3,078 research outputs found

    Exploring the Effectiveness of Web Crawlers in Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Computer Software Applications

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    With the rapid development of the Internet, the World Wide Web has become a carrier of a large amount of information. In order to effectively extract and use this information, web crawlers that crawl various web resources have emerged. The interconnectedness, openness, and interactivity of information in the World Wide Web bring great convenience for information sharing to the society and they also bring many security risks. To protect resource information, computer software security vulnerabilities have become the focus of attention. This article is based on the method of computer software security detection under a web crawler simply analyzes the basic concepts of computer software security detection and analyzes the precautions in the process of security detection. Finally, combined with the computer software security vulnerability problems in the web crawler environment, its security detection technology Application for further analysis

    Malware detection techniques for mobile devices

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    Mobile devices have become very popular nowadays, due to its portability and high performance, a mobile device became a must device for persons using information and communication technologies. In addition to hardware rapid evolution, mobile applications are also increasing in their complexity and performance to cover most needs of their users. Both software and hardware design focused on increasing performance and the working hours of a mobile device. Different mobile operating systems are being used today with different platforms and different market shares. Like all information systems, mobile systems are prone to malware attacks. Due to the personality feature of mobile devices, malware detection is very important and is a must tool in each device to protect private data and mitigate attacks. In this paper, analysis of different malware detection techniques used for mobile operating systems is provides. The focus of the analysis will be on the to two competing mobile operating systems - Android and iOS. Finally, an assessment of each technique and a summary of its advantages and disadvantages is provided. The aim of the work is to establish a basis for developing a mobile malware detection tool based on user profiling.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Finding and Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Embedded TCP/IP Stacks

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    In the context of the rapid development of IoT technology, cyber-attacks are becoming more frequent, and the damage caused by cyber-attacks is remaining obstinately high. How to take the initiative in the rivalry with attackers is a major problem in today's era of the Internet. Vulnerability research is of great importance in this contest, especially the study of vulnerability detection and exploitation methodologies. The objective of the thesis is to examine vulnerabilities in DNS client implementations of embedded TCP/IP stacks, specifically in terms of vulnerability detection and vulnerability exploitation research. In the thesis, a detection method is developed for some anti-patterns in DNS client implementations using a static analysis platform. We tested it against 10 embedded TCP/IP stacks, the result shows that the developed detection method has high precision for detecting the vulnerabilities found by the Forescout research labs with a total of 88% accuracy. For different anti-patterns, the method has different detection precision and it is closely related to the implementation of the detection queries. The thesis also conducted vulnerability exploitation research for a heap overflow vulnerability that exists in a DNS client implementation of a popular TCP/IP stack. A proof-of-concept of this exploitation is developed. Though there are many constraints for successful exploitations, the ability to conduct remote code execution attacks still makes exploitation of heap overflow vulnerability dangerous. In addition, attacks against TCP/IP stacks can take advantage of the stacks and make it possible for an attacker to exploit vulnerabilities in other devices. Often it takes a huge amount of time for researchers to have deep knowledge of a codebase and to find vulnerabilities in it. But with the developed detection method, we can automate the process of locating vulnerable code patterns to add support for detecting relevant vulnerabilities. Research on the exploitation of vulnerabilities can allow us to discover the potential impact of a vulnerability from the perspective of an attacker and implement targeted defences

    Novel Attacks and Defenses in the Userland of Android

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    In the last decade, mobile devices have spread rapidly, becoming more and more part of our everyday lives; this is due to their feature-richness, mobility, and affordable price. At the time of writing, Android is the leader of the market among operating systems, with a share of 76% and two and a half billion active Android devices around the world. Given that such small devices contain a massive amount of our private and sensitive information, the economic interests in the mobile ecosystem skyrocketed. For this reason, not only legitimate apps running on mobile environments have increased dramatically, but also malicious apps have also been on a steady rise. On the one hand, developers of mobile operating systems learned from security mistakes of the past, and they made significant strides in blocking those threats right from the start. On the other hand, these high-security levels did not deter attackers. In this thesis, I present my research contribution about the most meaningful attack and defense scenarios in the userland of the modern Android operating system. I have emphasized "userland'' because attack and defense solutions presented in this thesis are executing in the userspace of the operating system, due to the fact that Android is slightly different from traditional operating systems. After the necessary technical background, I show my solution, RmPerm, in order to enable Android users to better protect their privacy by selectively removing permissions from any app on any Android version. This operation does not require any modification to the underlying operating system because we repack the original application. Then, using again repackaging, I have developed Obfuscapk; it is a black-box obfuscation tool that can work with every Android app and offers a free solution with advanced state of the art obfuscation techniques -- especially the ones used by malware authors. Subsequently, I present a machine learning-based technique that focuses on the identification of malware in resource-constrained devices such as Android smartphones. This technique has a very low resource footprint and does not rely on resources outside the protected device. Afterward, I show how it is possible to mount a phishing attack -- the historically preferred attack vector -- by exploiting two recent Android features, initially introduced in the name of convenience. Although a technical solution to this problem certainly exists, it is not solvable from a single entity, and there is the need for a push from the entire community. But sometimes, even though there exists a solution to a well-known vulnerability, developers do not take proper precautions. In the end, I discuss the Frame Confusion vulnerability; it is often present in hybrid apps, and it was discovered some years ago, but I show how it is still widespread. I proposed a methodology, implemented in the FCDroid tool, for systematically detecting the Frame Confusion vulnerability in hybrid Android apps. The results of an extensive analysis carried out through FCDroid on a set of the most downloaded apps from the Google Play Store prove that 6.63% (i.e., 1637/24675) of hybrid apps are potentially vulnerable to Frame Confusion. The impact of such results on the Android users' community is estimated in 250.000.000 installations of vulnerable apps

    Understanding and Identifying Vulnerabilities Related to Architectural Security Tactics

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    To engineer secure software systems, software architects elicit the system\u27s security requirements to adopt suitable architectural solutions. They often make use of architectural security tactics when designing the system\u27s security architecture. Security tactics are reusable solutions to detect, resist, recover from, and react to attacks. Since security tactics are the building blocks of a security architecture, flaws in the adoption of these tactics, their incorrect implementation, or their deterioration during software maintenance activities can lead to vulnerabilities, which we refer to as tactical vulnerabilities . Although security tactics and their correct adoption/implementation are crucial elements to achieve security, prior works have not investigated the architectural context of vulnerabilities. Therefore, this dissertation presents a research work whose major goals are: (i) to identify common types of tactical vulnerabilities, (ii) to investigate tactical vulnerabilities through in-depth empirical studies, and (iii) to develop a technique that detects tactical vulnerabilities caused by object deserialization. First, we introduce the Common Architectural Weakness Enumeration (CAWE), which is a catalog that enumerates 223 tactical vulnerability types. Second, we use this catalog to conduct an empirical study using vulnerability reports from large-scale open-source systems. Among our findings, we observe that Improper Input Validation was the most reoccurring vulnerability type. This tactical vulnerability type is caused by not properly implementing the Validate Inputs tactic. Although prior research focused on devising automated (or semi-automated) techniques for detecting multiple instances of improper input validation (e.g., SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting) one of them got neglected, which is the untrusted deserialization of objects. Unlike other input validation problems, object deserialization vulnerabilities exhibit a set of characteristics that are hard to handle for effective vulnerability detection. We currently lack a robust approach that can detect untrusted deserialization problems. Hence, this dissertation introduces DODO untrusteD ObjectDeserialization detectOr), a novel program analysis technique to detect deserialization vulnerabilities. DODO encompasses a sound static analysis of the program to extract potentially vulnerable paths, an exploit generation engine, and a dynamic analysis engine to verify the existence of untrusted object deserialization. Our experiments showed that DODO can successfully infer possible vulnerabilities that could arise at runtime during object deserialization

    Effective Detection of Vulnerable and Malicious Browser Extensions

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    Unsafely coded browser extensions can compromise the security of a browser, making them attractive targets for attackers as a primary vehicle for conducting cyber-attacks. Among others, the three factors making vulnerable extensions a high-risk security threat for browsers include: i) the wide popularity of browser extensions, ii) the similarity of browser extensions with web applications, and iii) the high privilege of browser extension scripts. Furthermore, mechanisms that specifically target to mitigate browser extension-related attacks have received less attention as opposed to solutions that have been deployed for common web security problems (such as SQL injection, XSS, logic flaws, client-side vulnerabilities, drive-by-download, etc.). To address these challenges, recently some techniques have been proposed to defend extension-related attacks. These techniques mainly focus on information flow analysis to capture suspicious data flows, impose privilege restriction on API calls by malicious extensions, apply digital signatures to monitor process and memory level activities, and allow browser users to specify policies in order to restrict the operations of extensions. This article presents a model-based approach to detect vulnerable and malicious browser extensions by widening and complementing the existing techniques. We observe and utilize various common and distinguishing characteristics of benign, vulnerable, and malicious browser extensions. These characteristics are then used to build our detection models, which are based on the Hidden Markov Model constructs. The models are well trained using a set of features extracted from a number of browser extensions together with user supplied specifications. Along the course of this study, one of the main challenges we encountered was the lack of vulnerable and malicious extension samples. To address this issue, based on our previous knowledge on testing web applications and heuristics obtained from available vulnerable and malicious extensions, we have defined rules to generate training samples. The approach is implemented in a prototype tool and evaluated using a number of Mozilla Firefox extensions. Our evaluation indicated that the approach not only detects known vulnerable and malicious extensions, but also identifies previously undetected extensions with a negligible performance overhead