19 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional physical models of sedimentary basins as a resource for teaching-learning of geology

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    sem InformaçãoThree-dimensional modeling connects several fields of knowledge, both basic and applied. 3D models are relevant in educa-tional research because the manipulation of 3D objects favors students' acquisition of spatial vision, but in the Geosciences, there a144379384sem Informaçãosem Informaçãosem Informaçã


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    Can uncertainty in geological cross-section interpretations be quantified and predicted?

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    This work was undertaken while C.H. Randle held a joint British Geological Survey University Funding Initiative (BUFI) and University of Aberdeen, College of Physical Sciences Ph.D. Studentship at Aberdeen University. The contributions by C.H. Randle, R.M. Lark, and A.A. Monaghan are published with the permission of the Executive Director of the British Geological Survey Natural Environment Research Council. We would also like to thank all those who took part in both experiments as well as the many people who have given input on our results.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Geological modelling of the Triassic Stuttgart Formation at the Ketzin CO2 storage site, Germany

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    AbstractAt Ketzin, about 25km west of Berlin (Germany), the saline aquifer of the Triassic Stuttgart Formation is used for a carbon dioxide storage research project. The formation is lithologically very heterogeneous, reflecting a complex fluviatile facies distribution pattern. We focused on the development of a primary geological reservoir model as commonly employed for dynamic modelling during the planning and early injection stages of a storage project. Due to the need to capture the complex geometrical structure of the Stuttgart Formation, despite limited availability of exploration data, stochastic modelling techniques were employed. Firstly, we modelled the facies architecture of the reservoir and, secondly, assigned porosity and permeability values to the facies types included in the model. Petrophysical parameters for each facies type were quantified using site-specific porosity histograms and related permeability functions. The comparison of dynamic flow simulation results and well-test interpretations, and furthermore with the first observed monitoring data, helped to focus the modelling work and to adjust monitoring plans. Modelling is understood as an iterative process, both with respect to data arrival and progressively improving the understanding of the reservoir, but also with respect to the problem which the model is being designed to address

    Cad resources for resolving structural geology problems

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    O artigo descreve exemplos e técnicas de uso de recursos em ambiente CAD para ensino-aprendizagem de Geologia Estrutural. Na resolução manual de problemas práticos, as estruturas de corpos rochosos são tratadas como arranjos tridimensionais de figuras geométricas, como planos, linhas e superfícies. As técnicas envolvem geometria descri­tiva, trigonometria e geometria analítica. Baseados em conhecimentos sobre o conjunto de técnicas manuais, os recursos em ambiente CAD auxiliam o ensino-aprendizagem de técnicas de representação em três dimensões. O artigo reune três exemplos típicos, em ambiente CAD, de problemas sobre espessuras de camadas, profundidades, mergulhos aparentes, interseção de planos e determinação da atitude de um plano a partir de três pontos. Os exemplos ajudam a selecionar bons caminhos para resolução de problemas, sob a restrição permanente da aquisição de licenças de softwares comerciais. A experiência estimula a busca de alternativas educacionais para superar resultados, tantas vezes insatisfatórios, do ensino-aprendizagem de Geologia Estrutural.828393GeologiaThe article describes features, examples and resources in CAD environment for teaching-learning of Structural Geology. For practical resolution of structural problems, the features of rock bodies are treated as three-dimensional arrangements of geometric figures such as planes, lines and surfaces. The techniques involve descriptive geometry, trigonometry and analytic geometry. Based on learning of manual techniques, the resources in a CAD environment help teaching-learning techniques for representation of natural rock bodies in three dimensions. The article brings together three typical examples, solved in a CAD environment, on layer thickness, depths, apparent dips, intersection of two planes and attitude of a plane from three points. These resources and program features may assist in determining the most appropriate way, for students and professionals, for problem-solving and digital data representatio

    3D Geophysical and Geological Modeling of the South Orkney Microcontinent (Antarctica): Tectonic Implications for the Scotia Arc Development

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    This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities predoctoral Grant PRE2018-084612 linked to the coordinated project TASDRACC (CTM2017-89711-C2-1P and CTM2017-89711-C2-2P), cofounded by the European Union through FEDER fundsThe opening of the Scotia Arc resulted in the final breakup of the land bridge between South America and the Antarctic Peninsula. The South Orkney Microcontinent (SOM) constituted part of this former connection and it is now the largest continental block in the Southern Scotia Arc. We present the first 3D model of the SOM that, given its strategic position and characteristics, allows us to advance the knowledge of the tectonic processes involved in the development of the Scotia Arc. Due to the scarcity of reliable geological data, the initial approximation of the deep structure of the SOM was supported by the calculation of three main geological boundaries from geophysical data: the acoustic basement, the boundary of the magnetic anomaly source and the Moho depth. The 3D model was built, refined and validated by forward modeling and joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data. We have accurately defined the geometry of the sedimentary cover, determined the geometry of the intrusive igneous body causing the Pacific Margin Anomaly (PMA) and mapped the heterogeneity of the crustal thickness. These structural features show a clear relationship to each other and are consistent with an important E-W extension to the east of the SOM during early stages of the Scotia Arc formation, prior to the opening of the Powell Basin.Spanish Government PRE2018-084612, CTM2017-89711-C2-1P, CTM2017-89711-C2-2PEuropean Union through FEDER fund

    Integrating virtual reality and GIS tools for geological mapping, data collection and analysis: an example from Metaxa Mine, Santorini (Greece)

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    In the present work we highlight the effectiveness of integrating different techniques and tools for better surveying, mapping and collecting data in volcanic areas. We use an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) approach for data collection, integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis in a well-known volcanological site in Santorini (Metaxa mine), a site where volcanic processes influenced the island’s industrial development, especially with regard to pumice mining. Specifically, we have focused on: (i) three-dimensional (3D) high-resolution IVR scenario building, based on Structure from Motion photogrammetry (SfM) modeling; (ii) subsequent geological survey, mapping and data collection using IVR; (iii) data analysis, e.g., calculation of extracted volumes, as well as production of new maps in a GIS environment using input data directly from the IVR survey; and finally, (iv) presentation of new outcomes that highlight the importance of the Metaxa Mine as a key geological and volcanological geosite