3 research outputs found

    Applications of digital and innovative construction techniques in lower-income countries

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    Construction technology has experienced rapid changes in recent years associated with the growing use of computers, software development, automation and offsite construction. These advances are helping to address two common problems associated with the industry, namely project delay and safety. A lack of communication between stakeholders and the uncertainties associated with construction sites and processes have been identified as the main causes of construction delays for a number of years. However, recent developments in information and communications technologies (ICT), new cutting-edge technologies (NCETs) and modern methods of construction (MMC) are helping the construction industry to complete projects on time and to budget by improving communications between stakeholders and their pre-engagement with a project. This report reviews examples of successful adoption of digital and innovative construction technologies in low-income countries in the three areas of 1) Building Information Modelling (BIM), 2) Offsite construction, and 3) New cutting-edge technologies (NCETs)

    UAV data modeling for geoinformation update

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    A dissertação visa avaliar a relevância e o desempenho dos dados obtidos por Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANT) na atualização de Geoinformação. Os dados obtidos por VANT serão utilizados quer em conjunto com outros dados – obtidos por plataformas tradicionais de deteção remota –, quer isoladamente, recorrendo à técnica de Structure from Motion (SfM), para gerar o modelo digital de superfície e os ortomosaicos de alta precisão em diferentes momentos. Para a avaliação da precisão dos dados, os modelos digitais de terreno serão comparados. Por outro lado, os dados e informação gerados permitirão atualizar Geoinformação e quantificar as mudanças ocorridas no uso e ocupação do solo. Os resultados irão alimentar a discussão crítica da ação antrópica nos aglomerados urbanos e as propostas de intervenção.The dissertation aims to assess the relevance and performance of data obtained by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in updating Geoinformation. The data obtained by UAVs will be used either in conjunction with other data – obtained by traditional remote sensing platforms – or on its own, using the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique, to generate high-precision digital surface models and orthomosaics at different times. For the accuracy assessment of the data, the digital terrain models will be compared. On the other hand, the data and information generated will make it possible to update Geoinformation and quantify changes in land use and occupation. The results will feed the critical discussion of anthropic action in urban areas and intervention proposals