⁥n)\Omega(n\log n)) area. We derive these results by presenting a new characterization of graphs that admit rectangular layouts using the related concept of {\em rectangular duals}. A corollary to our results relates the class of graphs that admit rectangular layouts to {\em rectangle of influence drawings}.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 55 references, 1 appendi

    Timing-Driven Macro Placement

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    Placement is an important step in the process of finding physical layouts for electronic computer chips. The basic task during placement is to arrange the building blocks of the chip, the circuits, disjointly within a given chip area. Furthermore, such positions should result in short circuit interconnections which can be routed easily and which ensure all signals arrive in time. This dissertation mostly focuses on macros, the largest circuits on a chip. In order to optimize timing characteristics during macro placement, we propose a new optimistic timing model based on geometric distance constraints. This model can be computed and evaluated efficiently in order to predict timing traits accurately in practice. Packing rectangles disjointly remains strongly NP-hard under slack maximization in our timing model. Despite of this we develop an exact, linear time algorithm for special cases. The proposed timing model is incorporated into BonnMacro, the macro placement component of the BonnTools physical design optimization suite developed at the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics. Using efficient formulations as mixed-integer programs we can legalize macros locally while optimizing timing. This results in the first timing-aware macro placement tool. In addition, we provide multiple enhancements for the partitioning-based standard circuit placement algorithm BonnPlace. We find a model of partitioning as minimum-cost flow problem that is provably as small as possible using which we can avoid running time intensive instances. Moreover we propose the new global placement flow Self-Stabilizing BonnPlace. This approach combines BonnPlace with a force-directed placement framework. It provides the flexibility to optimize the two involved objectives, routability and timing, directly during placement. The performance of our placement tools is confirmed on a large variety of academic benchmarks as well as real-world designs provided by our industrial partner IBM. We reduce running time of partitioning significantly and demonstrate that Self-Stabilizing BonnPlace finds easily routable placements for challenging designs – even when simultaneously optimizing timing objectives. BonnMacro and Self-Stabilizing BonnPlace can be combined to the first timing-driven mixed-size placement flow. This combination often finds placements with competitive timing traits and even outperforms solutions that have been determined manually by experienced designers

    High performance algorithms for large scale placement problem

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    Placement is one of the most important problems in electronic design automation (EDA). An inferior placement solution will not only affect the chip’s performance but might also make it nonmanufacturable by producing excessive wirelength, which is beyond available routing resources. Although placement has been extensively investigated for several decades, it is still a very challenging problem mainly due to that design scale has been dramatically increased by order of magnitudes and the increasing trend seems unstoppable. In modern design, chips commonly integrate millions of gates that require over tens of metal routing layers. Besides, new manufacturing techniques bring out new requests leading to that multi-objectives should be optimized simultaneously during placement. Our research provides high performance algorithms for placement problem. We propose (i) a high performance global placement core engine POLAR; (ii) an efficient routability-driven placer POLAR 2.0, which is an extension of POLAR to deal with routing congestion; (iii) an ultrafast global placer POLAR 3.0, which explore parallelism on POLAR and can make full use of multi-core system; (iv) some efficient triple patterning lithography (TPL) aware detailed placement algorithms

    Modeling of a hardware VLSI placement system: Accelerating the Simulated Annealing algorithm

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    An essential step in the automation of electronic design is the placement of the physical components on the target semiconductor die. The placement step presents the opportunity to reduce costs in terms of wire length and performance degradation; however it is compute intensive and is NP-complete in terms of obtaining an optimal solution. As designs have grown in complexity and gate count, obtaining an optimal solution is not feasible due to time to market constraints or sheer compute effort required. Heuristic algorithms allow for efficient but sub-optimal designs to be produced with a reduction in processing time. A widely used algorithm is Simulated Annealing (SA). The goal of this work was to develop a model that would enable an analysis into the feasibility of developing a hardware accelerated placement system which uses SA at its core. The SA heuristic was analyzed for possible improvements in efficiency with focus given to targeting the system for hardware. A solution implementing parallel computing with specialized hardware configurations inside a field programmable gate array (FPGA) was investigated as having the possibility to improve the efficiency of the SA-based algorithm. All supporting subsystems were also described for a hardware accelerated model. A large speedup was analytically shown from both accelerating the critical path of the SA algorithm as well as novel methods of improving SA\u27s efficiency. As data throughput requirements were not included in this work, the results presented may be optimistic for an overall system speedup. However, the results clearly show that future work is warranted in studying the concept of a hardware accelerated placement system

    Design Methods and Tools for Application-Specific Predictable Networks-on-Chip

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    As the complexity of applications grows with each new generation, so does the demand for computation power. To satisfy the computation demands at manageable power levels, we see a shift in the design paradigm from single processor systems to Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs). MPSoCs leverage the parallelism in applications to increase the performance at the same power levels. To further improve the computation to power consumption ratio, MPSoCs for embedded applications are heterogeneous and integrate cores that are specialized to perform the different functionalities of the application. With technology scaling, wire power consumption is increasing compared to logic, making communication as expensive as computation. Therefore customizing the interconnect is necessary to achieve energy efficiency. Designing an optimal application specific Network-on-Chip (NoC), that meets application demands, requires the exploration of a large design space. Automatic design and optimization of the NoC is required in order to achieve fast design closure, especially for heterogeneous MPSoCs. To continue to meet the computation requirements of future applications new technologies are emerging. Three dimensional integration promises to increase the number of transistors by stacking multiple silicon layers. This will lead to an increase in the number of cores of the MPSoCs resulting in increased communication demands. To compensate for the increase in the wire delay in new technology nodes as well as to reduce the power consumption further, multi-synchronous design is becoming popular. With multiple clock signals, different parts of the MPSoC can be clocked at different frequencies according to the current demands of the application and can even be shutdown when they are not used at all. This further complicates the design of the NoC.Many applications require different levels of guarantee from the NoC in order to perform their functionality correctly. As communication traffic patterns become more complex, the performance of the NoC can no longer be predicted statically. Therefore designing the interconnect network requires that such guarantees are provided during the dynamic operation of the system which includes the interaction with major subsystems (i.e., main memory) and not just the interconnect itself. In this thesis, I present novel methods to design application-specific NoCs that meet performance demands, under the constraints of new technologies. To provide different levels of Quality of Service, I integrate methods to estimate the NoC performance during the design phase of the interconnect topology. I present methods and architectures for NoCs to efficiently access memory systems, in order to achieve predictable operation of the systems from the point of view of the communication as well as the bottleneck target devices. Therefore the main contribution of the thesis is twofold: scientific as I propose new algorithms to perform topology synthesis and engineering by presenting extensive experiments and architectures for NoC design

    Layout-level Circuit Sizing and Design-for-manufacturability Methods for Embedded RF Passive Circuits

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    The emergence of multi-band communications standards, and the fast pace of the consumer electronics markets for wireless/cellular applications emphasize the need for fast design closure. In addition, there is a need for electronic product designers to collaborate with manufacturers, gain essential knowledge regarding the manufacturing facilities and the processes, and apply this knowledge during the design process. In this dissertation, efficient layout-level circuit sizing techniques, and methodologies for design-for-manufacturability have been investigated. For cost-effective fabrication of RF modules on emerging technologies, there is a clear need for design cycle time reduction of passive and active RF modules. This is important since new technologies lack extensive design libraries and layout-level electromagnetic (EM) optimization of RF circuits become the major bottleneck for reduced design time. In addition, the design of multi-band RF circuits requires precise control of design specifications that are partially satisfied due to manufacturing variations, resulting in yield loss. In this work, a broadband modeling and a layout-level sizing technique for embedded inductors/capacitors in multilayer substrate has been presented. The methodology employs artificial neural networks to develop a neuro-model for the embedded passives. Secondly, a layout-level sizing technique for RF passive circuits with quasi-lumped embedded inductors and capacitors has been demonstrated. The sizing technique is based on the circuit augmentation technique and a linear optimization framework. In addition, this dissertation presents a layout-level, multi-domain DFM methodology and yield optimization technique for RF circuits for SOP-based wireless applications. The proposed statistical analysis framework is based on layout segmentation, lumped element modeling, sensitivity analysis, and extraction of probability density functions using convolution methods. The statistical analysis takes into account the effect of thermo-mechanical stress and process variations that are incurred in batch fabrication. Yield enhancement and optimization methods based on joint probability functions and constraint-based convex programming has also been presented. The results in this work have been demonstrated to show good correlation with measurement data.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Swaminathan, Madhavan; Committee Member: Fathianathan, Mervyn; Committee Member: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Peterson, Andrew; Committee Member: Tentzeris, Mano

    Build framework and runtime abstraction for partial reconfiguration on FPGA SoCs

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    Growth in edge computing has increased the requirement for edge systems to process larger volumes of real-time data, such as with image processing and machine learning; which are increasingly demanding of computing resources. Offloading tasks to the cloud provides some relief but is network dependant, high latency and expensive. Alternative architectures such as GPUs provide higher performance acceleration for this type of data processing but trade processing performance for an increase in power consumption. Another option is the Field Programmable Gate Array; a flexible matrix of logic that can be configured by a designer to provide a highly optimised computation path for incoming data. There are drawbacks; the FPGA design process is complex, the domain is dissimilar to software and the tools require bespoke expertise. A designer must manage the hardware to software paradigm introduced when tightly-coupled with general purpose processor. Advanced features, such as the ability to partially reconfigure (PR) specific regions of the FPGA, further increase this complexity. This thesis presents theory and demonstration of custom frameworks and tools for increasing abstraction and simplifying control over PR applications. We present mechanisms for networked PR; a mechanism for bypassing the traditional software networking stack to trigger PR with reduced latency and increased determinism. We developed a build framework for automating the end-to-end PR design process for Linux based systems as well as an abstracted runtime for managing the resulting applications. Finally, we take expand on this work and present a high level abstraction for PR on cyber physical systems, with a demonstration using the Robot Operating System. This work is released as open source contributions, designed to enable future PR research

    N-variant Hardware Design

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    The emergence of lightweight embedded devices imposes stringent constraints on the area and power of the circuits used to construct them. Meanwhile, many of these embedded devices are used in applications that require diversity and flexibility to make them secure and adaptable to the fluctuating workload or variable fabric. While field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) provide high flexibility, the use of application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) to implement such devices is more appealing because ASICs can currently provide an order of magnitude less area and better performance in terms of power and speed. My proposed research introduces the N-variant hardware design methodology that adds the sufficient flexibility needed by such devices while preserving the performance and area advantages of using ASICs. The N-variant hardware design embeds different variants of the design control part on the same IC to provide diversity and flexibility. Because the control circuitry usually represents a small fraction of the whole circuit, using multiple versions of the control circuitry is expected to have a low overhead. The objective of my thesis is to formulate a method that provides the following advantages: (i) ease of integration in the current ASIC design flow, (ii) minimal impact on the performance and area of the ASIC design, and (iii) providing a wide range of applications for hardware security and tuning the performance of chips either statically (e.g., post-silicon optimization) or dynamically (at runtime). This is achieved by adding diversity at two orthogonal levels: (i) state space diversity, and (ii) scheduling diversity. State space diversity expands the state space of the controller. Using state space diversity, we introduce an authentication mechanism and the first active hardware metering schemes. On the other hand, scheduling diversity is achieved by embedding different control schedules in the same design. The scheduling diversity can be spatial, temporal, or a hybrid of both methods. Spatial diversity is achieved by implementing multiple control schedules that use various parts of the chip at different rates. Temporal diversity provides variants of the controller that can operate at unequal speeds. A hybrid of both spatial and temporal diversities can also be implemented. Scheduling diversity is used to add the flexibility to tune the performance of the chip. An application of the thermal management of the chip is demonstrated using scheduling diversity. Experimental results show that the proposed method is easy to integrate in the current ASIC flow, has a wide range of applications, and incurs low overhead