37 research outputs found

    Dataset of Panoramic Images for People Tracking in Service Robotics

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    We provide a framework for constructing a guided robot for usage in hospitals in this thesis. The omnidirectional camera on the robot allows it to recognize and track the person who is following it. Furthermore, when directing the individual to their preferred position in the hospital, the robot must be aware of its surroundings and avoid accidents with other people or items. To train and evaluate our robot's performance, we developed an auto-labeling framework for creating a dataset of panoramic videos captured by the robot's omnidirectional camera. We labeled each person in the video and their real position in the robot's frame, enabling us to evaluate the accuracy of our tracking system and guide the development of the robot's navigation algorithms. Our research expands on earlier work that has established a framework for tracking individuals using omnidirectional cameras. We want to contribute to the continuing work to enhance the precision and dependability of these tracking systems, which is essential for the creation of efficient guiding robots in healthcare facilities, by developing a benchmark dataset. Our research has the potential to improve the patient experience and increase the efficiency of healthcare institutions by reducing staff time spent guiding patients through the facility.We provide a framework for constructing a guided robot for usage in hospitals in this thesis. The omnidirectional camera on the robot allows it to recognize and track the person who is following it. Furthermore, when directing the individual to their preferred position in the hospital, the robot must be aware of its surroundings and avoid accidents with other people or items. To train and evaluate our robot's performance, we developed an auto-labeling framework for creating a dataset of panoramic videos captured by the robot's omnidirectional camera. We labeled each person in the video and their real position in the robot's frame, enabling us to evaluate the accuracy of our tracking system and guide the development of the robot's navigation algorithms. Our research expands on earlier work that has established a framework for tracking individuals using omnidirectional cameras. We want to contribute to the continuing work to enhance the precision and dependability of these tracking systems, which is essential for the creation of efficient guiding robots in healthcare facilities, by developing a benchmark dataset. Our research has the potential to improve the patient experience and increase the efficiency of healthcare institutions by reducing staff time spent guiding patients through the facility

    Omnidirectional Stereo Vision for Autonomous Vehicles

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    Environment perception with cameras is an important requirement for many applications for autonomous vehicles and robots. This work presents a stereoscopic omnidirectional camera system for autonomous vehicles which resolves the problem of a limited field of view and provides a 360° panoramic view of the environment. We present a new projection model for these cameras and show that the camera setup overcomes major drawbacks of traditional perspective cameras in many applications

    A Lightweight and Cost-Effective 3D Omnidirectional Depth Sensor Based on Laser Triangulation

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    In this paper, we propose a new lightweight and cost-effective 3D omnidirectional depth sensor based on laser triangulation in order to ensure a wide field of view (FOV) while achieving portability and affordability. The proposed sensor is tiny palm-sized and hence easily installed even on small moving objects, which is largely composed of a structured light-based 2D sensor and a rotating motor for creating a full 360 degree horizontal FOV, thus providing a 3D omnidirectional sensing capability. The structured light-based 2D sensor is specially designed to maximize the vertical FOV by employing a fisheye camera and a laser beam passing through two cylindrical lenses for projecting a line onto a surface. From the rotational movement of the 2D sensor due to the mounted motor, its surroundings are scanned by extracting the corresponding 3D omnidirectional depth information from laser triangulation. The actual implementation is carried out to examine the technical feasibility of realizing the proposed 3D omnidirectioanl depth sensor. It turns out that the proposed depth sensor covers over 97% area of its surrounding sphere. It is also observed through experiments that the proposed 3D omnidirectional depth sensor has similar accuracy to that of a Velodyne HDL-32, 32-channel light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor, at a range of 5 m to 6 m while providing much wider vertical FOV and higher vertical resolution.11Ysciescopu

    Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robot Using Modular Architecture for Unstructured Environment

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    This article proposes a solution for autonomous navigation of mobile robot based on distributed control architecture. In this architecture, each stage of the algorithm is divided into separate software modules capable of interfacing to each other to obtain an effective global solution. The work starts with selection of suitable sensors depending on their requirement for the purpose and for the present work a stereo vision module and a laser range finder are used. These sensors are integrated with the robot controller via Ethernet/USB and the sensory feedbacks are used to control and navigate the robot. Using the architecture, an algorithm has been developed and implemented to intelligently avoid dynamic obstacles and optimally re-planning the path to reach the target location. The algorithm has been successfully tested with a Summit_XL mobile robot. The thesis describing the present research work is divided into eight chapters. The subject of the topic its contextual relevance and the related matters including the objectives of the work are presented in Chapter 1. The reviews on several diverse streams of literature on different issues of the topic such as autonomous navigation using various combinations of sensors networks, SLAM, obstacle detection and avoidance etc. are presented in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, selected methodologies are explained. Chapter 4 presents the detail description of the sensors, automobile platform and software tools used to implement the developed methodology. In Chapter 5, detail view of the experimental setup is provided. Procedures and parametric evaluations are given in chapter 6. Successful indoor tests results are described in chapter 7. Finally, Chapter 8 presents the conclusion and future scope of the research work

    Improving perception and locomotion capabilities of mobile robots in urban search and rescue missions

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    Nasazení mobilních robotů během zásahů záchranných složek je způsob, jak učinit práci záchranářů bezpečnější a efektivnější. Na roboty jsou ale při takovém použití kladeny vyšší nároky kvůli podmínkám, které při těchto událostech panují. Roboty se musejí pohybovat po nestabilních površích, ve stísněných prostorech nebo v kouři a prachu, což ztěžuje použití některých senzorů. Lokalizace, v robotice běžná úloha spočívající v určení polohy robotu vůči danému souřadnému systému, musí spolehlivě fungovat i za těchto ztížených podmínek. V této dizertační práci popisujeme vývoj lokalizačního systému pásového mobilního robotu, který je určen pro nasazení v případě zemětřesení nebo průmyslové havárie. Nejprve je předveden lokalizační systém, který vychází pouze z měření proprioceptivních senzorů a který vyvstal jako nejlepší varianta při porovnání několika možných uspořádání takového systému. Lokalizace je poté zpřesněna přidáním měření exteroceptivních senzorů, které zpomalují kumulaci nejistoty určení polohy robotu. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována možným výpadkům jednotlivých senzorických modalit, prokluzům pásů, které u tohoto typu robotů nevyhnutelně nastávají, výpočetním nárokům lokalizačního systému a rozdílným vzorkovacím frekvencím jednotlivých senzorů. Dále se věnujeme problému kinematických modelů pro přejíždění vertikálních překážek, což je další zdroj nepřesnosti při lokalizaci pásového robotu. Díky účasti na výzkumných projektech, jejichž členy byly hasičské sbory Itálie, Německa a Nizozemska, jsme měli přístup na cvičiště určená pro přípravu na zásahy během zemětřesení, průmyslových a dopravních nehod. Přesnost našeho lokalizačního systému jsme tedy testovali v podmínkách, které věrně napodobují ty skutečné. Soubory senzorických měření a referenčních poloh, které jsme vytvořili pro testování přesnosti lokalizace, jsou veřejně dostupné a považujeme je za jeden z přínosů naší práce. Tato dizertační práce má podobu souboru tří časopiseckých publikací a jednoho článku, který je v době jejího podání v recenzním řízení.eployment of mobile robots in search and rescue missions is a way to make job of human rescuers safer and more efficient. Such missions, however, require robots to be resilient to harsh conditions of natural disasters or human-inflicted accidents. They have to operate on unstable rough terrain, in confined spaces or in sensory-deprived environments filled with smoke or dust. Localization, a common task in mobile robotics which involves determining position and orientation with respect to a given coordinate frame, faces these conditions as well. In this thesis, we describe development of a localization system for tracked mobile robot intended for search and rescue missions. We present a proprioceptive 6-degrees-of-freedom localization system, which arose from the experimental comparison of several possible sensor fusion architectures. The system was modified to incorporate exteroceptive velocity measurements, which significantly improve accuracy by reducing a localization drift. A special attention was given to potential sensor outages and failures, to track slippage that inevitably occurs with this type of robots, to computational demands of the system and to different sampling rates sensory data arrive with. Additionally, we addressed the problem of kinematic models for tracked odometry on rough terrains containing vertical obstacles. Thanks to research projects the robot was designed for, we had access to training facilities used by fire brigades of Italy, Germany and Netherlands. Accuracy and robustness of proposed localization systems was tested in conditions closely resembling those seen in earthquake aftermath and industrial accidents. Datasets used to test our algorithms are publicly available and they are one of the contributions of this thesis. We form this thesis as a compilation of three published papers and one paper in review process

    3D Reconstruction for Optimal Representation of Surroundings in Automotive HMIs, Based on Fisheye Multi-Camera Systems

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    The aim of this thesis is the development of new concepts for environmental 3D reconstruction in automotive surround-view systems where information of the surroundings of a vehicle is displayed to a driver for assistance in parking and low-speed manouvering. The proposed driving assistance system represents a multi-disciplinary challenge combining techniques from both computer vision and computer graphics. This work comprises all necessary steps, namely sensor setup and image acquisition up to 3D rendering in order to provide a comprehensive visualization for the driver. Visual information is acquired by means of standard surround-view cameras with fish eye optics covering large fields of view around the ego vehicle. Stereo vision techniques are applied to these cameras in order to recover 3D information that is finally used as input for the image-based rendering. New camera setups are proposed that improve the 3D reconstruction around the whole vehicle, attending to different criteria. Prototypic realization was carried out that shows a qualitative measure of the results achieved and prove the feasibility of the proposed concept